Bite correction without braces in adults. Mouthguards for bite correction

Bite correction without braces in adults. Mouthguards for bite correction
Bite correction without braces in adults. Mouthguards for bite correction

Not all parents attach importance to the problem of malocclusion in their baby. It does not go away as a person grows up. Most of us dream of straight and beautiful teeth. That is why many people, as adults, rush to consult an orthodontist in an effort to get a Hollywood smile.

Problem Solving Methods

Don't despair for those who have an overbite. Uneven teeth are not a life sentence. It is good if the parents resolved this issue in time when the child was still very young. However, you can influence the teeth, making them even and beautiful, at any age.

Today, dentistry has many ways to correct bite in adults. A photo of the most common of them, when the teeth are aligned with braces, see below.

bite correction without braces in adults
bite correction without braces in adults

However, there are other methods. Correction of bite without braces in adults is carried out with the help of plastic caps, artistic restoration, plates, and trainers. The surgical method can also be applied. All thesemethods are not only very effective, but also do not cause any discomfort to the patient. They are attractive to many people, because the correction of bite with braces in adults causes a certain embarrassment, since the system installed on the teeth is clearly visible to the interlocutors.

Types of deviations from the norm

Bite is the closing of the teeth of both jaws. Sometimes the position of the teeth relative to each other does not correspond to existing standards. In this case, we can talk about the wrong bite. A similar problem is observed to a greater or lesser extent in almost ninety percent of adults. In mild cases, when the malocclusion does not affect the appearance of a person and his self-esteem, the existing deviations are not paid attention at all. However, it is worth remembering that even the most minor problems can lead to serious pathologies. That is why you should not postpone the solution of the existing problem. In addition, a slight malocclusion is corrected in inexpensive ways, without resorting to braces and caps.

mouthguards for bite correction
mouthguards for bite correction

What types of malocclusion are there? Their list includes:

  • mesial, when the lower jaw is slightly pushed forward relative to the upper;
  • distal, when the upper jaw dominates;
  • open, characterized by non-closure between a set of lower and upper teeth;
  • deep, in which the upper teeth are positioned so that they overlap the lower;
  • cross, which is characterized by underdevelopment of fiftypercent of one of the dentition;
  • dystopia, when the teeth are in the wrong place for them.

Treatment with trays

Often, people don't pay attention to the fact that they have an overbite. Although this problem does not belong to the category of serious, nevertheless, it negatively affects the he alth of the teeth, articulation and often becomes the cause of periodontal disease. That is why it is worth getting rid of it immediately by contacting the dentist first of all.

bite correction
bite correction

Often the doctor advises the installation of metal or ceramic structures directly on the teeth (called braces). However, they need to be worn for a long time, and many patients are embarrassed by this. Correcting an overbite without braces in adults is a completely doable task. It is solved with the help of cap. Moreover, this method is applicable not only for adults, but also for children.

Types of caps

Comfortable and discreet to others, the aligner can be made of polyurethane or silicone. At the same time, bite correction mouthguards are selected for each person individually. At the first stage of manufacturing these devices, the doctor must make two plaster models. The first is made according to the shape of the patient's teeth, and the second must comply with the norm. After that, intermediate options are made, each of which is recommended to be worn at a certain stage of treatment. Correction of bite with a cap is a long process. Its duration is usually about two years.

bite correction photo
bite correction photo

Mouthguards for bite correction can also be made from thermoplastic. This material is very easy to use. It softens when immersed in water and then hardens when fixed directly to the teeth.

Benefits of caps

Correction of bite without braces in adults is a very real task. In addition, if mouthguards are used to get rid of the problem, then:

  • the process will cause little to no discomfort or pain;
  • during brushing teeth and eating appliances can be removed;
  • they will be invisible to others;
  • don't damage tooth enamel;
  • does not require complex care (washing fixtures in running water is enough).

What should a mouthguard patient know?

Bite correction without braces in adults requires a number of basic rules. So, you should remove the mouth guard while brushing your teeth and eating. It is possible to put on the device again only after the oral cavity has been thoroughly washed. Drinking and eating with a mouthguard is strictly prohibited. The only exception can be the use of mineral water.

correction of overbite with braces in adults
correction of overbite with braces in adults

To store the mouthguard, a special container should be used, which is issued along with the device. In addition, during treatment it is important to observe the basic rules of hygiene. The duration of wearing a mouth guard is determined by the dentist. Before the appointed time, you should not refuse the device, since in this case youunlikely to get the desired effect from the treatment.

Surgical method

For those who wish to speed up the process of teeth alignment, an overbite surgery is recommended. This method is resorted to in the case when all others are ineffective, and it is desirable to obtain the result in a short time. The basis for the operation is a severe deformity of the dentoalveolar joints. Surgical intervention to correct the bite in adults is difficult for the doctor and difficult for the patient. When deciding on an operation, this fact, as well as the high cost of the procedure, should be taken into account.

bite correction before and after
bite correction before and after

But there are cases when such an intervention is vital for the patient. It will eliminate a problem that can cause serious complications in the digestive system, as well as correct incorrect pronunciation. There is another important argument in favor of surgical correction of the bite: before and after the operation, the appearance of the patient is strikingly different. After the procedure, the face acquires the correct proportions and becomes attractive.

Insert application

There are special orthopedic options for devices that allow you to make a person's smile Hollywood. These are bite correction plates, which are a plastic structure that is installed on the palate and partially on the gums. Such a device is attached to the teeth with brackets. The desired effect of bite correction withplates is possible only if there are small errors. This is worth considering when choosing a method for aligning teeth.

Bite correction with plates has its advantages. First of all, they consist in the fact that this device is easily removed and does not require special care. In addition, the plates are almost invisible visually and do not cause any discomfort.

Using trainers

These devices are used when minor bite correction is required. You can see photos of trainers below. They are installed to align not all, but only separate teeth. Sometimes trainers are used to bring the position of the jaws to normal.

bite correction surgery
bite correction surgery

Devices are comfortable and do not require around-the-clock wear. They do not require custom sizing to make them. This is due to the fact that the trainers are in serial production, which reduces their price and makes them available to buyers.

There are a lot of methods that allow an adult to correct his bite. But in order to make the right choice, which will most effectively eliminate the problem, it is advisable to consult a dentist. Only a specialist after a detailed study of the situation will be able to determine the causes of the existing problem and give the right advice on how to eliminate it as soon as possible and at minimal cost.

However, adult patients should not expect a quick result. Correction of bite for them is very specific. This isdue to a fully formed jawbone and slow periodental circulation. You need to be patient. The process can take a period ranging from one year to two and a half years, and sometimes more.