Problems of a man in the sexual sphere are manifested by a decrease in activity in sex. In this case, doctors do not exclude the development of psychogenic impotence, which is practically not treated with medications. It is paradoxical that a man experiences a strong sexual desire and arousal, but at the same time is afraid of intimacy.
Problems with erection occur in approximately 7% of men under 30 years of age, and at the age of 30-50 years this value reaches 20%, in men over 60 years of age such problems are found in 37%. Statistics say that psychogenic impotence is more often detected in young men, and less often in older men. As a rule, this type of problem develops against the background of psychological trauma received in adolescence. Erectile dysfunction is extremely rare in men who did not encounter problems in the initial stages of sexual development.

In order to understand the features of psychogenic impotence, it is extremely important to know the main characteristics of the disease in general. erectiledysfunction is the inability of a man to achieve a normal erection when sexually aroused, as well as the inability to continue sexual contact for a sufficient time for ejaculation to occur. In addition, this pathology can include cases when a man is completely absent from arousal or ejaculation occurs prematurely.
Under psychogenic erectile dysfunction is commonly understood as a kind of disease, which is based on a personality disorder or psychological trauma that developed against the background of personal experiences at the beginning of sexual activity or childhood. This type of impotence is considered the simplest type of pathology in terms of therapy. This is due to the fact that the entire treatment process is based on psychosomatics, which can be corrected without the use of drugs. So, does this mean the man doesn't want sex?

Symptoms of the disease
The sexual act no longer delivers emotional relaxation to the patient, on the contrary, for him it is the main cause of internal stress. The problem can be difficult to recognize. If the desire disappears, and the frequency of ejaculation is disturbed, do not panic and suspect terrible ailments in the body. Most often, psychogenic impotence is characterized by impaired orgasm, lack of saturation of emotions, rapid sexual intercourse without emotional satisfaction, increased nervousness, aggression, internal fears.
Reason for development
At the basis of the development of impotence suchtype, from the point of view of sexologists, is psychosomatics. This is a sequence of specific reactions of the central and peripheral parts of the NS to certain stimuli.
Occurrence of a problem
Most often, a man does not experience erection problems at the first stage, but any failure in the sexual sphere can trigger the development of pathology. This includes too passive behavior of a woman during sexual intercourse, which leads a man to think about his own insolvency and the small size of the penis, about the lack of sympathy for him from his partner. In addition, the same psychosomatics can become the cause of failure. For example, a man may be afraid of being discovered while having sex. Such a thought greatly distracts the representative of the strong half of humanity, as a result of which his erection stops.

Making sense of failure
At the second stage, a man begins to comprehend the ongoing failures, to think about their causes in the intervals between sexual contacts. It is worth noting that about 3/4 of all men tend to blame their failures in bed not on the environment, not on their partner, but are looking for a problem directly in themselves, namely, in their potency. As soon as this thought arises in a man, a psychosomatic process starts and develops, the name of which is self-hypnosis. A person begins to convince himself that he has problems with potency.
Fixation of the traumatic factor
At the third stage, a traumaticfactor. He begins to engage in introspection, to look closely at his own feelings, at an erection with every sexual contact. As a result, the attention of the representative of the stronger sex switches from the process to negative thoughts, which can cause another failure. It's a vicious circle. At this stage, he finally comes to the conclusion that he has problems with potency. He has an increased fear of sex, which causes more attention to the condition of the penis and, as a result, provokes subsequent failures.
It is worth noting that during all three stages of the development of such impotence, a man does not even realize that the cause of the problem lies in psychosomatics, that is, in his own fears and thoughts, and not in violations of the functionality of the genitourinary system. Already at this stage, a person needs to consult a sexologist.

Depth Cause Analysis
Dysfunction of the psychogenic type involves a subtle analysis of the provoking factors in the development of pathology, and they are often very diverse. For example, the process can be triggered by sex in extreme conditions, phobias, resentment against a particular woman, a habit of a certain partner, and many other factors. All these sexual psychological traumas can be the impetus for the onset of the disease, and effective treatment of the disorder is possible only if the true causes of development are identified.
Diagnostic measures
Therapy of psychogenic impotence involves a mandatory diagnosis. It is important to discover that significant pathogenetic anda man does not have physiological problems that in one way or another affect potency:
- Thyroid, pancreas function normally.
- Pathological changes in the adrenal glands, prostate gland, testicles are absent.
- The heart and blood vessels are functioning properly.
- History does not contain information about trauma to the genital organs.
- Chronic diseases not diagnosed.
- Physical activity level is good.
- Weight is close to normal.
- Hormonal background corresponds to age.
That is, there are no visible causes that can provoke erectile dysfunction, in addition to psychosomatics.
It is also important to remember how alcohol affects potency, so it is important to exclude the presence of this type of addiction in a man.

Specialist consultation
Why do I need a consultation with a sexologist? Questioning or oral survey will allow to identify psychological problems. As a rule, a specialist finds out that a man's erection disappears under certain conditions:
- When having sexual intercourse in a certain place (this item includes the environment, room, posture that causes problems).
- Contact with several women, while having sex with a certain partner is not a problem.
- Intercourse with a specific lady.
Of no small importance is the age limit for the development of psychogenic impotence. If the violation occurred in adolescence or childhood, one can judge a delay inthe psychosexual sphere of the patient. If the pathology develops some time after a successful sexual relationship, then we can argue about the presence of ordinary psychogenic impotence. The treatment of these two types of erectile dysfunction differs only in a few aspects.
If erectile dysfunction occurs, if there is no desire for sexual relations, periodic failures in bed, the occurrence of genophobia in men (fear of sex), you should contact a specialist to find out the cause of the violation. In the case when physiological factors are excluded, it is necessary to consult with a sexologist or psychologist who will help determine what kind of injury has become the determining factor in the development of the pathology.

The tactics of treating the fear of sex will be determined by a specialist based on the stage at which the man’s life failed:
- If the problem arose at the initial stages of acquiring sexual experience, the doctor will focus on correcting the man's perception of intimacy, drawing his attention to the peculiarities of choosing a partner.
- If the problem arose in a man who already has experience of sexual relations, then the specialist will try to correct his communication skills (especially if the representative of the stronger sex has been married for a long time). At the heart of psychotherapy in this case are attempts to eliminate the conflict, clarifying the nature of existing disagreements.
Medicated treatment
Destinationmedications to eliminate erectile dysfunction occurs only after psychocorrection. The use of medications in parallel is unacceptable, since the patient must first be aware of the problem present. Only after that you can start drug stimulation of erection.
The main drugs for psychogenic impotence are: Tentex Forte, Gerimaks, Speman. In addition, a man is recommended to take general tonic and psychostimulant drugs in the morning, and not necessarily polycomponent or synthetic ones. It can be honey, propolis, products based on deer antlers, mummy, stone oil, ginseng. A good addition to these remedies is multivitamin preparations that improve metabolism.

If no effect
If the desired effect is not achieved within a few months, when you still do not want sex, the specialist may recommend a two-week application of tranquilizers. The dosage is determined individually, and the use of the drug should be carried out a couple of hours before the intended sexual contact. In addition, erection stimulants based on phosphodiestrase-5 allow to overcome the psychological barrier.
If there is no result after applying these techniques, the doctor may resort to deep correction, which is performed by hypnotic influence. Despite the fact that most men do not believe in this method, it is recognized as official medicine. In addition, hypnosiscompleted by a certified psychotherapist, will allow you to get a better result than using folk remedies.
We looked at how to treat psychogenic impotence.