According to statistics, only 20% of all patients in dental clinics have an even and correct bite. In others, the closure of the dentition has some disturbances and differs from the physiologically correct one. For some patients, it is very important for dental he alth to correct anomalies in their structure. To accurately determine the condition of the bite, you need to visit an orthodontist who will help to advise a person and, in which case, prescribe the correct treatment. Before going to the doctor, the patient must independently understand the issue of correct and incorrect bite in order to roughly understand what diagnosis a specialist can make.
Causes of the problem
Each person's teeth have an individual structure. Despite the huge variety, the dentition can be divided into two types:
- incorrect or pathological form;
- correct or physiological form.
Pathological physiological bite is a loose contact between two rows of teeth when they are closed or a complete lack of contact. Suchthe condition occurs due to congenital or lifelong problems with the jaws and dentition.

Bite pathologies in children and adults can occur for the following reasons:
- due to disease (congenital or acquired);
- in case of jaw injury (especially fractures);
- due to chronic diseases that affect the human respiratory tract.
Most often, a pathological condition occurs even at a younger age, if the child cannot fully breathe through the nose, but breathes through the mouth. It is for this reason that he has to regularly keep his mouth ajar. Soft tissues in the mouth directly affect the development of the jaw and dentition.

Often, pathology with closing of the dentition develops even before the birth of a child. In this case, doctors consider the following reasons:
- abnormal pregnancy;
- anemia;
- problems with metabolic processes;
- infection of the child at the time of its development in the womb.
Newborn problems
The following factors can affect the bite condition of a newborn baby:
- teething problems;
- birth injury;
- problems with the child's diet (insufficient amount of useful components in food and vitamins);
- early start of artificial feeding;
- late loss of baby teeth.
Experts do not advise using pacifiers at an early age or giving a pacifier to a child for a long time. This can negatively affect the development of bite. The habit of thumb sucking in a child can also lead to a pathological condition.
Detailed causes of malocclusion
If a child has a malocclusion of teeth due to heredity, then the treatment will be slightly different from that which is carried out in the case when the pathology appeared as a result of a bad habit or he alth problems. Genetic pathologies in most cases are associated with the size of the jaw bones, so it will take a long time to treat the problem.
It is best to apply the most effective correction methods for treatment. In some cases, to improve the bite, the installation of specialized devices for the oral cavity is required: the apparatus of Herbst, Brukl.
Acquired malocclusion develops slowly after the baby is born. Treatment in this case will consist in weaning the child from bad habits, which for the most part cause malocclusion. If you go to an appointment with a specialist on time, you can significantly speed up and simplify the process of treating pathology.
Common causes of failure:
- the habit of chewing on various objects;
- bruxism;
- trema and diastema;
- respiratory diseases;
- diseases that cause problems with bone growth and development;
- lack of nutritionsolid foods.
Incorrect bite in adulthood can appear during prosthetics or injury. Also, a pathological bite can occur after the extraction of teeth, since in this case the gaps between the teeth adversely affect the functioning of the jaws. If we consider prosthetics, then in this case, the specialist must ensure that they do not accidentally violate the physiological position of the jaws, as this can lead to their displacement.
In childhood, the correction of pathological occlusion can be carried out using various methods, the choice will directly depend on the severity of the pathology. Most often in adolescence, orthopedic plates, braces and trainers are used. A photo of the malocclusion can be seen below.

Possible Complications
If an adult and a child have a malocclusion, there is a risk of serious he alth problems:
- Disturbances in the digestive system. The main reason for this condition is the difficulty in chewing food normally. As a result, a person has to swallow large pieces that are poorly digested in the stomach.
- Appearance problems. This pathology provokes the curvature of the teeth and changes the profile of the face as a whole.
- Dental problems. The load on the teeth will be distributed unevenly, in certain places of the mouth it will be much stronger. In this case, the risk of periodontal disease is high. Teeth begin to wear out quickly, become too sensitive. Suchpatients most often develop caries.
- Temporal joint lesion, which provokes constant pain in the head. Soft tissues in the mouth can be damaged, causing ulcers to develop at the sore spot.
- Difficulty breathing and also problems with pronunciation.
To start effective treatment of pathological taste, you should visit a treating specialist who will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment for a particular situation.

Main types of malocclusion
Mistakes are quite common. But do not pay attention to such a state is not worth it. It is important to visit a dentist who will select an effective method to fix the problem.
Pathological types of occlusion include five violations of the row of teeth. Each of them is different from the other and has its own distinctive features. In practice, doctors often encounter mixed types of malocclusion.

Deep view
Traumatic or deep bite - a condition in which the upper incisors half cover the lower ones. This condition is considered the most common. It is important to treat it because it can lead to early tooth loss. After all, losing teeth at an early age is additional stress, discomfort, and also an aesthetic defect.
Due to a traumatic bite, a person often has the following complications:
- trauma of the oral mucosacavity;
- quickly erase enamel;
- eating problems;
- excessive stress on front incisors;
- aesthetic defect;
- constant pain in the head, dizziness.
Open shape
Open bite is considered the most difficult in its development. In this case, the teeth of the jaw cannot close at all.
Main symptoms of the lesion:
- Elongated shape of the lower part of the face.
- Problems with the vocal apparatus, difficulty in pronouncing some words.
- Problems chewing food and swallowing.
- The muscles of the oral cavity are constantly working and loaded.
Doctors distinguish two types of open bite. A traumatic appearance occurs in a person as a result of the loss of all teeth or only a part.
Most often this phenomenon is observed in people who abuse bad habits, but the disease also spreads to milk teeth. The second option is true or rachitic. It is formed for a long time, it is difficult.
Cross shape
Crossover malocclusion can be described by uneven development of the upper and lower jaws. In this case, the teeth intersect either in the lateral or in front of the mouth. The main symptom of this condition is facial asymmetry.
Distal occlusion is characterized by a strong protrusion of the upper row over the lower one. The teeth in this case are strongly exposed forward and do not contact the lower dentition.
Possible consequences of overbite:
- high risk of periodontal diseaseand caries;
- in the temporomandibular joint, when talking or eating, a strong crunch with pain syndrome may appear;
- swallowing problems;
- when visiting a doctor, there is a risk that the disease will prevent some therapeutic procedures.
Mesial bite
Mesial pathological bite is described by a strong protrusion of the lower jaw forward. In this case, the teeth located below, half or completely obscure the upper ones. A person with this pathology has a prominent chin.
The main consequences of the pathology are as follows:
- problems with facial symmetry;
- eating problems, speech disorders;
- development of periodontal disease;
- unpleasant pain syndrome, clicking and crunching in the joint;
- problems with dental treatment.
Carrying out diagnostic measures
Specialists identify several types of bite pathology diagnostics:
- Teleroentgenography, which helps to determine the strength of the inclination of the teeth, to identify their location in relation to each other. The procedure is performed in the lateral projection.
- Orthopantomography or Plain X-ray. In such a picture, the doctor can clearly see the condition of the tooth germs, the roots of the teeth, the periodontium.
- Photometry or many pictures of the face and oral cavity. The procedure helps to determine the location of the incisors, as well as to identify any problems with the symmetry of the face.
- Projection of the jaw model. This waydiagnostics will help to visually study the state of bite and identify all problems with the structure of the jaws.

All diagnostic methods will be chosen by the doctor himself. But they are used when examining and determining the state of bite, as a rule, several studies.
Bite correction
The orthodontist is engaged in the correction of the pathological form of bite. Treatment without fail includes the following items:
- Diagnostic measures. It is important to conduct a comprehensive examination, which can make an accurate diagnosis and choose the right way to correct the violation. To do this, the attending specialist examines the patient's oral cavity and sends for a CT scan, orthopantomogram and radiovisiography.
- The symptoms of the disease and the root causes of the problem are eliminated.
- Rehabilitate the oral cavity (eliminate caries and other disorders, as well as carry out hygienic cleaning of the teeth).
- Next, the bite is corrected using the selected design.
- Recovery of the patient, prevention of relapse and preservation of the effect of treatment.

Bite correction can be carried out by various methods, in this case the type of correction is chosen by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the patient's condition.
Most commonly used braces, plates, trainers and aligners. With pathological types of bite, metal-ceramic prosthetics are the best option.