Eliton complex therapy medical device is an autonomous physiotherapeutic multifunctional device of complex (vibroacoustic, quantum and electromagnetic) effects.
The device is intended for the treatment and prevention of various diseases by means of low-frequency pulsed current. In addition, it produces low intensity electromagnetic oscillations, red and blue radiation and mechanical elements of sound effects.
In addition, it has a generator of electric low-frequency pulses of a special format and a system of electrodes that allow electrical stimulation of biologically active points and reflexogenic areas to perform electropuncture reflexology. Moreover, an electric pulse with optical radiation can operate in a continuous or periodic mode. At the same time, a change in the frequencies and amplitude of the action is noted. In the article we will analyze in detail the scopemedical apparatus for complex therapy "Eliton", instructions and reviews of people who have felt its effect on themselves.

The device is intended for use in medical and prophylactic institutions. It is perfect for individual therapy at home. This is confirmed by the instruction of the medical device for complex therapy "Eliton".
Indications for heart problems
According to the reviews, the instructions for the Eliton complex therapy medical device are very detailed. It contains the following recommendations for use in a number of these heart conditions:
- Against the background of hypertension of the first and second stages.
- In case of ischemia and in the presence of exertional angina.
- For heart failure.
- On the background of neural circulatory dystonia.
For respiratory diseases
In this case, "Eliton" is prescribed to people with such ailments:
- In the presence of acute bronchitis.
- Against the background of chronic non-obstructive bronchitis in the acute stage.
- Asthma in remission.
- In case of chronic obstructive bronchitis during its exacerbation.
- With bronchial asthma, which occurs in the form of an exacerbation.

From metabolic disorders
It is worth noting that the device in question is able to effectively deal with obesity. In this regard, givendeviation doctors recommend using it.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
In accordance with the instructions and reviews, the Eliton medical complex therapy device works well in a number of the following cases:
- Against the background of the development of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, which is accompanied by the patient's radicular syndrome in the form of exacerbation or remission.
- The appearance of osteochondrosis of the lumbar sacral region of the spine, which also occurs with radicular syndrome.
- Development of deforming osteoarthritis of the elbow, shoulder, interphalangeal, knee, hip or ankle joints.
- With rheumatoid arthritis in the first phase of activity.

Carrying out post-traumatic rehabilitation with the help of "Eliton"
It is considered useful for correcting the condition of patients after injuries and fractures. Postoperative injuries in many cases are also stopped by using this device.
Diseases of the peripheral and central and nervous system
In addition to the above diseases, the drug "Eliton" can help patients in the following cases:
- Against the background of tension headache development.
- When a migraine attack occurs.
- In case of asthenic neurosis.
- For atherosclerotic encephalopathy.
- In the presence of Raynaud's syndrome with vascular lesions in the upper extremities.
- Against the background of Raynaud's syndrome, when blood vessels are affected in patientslower limbs.
Diseases of the digestive organs
Diseases occurring in the gastrointestinal tract can also be treated with this device, for example, it is used in the following cases:

- Against the background of chronic gastritis, which is at the stage of exacerbation.
- Peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.
- Chronic form of persistent hepatitis without exacerbation.
- Dyskinesia of the bile ducts, which proceeds according to the hypokinetic type.
- Development of biliary dyskinesia of a hyperkinetic nature.
- On the background of gastritis and diseases of the urinary tract.
- In chronic pyelonephritis and remission.
- In case of chronic cystitis in remission or incipient exacerbation.
Use for skin conditions
In this case, it is advisable to use the device in question in the presence of a limited or diffuse form of dermatitis. It will also be effective in case of hives.
It is worth noting that there are cases in which, according to the instructions for use, the Eliton medical device for complex therapy cannot be used, for example:
- In case of cancer.
- Against the background of the development of pulmonary tuberculosis (in active form).
- When myocardial infarction (especially in the acute period).
- In case of implantedpacemaker.
- When pregnant.
- Against the background of a cyst. In this case, you should not direct the device to the area of the pathological formation.
- With severe kidney failure.
For any acute condition of various etiologies, before using the Eliton complex therapy device, you need to consult a doctor.

Now consider the features of this device:
- The type of current is pulsed, variable amplitude and frequency.
- The amplitude of the impulse voltage within the idling is 270 V.
- The wavelength of red light is 655 nm.
- The wavelength of blue light is 460 nm.
- Total light exposure area - 2300mm2.
- Pulse electromagnetic waveform is from 0.1 to 100Hz.
- The power of electromagnetic radiation ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 μW.
- The supply voltage is 9V.
- Overall dimensions of the generator - no more than 235 × 95 × 60 mm.
- Weight - no more than 850 grams.
The Eliton device was accepted and manufactured in accordance with existing requirements.
Comments about this medical device on the Internet are different, but at the same time quite contradictory. For example, some consumers report that it is particularly effective in the treatment of cardiac pathologies. Thus, patients who sufferneural circulatory dystonia, as well as problems with blood vessels, praise this device.

But there are also negative comments, which report that the device is absolutely useless for the treatment of declared he alth disorders. In their reviews of the Eliton complex therapy medical device, people also often write that it is one of the favorite therapeutic products that merchants try to sell to gullible pensioners, going door to door on behalf of various social services.
Among other things, it is reported that this device is often sold by scammers posing as social workers. In fact, according to experts, this device really helps in the treatment of certain diseases, but it is definitely not a panacea for them, and you should not trust those who call this gadget an advanced development. In addition, doctors insist that patients do not prescribe therapy for themselves, since any such actions must be coordinated with the doctor.
We reviewed the instructions and reviews for the Eliton medical device for complex therapy.