Riboflavin is a beauty vitamin

Riboflavin is a beauty vitamin
Riboflavin is a beauty vitamin

Riboflavin is a vitamin, without which beautiful hair, nails and skin are impossible. How does it affect their condition? What could be the source of this irreplaceable element? This will be discussed further.

riboflavin is
riboflavin is

Skin Care & Vitamin B2

Riboflavin is a remedy that helps in the treatment of acne, seborrhea, sores and cracks in the mouth, and also rejuvenates the skin and gives the face a good color. It prevents acne, arthritis, dermatitis, eczema and accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues.

Besides all this, vitamin B2 has antioxidant properties. It is necessary for the "transportation" of oxygen, gives energy to cells, and normalizes the metabolism of fatty acids. In addition, riboflavin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of capillaries and cell growth is indispensable without it.

Vitamin B2 in hair and nail care

Riboflavin is a growth vitamin, as its function is related to protein synthesis. It prevents hair loss. Plus, it promotes accelerated growth of nails and hair.

Many skin care products contain riboflavin and manufacturers claim that it is perfectly absorbed by cells. However, it should be noted that vitamin molecules havelarge enough and they can not always penetrate into the depth of the epidermis. In this regard, vitamin derivatives are used in creams and serums, which freely penetrate the skin. But there is one “BUT” here as well.

For the skin, a very deep penetration of vitamin B is not necessary, riboflavin is a substance that acts at the level of the epidermis, that is, in the upper layers of the skin. Here it "manages" all reactions, literally "starts" them and contributes to their normal course.

It should be noted that even if the content of vitamin B2 is indicated on the packaging with the cream, the effect of its exposure is not always present. This is due to the fact that its concentration is insufficient. Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out how much riboflavin is contained in a particular product, there is no information about this on the packaging, the exception is professional lines.

riboflavin solution
riboflavin solution

Due to the fact that vitamin B2 is a substance without which rapid hair growth, skin cell renewal, etc. is impossible, it is necessary to additionally take a solution (riboflavin), but on the recommendation of a specialist.

Riboflavin in food

As it has already become clear, the body really needs riboflavin, the composition of some products includes this substance. This means that you can not get it with the help of various cosmetic or medications. It is enough simply that foods such as fish, meat, poultry, dark green leafy vegetables, salads and dairy products (sour cream, kefir, cheeses,curdled milk).

In addition, you can enrich the body with riboflavin by eating eggs, kidneys, liver, milk and tongue. Vitamin B2 is rich in brewer's yeast, they also contain other vitamins belonging to group B.

riboflavin composition
riboflavin composition

Finally, it should be noted that riboflavin is easily destroyed by alcohol and stress.
