Many face various dental deficiencies. Misaligned teeth are a common problem. This may be due to malocclusion, deformation of the dentition, the presence of gaps between the teeth. In addition to the aesthetic reason, this can adversely affect he alth. Therefore, it is necessary to know what methods are used to align the teeth.
Types of treatment
There are several ways to straighten your teeth. Some of them involve the use of removable and non-removable orthodontic appliances. Special gymnastics is also used. Getting rid of the problem of crooked teeth is much easier for children. And in adults, the treatment will be long and for this purpose braces, removable caps, and facing plates are used.

For children, doctors choose braces. They are effective in childhood. To give the teeth the desired direction of growth, trainers are used. These are silicone plates that are worn on the teeth at night, and during the day they must be more than 1 hour. Removable devices are considered effective.
In the treatment of adults, the same types are used to straighten teeth as for children. Braces are used, glued locks with grooves. Veneers are effective in eliminating minor problems. Considering the reviews, it is better to choose the appropriate treatment option with a dentist.
Quick Leveling
It will not be possible to fix such a problem quickly, because it takes time for the teeth to take the desired shape and direction of growth.

There are several teeth alignment techniques that will improve the condition of the dentition in a short time:
- Stretch plate. It is presented in the form of a design that is able to narrow or expand the upper jaw, which changes and corrects the position of the teeth. The method works best on children 2-5 years old.
- Plate with Bertoni screw. The device is similar to the previous one. With it, the upper jaw expands, they are used in the alignment of both one tooth and the entire dentition. Although the product has many disadvantages, it aligns 100%. When worn, pain and discomfort are felt. It is necessary to choose the device individually based on the structure of the jaw.
- Faster effect is provided by monoblock devices. These are special designs that protect against facial asymmetry due to improper development of the upper or lower jaw.
- Caps and braces are in demand. These are overlays for teeth created from a transparent material. Due to the wear of such systems, minor damage occurs.teeth. During the period of eating, the mouthguards must be removed, the time for straightening the teeth is 6 months - 1.5 years.
As evidenced by the reviews, the methods listed are effective. A method of treatment that does not cause harm should be chosen by the orthodontist. When choosing a method, the material is important, because many procedures are expensive. It is also necessary that the work be done with high quality.
Tooth straightening device is used when braces or mouthguards cannot correct crooked teeth. In this case, orthodontic appliances are used to expand or reduce the upper, lower jaw.

The features of the device include the following nuances:
- The non-removable design can cause discomfort to a person.
- Hook rings fixed to the plate will be put on the teeth. Since the plate has a load on the teeth, their alignment is observed.
- The screw, located in the center of the plate, unwinds over time and increases the load on the teeth and increases the surface of the device. This evenly stretches the jaw and aligns the teeth.
- The device may contain screws or springs to close gaps between teeth. Often they are attached to the device during use.
- The device is presented as a structure, in the central part of which there is a metal screw. The devices are made only from metal, and plastic is used for the convenience and softness of the product.
Wear perioddevice is determined by the attending physician. Treatment continues up to 2-5 months. The patient is provided with recommendations and rules for self-correcting the operation of the device. It is necessary to tighten the screw regularly. According to reviews, this is an effective form of teeth alignment in adults.
Do mouthguards help straighten teeth? This is an effective option for those who want to hide dental defects during treatment. Many do not turn to the orthodontist with such a request, believing that iron braces are the only way to solve the problem. But modern medicine has affordable and effective methods for correcting uneven teeth at any age. Judging by the reviews, these devices allow you to perform alignment as efficiently as possible.
Transparent mouthguards
These teeth straightening trays are similar to those used in teeth whitening and bruxism treatment. The device is created for each patient. Since the mouthguards are transparent and firmly attached to the teeth, the treatment process will be invisible to others and comfortable for the person.
Transparent aligners may not be suitable for everyone. If the patient needs to rotate the teeth around the axis, then the mouthguards are not suitable for this, then braces are needed. Manufacturers of these devices make them so that the treatment is effective, and dishonest orthodontists cannot use them in the treatment of any problems associated with the alignment of the teeth. Also, they will not be able to eliminate the problem of bite or twisting of the teeth.
With the help of transparent caps, you can get rid of the followingproblems:
- Used in the alignment of teeth in children, adolescents and adults.
- They solve the problem of gaps between the teeth, besides, they cope better compared to braces.
- Correct slight twists and malocclusions.
- Correct the direction of teeth growth.
- Used when teeth are displaced, fixing the course of alignment after wearing braces.
Judging by the reviews, the alignment of teeth with these products is simple and effective. How long the treatment will last, the doctor must determine.
Teeth alignment with braces. These designs correct various disorders, regardless of age, the main thing is that the bones and gums are he althy. The entire process takes 1.5 to 2 years, but may take longer. In any case, the period of wear should be prescribed by a doctor. Every 2 weeks - a month you need to visit the orthodontist to evaluate the treatment process, replace the structural elements of the bracket system.

Some time is needed to consolidate the result of treatment. Sometimes, after the alignment is completed, it is necessary to install a retainer. This is necessary so that the teeth do not stand in their original position. Retainers are usually worn for the same period as braces. As confirmed by patient reviews, the use of such devices is quite simple and effective.
They are removable and non-removable. Plates for teeth alignment are presented in the form of an apparatus made ofhigh-quality plastic, which does not include chemical components. Devices are fixed with metal hooks. Depending on the complexity of the problem, there may be springs and screws in the plate.
The main advantage of the tooth alignment plate is that it can be removed at any time. Removable fixtures are used for minor leveling and are commonly used for children and teenagers. If necessary, removable plates can be installed on the upper or lower jaw. The period of wearing plates for teeth alignment is from 1.5 to 2 years, but the exact period is appointed by the orthodontist.
Fixed plates are fixed on the outer surface of the tooth, they have a system of locks. There is also a metal bow, which periodically needs to be tightened. This technique helps to align teeth at any age, eliminate deformities of the dentition, straighten teeth and correct gaps between them.
They are presented in the form of an invisible removable design, which includes transparent mouthguards that gradually move the teeth into the desired position. Devices are considered the safest. When using aligners to align teeth, acid etching of tooth enamel is not required. Products repeat the relief of the teeth and do not lead to mucosal injuries.
To install the structure, the dentist takes an impression of the jaw, according to which the manufacture takes place. Aligners for teeth alignment have a smooth surface, they are streamlined and are made of a transparent material. Duration of treatment with themmay be 6-8 months. This is determined by the individual characteristics of the teeth. According to dentists, aligners are worn according to the following rules:
- Sock should be 20 hours a day. Eliminate them only during meals or oral hygiene.
- They should be changed every 2 weeks.
- Designed for children from 12 years of age and those who have stopped the process of active jaw growth.
- The aligner puts pressure on the teeth and moves them a small distance.
- The course can range from several months to a year.
This is also one of the adult teeth straightening methods. Passing the full course helps eliminate defects. According to reviews, straightening teeth with aligners can significantly improve their appearance. At the same time, the treatment procedure is simple and safe.
These are thin ceramic plates fixed to the front of the teeth and hiding defects and imperfections. Veneers are used in alignment and reconstruction in the following situations:
- With hidden interdental gaps.
- When you need restoration of chipped teeth.
- If you need to lengthen short teeth.
- You need to whiten your teeth when other methods have failed.
- If you need to correct irregularities and crooked teeth.

Veneers are a great replacement for braces. According to reviews, they easily solve the problem of the growth of teeth that deviate from the norm. For example, the front teeth grow crookedly and they must be put in a straight position, in this caseveneers are installed. They are fixed on the front of the teeth, which allows you to hide defects. Judging by the reviews, this is much more effective than braces.
This method is also actively used in dentistry. Teeth alignment with these devices is durable and of excellent quality. Lumineers are the latest technology to solve the problem in a short time.
The method of alignment with veneers is presented in the form of installing thin inserts made of high-strength porcelain on the front of the teeth. A feature of lumineers is that they are thin, their thickness is not more than 0.3 mm.
In the process of installing appliances, there is no need to grind the enamel of the teeth, and if the coating needs to be replaced, the teeth remain in their original state. Lumineers are considered durable, with a lifespan of 20 years. Their advantage is considered to be an excellent effect, superior to other methods, as evidenced by numerous reviews of satisfied customers.
The fixture is an orthodontic appliance that is made of flexible silicone. The trainer allows you to eliminate the causes of uneven teeth and cure malocclusion. It is used for:
- correction and alignment of teeth;
- troubleshooting speech problems;
- recovery after wearing braces;
- treatment of nasal breathing disorders;
- correction of the incorrect position of the lower jaw;
- treatment of torsion of teeth in the lower anterior;
- eliminate open, incorrect and deep bite.

Trainer allows you not only to perform mechanical alignment of the teeth, it will also be possible to correct speech and the position of the tongue with it. With it, the muscles will work properly. The trainer is made of hypoallergenic material, it is able to act gently on the teeth, eliminating pressure on the jaw muscles and dentition.
They are presented in the form of ceramic, metal or plastic locks fixed on the surface of the teeth. Then a metal arc is passed through the locks, which is attached to the last molar. Due to the pressure, the teeth take the desired position. The set of braces includes spacers and spacers to create space between the teeth. And to correct the bite, a facial arch is used.
The braces can be used at any age. Some orthodontists believe that it is with them that it will be possible to align teeth in adults. Devices are effective for twisted teeth, as well as for gaps. They solve the problem of incorrect positioning of teeth in the dentition.
Composite material
This method involves alignment with composite veneers. The materials are considered affordable and the manufacturing process is quite simple compared to ceramic veneers. The composition of the device includes a high-quality filling material, similar in properties to ceramics. The main advantage of the products is that when installing them, the dentist does not need to remove a thick layer of enamel.

Professional orthodontists create composite veneers themselves during the appointment. With such products, even complex damage and curvature of the teeth are eliminated. The composite is not resistant to food coloring, so the products need careful care in order to last for a long time.
Thus, there are many devices to solve the problem. Although all of the listed products are effective, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Only a doctor can prescribe the right way to straighten your teeth.