"Microhydrin": reviews, composition, instructions for use

"Microhydrin": reviews, composition, instructions for use
"Microhydrin": reviews, composition, instructions for use

This product is one of the most powerful antioxidants available in the dietary supplement category. Due to the ability of "Microhydrin" to neutralize and neutralize free radicals, it is often recommended for those who live in adverse environmental conditions. Despite all the useful properties of the drug, before you go to buy it, you need to find out everything about its composition, indications for use, and also study reviews about its effect on the body.

Composition of the drug

Each 300mg Microhydrin capsule contains:

  • From magnesium sulfate.
  • Calcium hydroxide.
  • Mannitol.
  • Magnesium ascorbate.
  • Potassium citrate.
  • Silicon.
  • Citric acid.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Prepared water and gelatin base.

In the presence of individual intolerance or an allergic reaction, you must always take into account the detailed composition of Microhydrin.

Image "Microhydrin" in capsules
Image "Microhydrin" in capsules

Drug benefits

The tool is a potent antioxidant, so it is primarily used to neutralize and neutralize free radicals that are inevitably produced in the human body. Based on the reviews, "Microhydrin" has not only cleansing properties, but also strengthening. It enhances the functioning of the immune system, and also accelerates the regeneration processes at the level of cellular metabolism.

The drug helps slow down the aging process, which is extremely important for the female half of human society. "Microhydrin" has a regenerating, antiviral and antibacterial effect. The beneficial properties of an antioxidant can be summarized by the following list, which describes its exact effect on the body:

  1. The drug fights free radicals. As a result, there is an improvement in the biological qualities of the intercellular fluid. The cells of the body begin to receive more of the water they need, and nutrients are absorbed much more actively.
  2. The harmful effects of hydroxyl and peroxide radicals on the body are stopped.
  3. There is much more energy, which significantly improves the quality of life.

Based on the useful properties and reviews of "Microhydrin", we can form the correct conclusion that it is great for both eliminating many negative factors that worsen well-being, and for preventing illness and loss of strength.

antioxidant benefits
antioxidant benefits

Application fordisease prevention

The drug is excellent for the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, as it has the ability to increase immunity. Also, "Microhydrin" can be used so as not to provoke relapses of chronic diseases of the degenerative type. Such pathologies can develop in the human body for decades, and then end in death.

These include cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and Alzheimer's. For prevention, "Microhydrin" is drunk only from the age of 12 and only two capsules per day. This amount is quite enough to neutralize external negative effects on the body, as well as prevent the development of serious diseases.

what does microhydrin look like
what does microhydrin look like

Reviews about the drug

Based on the reviews of Microhydrin, we can conclude that the drug really helps to strengthen the immune system. Most people purchased this remedy because of its ability to increase body tone and energy resources. After a month of taking them, they noted an improvement in well-being and high rates of mental activity.

Particular attention in the reviews is paid to the fact that "Microhydrin" is a completely safe energy stimulator. To achieve this effect is possible only with the use of serious drugs and stimulants that are addictive. Therefore, there are no analogues of "Microhydrin" in terms of its effect on the body. When it is taken, there is an active synthesis of molecules that provide energy to allinternal systems in the body. Its additional amount is used to normalize metabolism, as well as fight pathogenic viruses and chronic diseases. Numerous reviews of "Microhydrin" only confirm its high efficiency and beneficial effects on the body.

drink the capsule
drink the capsule

Instructions for use in viral infections

The intake of an antioxidant directly depends on the state of the person and what diseases he is worried about. Therefore, the instructions for use describe in some detail the various conditions that may serve as the basis for the use of the drug "Microhydrin". For flu or colds, it is recommended to drink two or three capsules per day, distributing them into three doses. Treatment should be continued for no more than 4 days.

Thinking about how to raise the immunity of an adult, you can think of this drug. But in case of acute infections and severe condition, you should consult a doctor. An antioxidant is not an antibiotic or a drug that can kill pathogens. It can only weaken them and help the immune system fight viruses. In addition to drug therapy, it is allowed to take Microhydrin, two capsules every four hours. The course of admission is 4 days.

instructions for use on a tube with capsules
instructions for use on a tube with capsules

Use for chronic diseases

It is extremely important to know how to take "Microhydrin" in chronic pathologies. After all, improper use of the drug can lead to a lack ofexpected result. Chronic vascular diseases, problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and circulatory disorders can be improved by taking three capsules a day before meals. Improvement in the condition will come already on the 10th day of regular intake of "Microhydrin". Reviews about it indicate that most often the result appears even earlier than this period. To reduce the negative impact of radicals on the vessels, you need to take 2 capsules at a time. At the same time, it is extremely important to consider that a sufficient amount of fat should be present in the diet. They will help Microhydrin to be better absorbed.

Use in childhood

Give the drug to children only after the approval of the doctor. At the age of 5 years, it may be prescribed for an acute viral infection. Instructions for use "Microhydrin" says that the child is recommended ¼ capsule at a time every four hours. Do not use in the evening or just before bed as it stimulates energy production.

At the age of 5 to 12, half a capsule a day is recommended for the prevention of colds. Reception should be started immediately when symptoms of a cold or flu are detected. If the disease has already begun to manifest itself brightly, you need to give the child 1 capsule per day every four hours. After recovery, continue taking for another two days.

contraindication for use - evening time
contraindication for use - evening time

Contraindications to the drug

From the contraindications to "Microhydrin" can be identified badtolerability of the drug, as well as hypersensitivity or the presence of an allergy to one of the components of the drug. Pregnant and lactating women should consult their physician before taking an antioxidant. You can not use the drug for those who have increased excitability and a sensitive psyche. It is also important to take into account the fact that "Microhydrin" is forbidden to be taken at night, as it stimulates energy production and contributes to insomnia. The last use of the capsule is considered acceptable 4 hours before bedtime.
