Chocolate protein: composition, calories, purpose and reviews

Chocolate protein: composition, calories, purpose and reviews
Chocolate protein: composition, calories, purpose and reviews

Many visitors to fitness clubs and gyms at certain times are faced with the need to use stimulants that allow you to increase the amount of muscle mass gained, improve appearance, and can increase strength. But not everyone is ready to use steroid drugs. For people of this category there is a protein. The chocolate flavor of the product is very popular.

Protein Basics

Protein is an ordinary protein, which, in turn, is a key element. Without it, muscle mass cannot grow and develop qualitatively. The body of an athlete who is constantly training consumes large amounts of energy. You can replenish energy costs by multiplying the amount of food consumed. However, this approach is not always good for the condition of the stomach and fat.

chocolate protein
chocolate protein


Regularprotein intake contributes to the fact that the body is saturated with protein, which compensates for the energy expended in training. The stomach is not overloaded, fat deposits do not begin to develop. In addition, protein can be used as a partial meal replacement if a person wants to lose weight. It is often consumed by bodybuilders during the drying period, as one serving of a protein shake can replace the intake of a small amount of food.

Protein selection rules

First of all, it is worth noting that the protein exists in a wide variety of flavor variations, which do not affect the composition, effectiveness, consistency of the additive, but only affect the taste. This allows each athlete to choose a protein for themselves in accordance with their preferences. For example, if a person loves chocolate, then he should pay attention to a product with such a taste.

chocolate whey protein
chocolate whey protein

Nutritional value and chemical composition of chocolate protein:

Nutrient Quantity
Calories 390 kcal
Proteins 72g
Fats 4.5g
Carbohydrates 15g

It has a pleasant taste, increases the feeling of fullness, allows you to completely replace a rather harmful product during exhausting diets, and significantly improves your mood.

chocolate protein matrix
chocolate protein matrix


If the choice of protein flavor is alreadyperfect, then you should study its varieties. There are several types of supplements. Here are the main ones:

  1. Whey protein. The product of this variety is the most popular and widespread, as it combines high efficiency, safety, reasonable cost. Whey protein is made from waste products obtained during the production of cheese during the curdling of milk. Thus, the whey-type product is completely safe. There will be no harm from it even with constant use for several years. In addition, chocolate whey protein is absorbed by the human body by almost 100%. This makes this product popular among people who are not only looking to gain muscle mass, but also lose weight.
  2. Soy protein. It is the cheapest among all the others. It has not only advantages, but also certain disadvantages. For example, soy protein is often used by vegetarians and people who have a physical intolerance to animal proteins. At the same time, soy protein is characterized by poor digestibility, it contains phytoestrogens that can harm the male body, provoke obesity, gynecomastia, and loss of strength characteristics. As a rule, soy protein is preferred by girls and vegetarians.
  3. Egg protein. The product of this variety is the most expensive, but at the same time an effective tool designed to increase muscle mass. Egg proteins are excellently digested, characterized by the highest nutritional and biological value. Priceof this protein is incredibly high, and therefore its constant use is unprofitable.
  4. Meat protein also has a relatively high cost, but is much worse digested than its counterparts obtained from dairy raw materials. Relevant meat protein for men who suffer from milk protein intolerance, but do not want to get the side effects that are characteristic of soy protein.
  5. Casein protein (calcium caseinate). Proteins of this variety are made from curdled milk. It is recommended to use it before bed. This is due to the fact that casein protein is an excellent source of protein, which practically does not load the stomach during sleep.

Basic rules of use

To make the use of protein (chocolate or any other) as useful as possible, you need to know the basic rules. Key recommendations include:

chocolate protein reviews
chocolate protein reviews
  1. Be sure to consume protein in the morning, preferably after or instead of breakfast. This recommendation is due to the fact that before noon our body can maximally absorb and digest the food that enters it. This also applies to protein, which in the morning gives the muscles the maximum amount of building materials in the form of protein that is best absorbed.
  2. Recommended to consume protein shakes before and after training. It should be taken half an hour to an hour before physical activity, together with food. In combination with carbohydrates from food, protein provides a goodenergy boost for sports, allows you to carry it out as efficiently as possible. 10-15 minutes after your workout, you should drink a protein shake. It will saturate the muscle fibers damaged during training with protein. In addition, the recommendation to consume protein shakes after exercise is also due to the fact that at this time the athlete has an open “carbohydrate window”. Thanks to him, the body can assimilate almost any food as efficiently as possible, translating it into building materials for muscles. The window remains active 30-50 minutes after training, during this period you should saturate the body with high-quality protein, which allows you to use protein.
  3. It is necessary to use the product on the days of rest from training. At this point, everything is quite simple - if a person adheres to a strict diet, then he should replace lunch with a serving of protein. In case of gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to take the mixture as an after-dinner dessert.

Best Protein Ranking

Currently, the choice of proteins is so diverse that it is worth checking out the ranking of the best brands before purchasing it:

  1. Chocolate protein Whey Gold Standard Optimum 100%. Contains whey isolate and concentrate.
  2. can of chocolate protein
    can of chocolate protein
  3. MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Performance Series. Contains whey concentrate, isolate, creatine.
  4. BSN Syntha-6. It is a complex protein, contains milk isolate, calcium caseinate, egg white, concentrate, isolate.
  5. SyntraxMatrix 5.0. Chocolate protein "Matrix" contains whey, egg, casein proteins.
  6. chocolate protein recipes
    chocolate protein recipes

Let's look at how you can diversify the reception of this drink.

Chocolate Protein Recipes

After the protein is purchased, you can start preparing it and, accordingly, using it. Usually, each package of a sports supplement contains a basic method for preparing it, but if the monotonous taste becomes boring, then other recipes can be used.

  1. Chocolate protein and nuts. To make a drink, you need one scoop of protein, a cup of lemonade. It should be remembered that lemonade should contain sugar, not aspartame. It is necessary to grind almonds or walnuts with a blender, grate a chocolate bar, put everything in a shaker, add protein, pour lemonade and shake. The drink prepared according to this recipe should be consumed before training.
  2. Hot cocoa based on chocolate protein. A drink prepared according to this recipe is best consumed in the evening. To prepare it, you will need: cocoa (50 grams), cottage cheese or homemade cheese (150 grams), skim milk (300 ml), a scoop of chocolate-flavored protein. Milk should be heated without boiling. Cocoa, protein and cheese must be placed in a blender, grind the mixture until a mass of a homogeneous consistency is obtained. It is recommended to drink a drink prepared according to this recipe before going to bed. It is suitable for thosewho are gaining mass, and for those who are losing weight. The fact is that the taste of chocolate protein according to this recipe will drown out your appetite and prevent an evening trip to the refrigerator. Along with this, cocoa will saturate the body with substances necessary for muscle growth.
  3. chocolate protein flavor
    chocolate protein flavor

The need for protein

Experts say that protein is a necessary sports supplement, without which it will be difficult to achieve significant results in weightlifting and bodybuilding. It is also an excellent weight loss aid as it can partially replace daily meals without depriving the body of the nutrients it needs to function fully and he althy.

Chocolate Protein Reviews

Almost all reviews of protein use are positive. This sports supplement is not only harmless, but also absolutely necessary for those who follow their figure and go in for sports. The use of protein contributes to weight loss, saturates the body with high-quality protein, and allows you to build high-quality muscle mass.
