What exercises can I do after a caesarean section? Doctors' recommendations

What exercises can I do after a caesarean section? Doctors' recommendations
What exercises can I do after a caesarean section? Doctors' recommendations

Every girl wants to be a mother, so when she manages to get pregnant, she looks forward to giving birth. However, no matter how future mothers monitor their he alth, not everything always goes well. Very common are the cases when a caesarean section is required. How the operation will go depends not only on the level of professionalism and qualifications of the specialist, but also on the genetic characteristics of a particular person.

Any radical methods, and especially operations, have a very serious effect on the general condition of the body, so long-term therapy and recovery are required after them. Let's find out what exercises you can do after a cesarean section to quickly recover from this unpleasant procedure and become attractive again.

General information

exercise after caesarean
exercise after caesarean

Before we talk about what exercises can be done after a caesarean, we must first understand why they are needed.

Today, the development of modernmedicine is at a very high level, therefore, after the removal of the child through an incision in the uterus, special complications, as a rule, do not happen. However, unfortunately, such cases are not completely excluded.

Most often girls face the following problems:

  • great blood loss;
  • violation of the normal functioning of internal organs;
  • seal connective tissue;
  • inflammatory lesion of the uterus;
  • seam divergence;
  • ligature fistulas;
  • hernia;
  • keloid scar.

To avoid all these consequences, certain exercises after a caesarean section will help. However, here you need to have an idea of what physical activities are acceptable, and which ones are recommended to refrain from. This article will consider the most effective of those allowed.

How long after childbirth can physical therapy be used?

What exercises do you do after a caesarean section?
What exercises do you do after a caesarean section?

If you have any he alth problems or you just want to restore your body to its former beauty, then it is very important to consider the fact that exercises after a caesarean section are only allowed to be performed after a certain time after childbirth. It is impossible to give exact dates, since each individual case is unique.

The physiotherapy program should be selected by an experienced specialist based on the clinical picture of the patient. As a rule, doctors give numbers in the region of 6-8 weeks. During this time, the body should have time to fully recover.

However, withthe following factors must be taken into account:

  • how many caesarean sections a woman had;
  • presence of complications and their nature;
  • location of seams;
  • whether any internal organs were damaged during surgery;
  • did the girl have problems with pressure during pregnancy.

Based on all the above factors, the doctor will select the most appropriate exercises after caesarean section, which will not cause harm to he alth and will achieve maximum results.

When physiotherapy is contraindicated

You should start exercising and exercising only after the body has fully recovered after the operation. If the birth was accompanied by any complications, then the girl is recommended to wait a little with physical activity. Any exercise after a caesarean is recommended to be postponed in the following situations:

  • with inflammation of internal organs;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • any pathologies of infectious etiology;
  • at elevated body temperature;
  • not fully healed stitches;
  • any injury sustained during childbirth;
  • endometritis;
  • endometriosis.

Even if you don't have the problems listed above, you shouldn't start physical therapy right away. You must first be examined by a doctor and consult what exercises can be done after a cesarean section. This will minimize the chance of serious complications.and avoid many he alth problems.

Allowed types of exercise

exercise after caesarean
exercise after caesarean

In most cases, home workouts after an unsuccessful birth that went through with complications can be started after a month and a half. However, this applies only to therapeutic exercises and special physiotherapy exercises. More serious sports require a doctor's confirmation. The list of allowed exercises includes the following physical exercises:

  1. Yoga. Promotes good relaxation, perfectly increases muscle tone and normalizes the emotional state of a person.
  2. Swimming. Acceptable 60-80 days after surgery. This sport affects the entire body as a whole. It helps to strengthen the muscles of all groups, helps to lose weight and tones.
  3. Running. Such physical exercises after cesarean can be performed no earlier than 10 months later, they are very effective because they help to put the figure in order. Too intense training in the early stages of rehabilitation is contraindicated due to the high load placed on the body.
  4. Exercising on simulators. It is forbidden to go to the gym on your own, because the wrong approach to exercises will do more harm than good. Therefore, it is best to sign up with a trainer who will select the most optimal training program.

If you seriously decide to go in for sports and do not want to wait a long time, then it is allowed to perform some exercises at home. More details about them willdescribed below.

Breathing exercises

Answering the question of what exercises are done after a caesarean section, it is worth starting with this technique. It is aimed at strengthening the muscular skeleton of the abdominal and thoracic region, increasing the tone of the body and normalizing the psychological state of a woman.

Exercises are performed as follows:

  1. Alternating different breathing techniques.
  2. Deep air intake and slow exhalation.
  3. Inhale quickly and exhale slowly.
  4. Alternate inhalation involving the chest and abdomen.

You need to inhale exclusively through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. During exercises that involve the abdominal muscles, it is imperative to monitor the seams so that they do not come apart.


what exercises to do after caesarean
what exercises to do after caesarean

As statistics show, even with normal childbirth, the muscles of this area are simply in a terrible state. However, there are some special exercises after a caesarean section that will bring the press into full order and make the tummy of a young mother attractive. As for the timing, you can start training no earlier than 3-5 months after the operation.

The training program looks like this:

  1. Take a horizontal position on a hard surface and bend your legs under you. Hands should be in a crossed position on the stomach. Raise your head slightly to engage your abdominal muscles.
  2. Keeping similarposition, take a deep breath, and as you exhale, press your legs to your body as much as possible.
  3. Inflate your stomach as you inhale, and relax it as you exhale.
  4. Stand up straight on the floor and spread your legs as far apart as you can.

If you regularly perform these exercises after a cesarean section, then after a short period of time your abs will become beautiful again.


This area needs no less attention. The waist is perhaps the most important part of the female figure. To keep it normal, the following exercises are intended:

  1. Stand comfortably on one side and lift the opposite leg up. Periodically it is necessary to change the position of the body.
  2. Get on all fours and take your right and left legs back in turn, pulling in your stomach.
  3. Take a standing position, spread your legs at shoulder level, put your hands on your sides and tilt in different directions.
  4. Lying on your back, try to raise your legs as high as possible.

If you do not know which exercises can be performed after a caesarean section of the above for self-fulfillment, it is recommended that you first go to the doctor.


exercise one month after caesarean
exercise one month after caesarean

Problems with the spine can occur not only in women after childbirth, but simply in people in different age categories, so it is very important to know how to deal with them. If you are suffering from back pain, then the following will help get rid of it:exercises:

  1. Take a horizontal position on an elastic surface, then lift your leg up, while trying to bring it as close to your shoulder as possible.
  2. Perform half-rotations and tilts in different directions.
  3. Do squats several times a day.
  4. Perform head rotational movements.

Such physical therapy exercises help strengthen the back muscles. They do not create a large load on the body, so they can be started little by little after only 14-21 days after the surgery, when the woman was unable to give birth due to various complications.


This area also suffers a lot during childbirth, so it needs to be pumped. The physiotherapy system developed by Kegel is best suited for this. The exercises included in its composition are aimed at strengthening the muscles not only of the perineum, but also of the pelvic area, due to which a complex effect is achieved. The technique includes the following exercises:

  1. A finger is inserted about 2 centimeters into the vagina, after which it is necessary to tighten the muscles of the perineum as much as possible so that pressure is felt.
  2. During defecation, you need to interrupt the process of urination, and then resume it.

This technique is acceptable for use just one month after cesarean. Exercises help normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system and pelvic organs, as well as strengthen the muscles of the perineum. If you regularlyperform, then your figure will always remain slim and attractive.

General tips and tricks

In order not to harm your own he alth when playing sports during rehabilitation after a complicated birth, you must strictly adhere to all doctor's prescriptions. Doctors advise the following:

  1. Wearing a brace. With it, you can restore lost muscle tone and reduce pain.
  2. During sleep, it is better to try to lie on your stomach.
  3. The lactation period should be as long as possible.
  4. Get yourself long walks in the fresh air.
  5. After 60 days after giving birth, you can start cycling or swimming.

The above recommendations will help you significantly reduce the rehabilitation period and get back in shape much faster.


yoga after c-section
yoga after c-section

Ancient Indian technique helps to cope with a huge number of he alth problems, including recovering from surgery when a woman for some reason could not give birth on her own.

However, in order to practice yoga, at least six months must pass, because with a shorter period there is a high risk of divergence of the seams. By performing various breathing practices and assuming special postures, you can speed up the recovery process after childbirth, restore joint flexibility, lose extra pounds and restore muscle elasticity.


If childbirth was accompanied by an operation, then in most casesthe woman will experience severe lower back pain. To get rid of it, you need to perform exercises to increase the tone of the back muscles.

There are many techniques based on the use of a special sports ball. They are elementary in execution, but this does not reduce their effectiveness.

The Pilates system worked especially well. It can be used 3-4 months after childbirth. It is based on the simultaneous impact on all muscle groups, making the rehabilitation period much faster.


What exercises can you do after a caesarean section?
What exercises can you do after a caesarean section?

This article discussed in detail what exercises are done after a cesarean section. However, each case is unique, therefore, before starting any physical activity, it is advisable to consult with a specialized specialist who will draw up the most gentle and effective therapy program.

Self-training can be both beneficial and harmful, so you should not lose sight of it. It is necessary to approach therapeutic exercises with caution.
