Today, there are a huge number of non-traditional and unique methods of treatment: from hypnosis to bloodletting. But how effective are they? To answer this question regarding one of these techniques - jijama, it is worth studying the history of the origin of this technique and its properties.
Blood is the main fluid in the human body
Blood is a connective tissue that consists of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
Erythrocytes are red blood cells that transport oxygen to the tissues of all organs. Their content per 1 cubic millimeter is about 5 million.

Leukocytes are white blood cells responsible for the body's resistance to various types of infections and viruses. For 1 mm3 their number is from 6 to 8 thousand.
Platelets are blood cells without nuclei, the main task of which is to protect blood vessels and carry out blood clotting. For 1 square millimeter - 300-350 plates.
Blood functions
The main functions of the circulatory system are: transport,respiratory, regulatory and protective. And its main task is to ensure a stable state of the whole organism as a whole.
Hijama - what is it?
Literally five years ago, the hijama procedure became very popular in Russia. What it is? This question is being asked today by many people who have not yet encountered this healing method.
Hijama is a procedure for treating a person from all kinds of diseases through bloodletting, known since times before our era.

Medicine does not stand still, this science is rapidly developing and developing the latest techniques and more advanced equipment. But, despite this, there are methods of treatment that have come down to us from the distant past, but, according to folk healers and their patients, they are no less effective than modern medical practices.
What is the method and principle of operation?
So, hijama - what is it? Bloodletting (hijama) is a simple and effective way to get rid of a huge number of ailments by removing "dirty blood" from the patient's body.

This kind of healing has reached the modern world from the distant past. In those days, great attention was paid to blood, since it performs a number of important functions in the human body, and the healers of that time also understood that the blood fluid can stagnate, as a result of which (without movement) it becomes obsolete and loses its ability, and is also saturated with adverse substances due to wrongfood, stress, bad water and polluted environment.
Bleeding (hijama) helps to remove stagnant and unusable blood from the body, while provoking the body to produce a new full-fledged and efficient blood fluid with all its enzymes.
Technique for hijama
So, the hijama procedure. How to do it right?
- First, you need to apply cumin oil to the affected area.
- Special jars and blades need to be disinfected.
- Place cans on the impact points and remove air from them with a small pump. After 3-5 minutes (when the skin turns dark red), they should be removed.
- Use the blade to carefully make small cuts.
- Then the bank returns to this place, the air is removed from it, the "contaminated" blood is drawn out due to the vacuum. This point should be repeated about seven times.
- Then the wounds are treated with caraway oil to disinfect and speed up the healing process.
Even after a one-time procedure, the body is filled with new forces, and the condition improves.
Hijama Tips
Bleeding should be done on certain dates of the Muslim calendar: 17, 19, 21. The most successful days of the week are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. You can not do hijama after a heavy meal, and it is advisable not to eat meat the day before the procedure.
Of course, each person's body is unique, so be sure to consultwith Dr.

At first, some of the points of bloodletting seem intimidating, but in fact it is almost painless, on the contrary, some people say that it feels good at this moment.
In addition to vacuum jars, hijama is made using leeches, which, in addition to removing stagnant blood fluid, also enrich the human body with useful substances.
Does the hijama have contraindications?
The uniqueness and beneficial effect of bloodletting has been proven by mankind in ancient times. Many Muslims are convinced that the hijama can be the cure for almost all diseases. Of course, there are contraindications to this procedure, it should not be done if a person suffers from arterial hypotension, cerebral atherosclerosis, during an exacerbation of an infectious disease and severe exhaustion, anemia, a tendency to form blood clots and some forms of anemia are also considered the reason for refusing bloodletting.
Hijama is contraindicated for pregnant women, people with hemophilia, and people with cancer, liver cirrhosis, stage 2-3 cardiovascular insufficiency, immediately after severe poisoning or injury.
Is the hijama suitable for women?
A large number of people are sure that hijama is not needed for women, because their blood is already updated monthly. But such an opinion is erroneous, since these are completely different processes.

Bloodletting treats women suffering from infertility due tohormonal and physiological causes, or when infertility is a consequence of anovulation, mental disorders, polycystic ovaries, stabilizes the pituitary gland.
Hijama for men
This technique can also cure male infertility by increasing the rate and number of sperm.
History of bloodletting
The practice of bloodletting treatment dates back to ancient times, and it originated in ancient China. It is a well-known fact that the scientist Gee Hanij became the founder of this technique, he made shallow incisions and sucked out blood using special devices made from animal horns for the hijama procedure (photo below), because of this technology, this technique was called "jiaofa", that is "horn method" (180-160 BC).
In the ancient book "Medical Encyclopedia" found in China, the doctor Zahau Simp devoted a whole section to bloodletting. He described the treatment of colds, pain in the abdomen and in the head using clay and porcelain vessels.

Hippocrates is the creator of the theory of four fluids, in which he proves that a he althy body must keep blood, mucus, yellow and black bile in balance. Many physicians who performed bloodletting adhered to this particular theory in explaining the effectiveness of the procedure.
Bleeding is also used by the Arabs, and with the advent of Islam, such treatment began to be considered the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Today, this is a legalized type of healing procedure.
Then withOver time, bloodletting spread to other Eastern and Asian states: India, Japan and others.
Now the hijama has again become very popular and in demand, the methods of its implementation have not remained the same, they will also be improved.
Hijama efficiency
Hijama - what is it? A really necessary procedure or unreasonable torment of the body? Hijama helps to cope with such ailments as prostatitis, hemorrhoids, diabetes, hepatitis, rheumatism, pain in the neck and head, shoulders, back and other ailments.
Practitioners claim that bloodletting can permanently get rid of the following diseases:
- muscle inflammation;
- depression, chronic fatigue;
- otolaryngological diseases;
- disease of the female genital organs;
- impotence;
- scoliosis;
- arthrosis;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar and thoracic spine;
- intestinal diseases;
- diseases of the pancreas;
- disorders in the liver or gallbladder;
- kidney problems;
- cardiovascular disease;
- bronchial asthma;
- disturbed mental state;
- for prevention and rejuvenation.
This is not the whole list of ailments that hijama helps with.

In some countries, this treatment is considered ideal, since in this case there is no need to introduce any chemicals into the body.
How useful is thisprocedure?
Many are amazed by the amazing results of such a technique as hijama, patient reviews are positive in all cases.
Many of the people who are supporters of alternative medicine believe that the hijama is the most unique and effective procedure. Reviews about her are extremely positive. Bloodletting has already become very popular in St. Petersburg, Kazan, Perm, Saransk and other cities. All patients first of all feel an unprecedented lightness in the body, and then they notice how their illnesses pass and lost strength is restored.