Large back muscles, athletic perspective

Large back muscles, athletic perspective
Large back muscles, athletic perspective

The broad muscles of the back (latissimus dorsi - lat.) occupy the space between the shoulder blades and the lower back. These muscles are flat, completely devoid of relief protrusions. They run from the lower thoracic vertebrae along the lumbar and sacral zones to the musculature of the pelvis and up to the four lower ribs of the chest. The broad muscles of the back are fused with the armpit, with the spine and intertwined with the vertical lateral muscles.


functions of the latissimus dorsi muscle
functions of the latissimus dorsi muscle

The functions of the latissimus dorsi muscle in its upper part are focused on bringing the shoulder to the body, pulling the arm back with simultaneous rotation along the vertical axis. The muscle can stimulate breathing by moving the adjacent ribs. The latissimus dorsi muscle is very powerful, with a large supply of energy. It is generally accepted that it received its development along the line of phylogenetics as a result of the centuries-old brachiation of prehistoric man, when he moved according to the method of monkeys, from branch to branch, hanging on his hands. And since this method of movement often became the main one, the broad muscles of the back were developed.


lower latissimus dorsi
lower latissimus dorsi

The anatomically broad muscle of the back is linked from below with the lumbar triangle (trigonum lubale) by means of a bundle of tendons, its lateral part is connected with the posterior edge of the oblique external abdominal muscle, and the bottom of this entire formation is the internal oblique flat muscle of the abdomen. At the level of the shoulder blades, the broad muscles of the back are in contact with the trapezius, but, despite such a close proximity, these parts of the muscles are independent of each other. Normally, the dorsalis dorsi muscle is flat in shape, but it suggests a significant increase in size.

Athletic value

broad back muscles
broad back muscles

Athletes try to pump up the broad back muscles in the first place, because with them all nearby muscles increase in direct proportion. To get a relief pumped up back, it is enough to regularly perform a set of exercises for the main muscle of the back. Experienced athletes know these subtleties and never pump up the trapezius muscles, which become excessively bulging and disfigure the figure, making it disproportionate. Athletic pumping is done through traction movements with a large load, always from top to bottom.


For training the lower part of the latissimus dorsi, it is better to use dumbbells, gradually increasing their weight. Starting intensive training, it should be remembered that the upper muscle bundles have a lateral direction, and the bottom of the latissimus dorsi muscles is directed upward diagonally and laterally, while covering the lower ribs, their back surface. In addition, the latissimus dorsicovers the lower part of the scapula and the round large muscle along its lower edge. Also, this muscle duplicates the posterior wall of the axillary zone, touches the humerus and ends on the crest of its lesser tubercle. Each athlete, having information about the anatomical structure of his muscular system, can feel which of the muscles are actively involved in the pumping process, and which are only indirectly.
