Cream "Fitol-1" - a drug for local use, the effect of which is aimed at the treatment of a number of pathologies of the mammary glands. This drug has a natural composition and a rather unique formula that helps to strengthen, heal and restore the structure of the mammary glands, and also copes with a number of diseases and discomfort. The use of this cream is indicated for pathological conditions of the mammary glands, as a prophylactic or therapeutic agent.

Below, consider how to treat breast mastopathy.
To get a good effect and ensure the maximum therapeutic effect, it is recommended to follow the rules from the instructions for using the cream.
This tool has a complex natural composition, due to which it is often classified as a dietary supplement. The cream perfectly tones and restoresdamaged cells of the mammary glands, helps to eliminate the symptoms of mastopathy and other pathologies. This drug restores tissue metabolism, has a decongestant and analgesic effect.

Despite the natural composition of the cream for mastopathy and a complex of favorable properties, its use can cause some unpleasant phenomena that occur due to individual intolerance to the drug. Before use, it is important to carry out a skin test on the elbow area.
Indications for prescription
Cream "Fitol -1" is a popular pharmacological agent that is used to treat pathologies of the mammary glands. The active natural composition and the combination of positive properties that it possesses help to ensure the maximum impact on various factors and symptoms of breast diseases. The cream "Fitol-1 mastopathy" is shown under the following conditions:

- mastopathy of fibrocystic and fibrous forms;
- breast tenderness due to premenstrual syndrome;
- cicatricial pathology of the gland;
- mastitis at any stage;
- violation of vital activity and cell tone;
- mastalgia due to thoracic osteochondrosis;
- normalization of metabolism in glandular tissue structures;
- treatment of cysts and local seals;
- postpartum mastitis;
- diffuse fibroadenosis.
Pathologies of dairyglands
Diseases of the mammary glands today are “younger” and such a pathology as mastopathy occurs even in young girls. That is why experts insist on the need for timely examination by a mammologist, as well as on the prevention of this disease. In order to prevent a number of such diseases in the initial stages, natural remedies are often used that have a safe effect and do not violate the basic functions that occur in a woman's body.

The development of this disease in some cases leads to excessive production of prolactin by the pituitary gland. Increased volumes of its production during pregnancy and lactation are considered normal (which is necessary for the appearance and production of milk for feeding a child). In the pathological version of considering its production, experts note the excess even without the presence of pregnancy accompanying this process, respectively, this option is not just a pathology, but also a condition for the development of mastopathy.
How does this disease manifest itself?
The main signs of mastopathy of the mammary glands are seals in the chest, pain, especially before the onset of menstruation or during it. Another common symptom of this disease is bloody discharge from the nipples.
There is no single answer to the question of how to treat breast mastopathy. This is a whole complex of therapeutic and preventive measures that are aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at the very cause of development.this disease, which most often becomes a hormonal imbalance.
The main contraindication to the use of Fitol-1 cream is an allergic reaction to the elements of the main and auxiliary series that are present in the composition. In addition, you should avoid getting the medication on the mucous membranes and skin with open wounds.

Cream ingredients
The peculiarity of this cream lies in its complex composition, which consists of two bases: active plant and auxiliary parts.
The active composition is represented by the following active ingredients:
- Junggar ferula extract is a plant element with many positive properties. This substance contains a complex of vitamins and microelements necessary for a person, has an antioxidant, antispasmodic and bactericidal effect, fights against the unpleasant symptoms of mastopathy.
- Jungarian aconite extract has a tonic and analgesic effect, strengthens the vascular system of the mammary gland, relieves swelling and discomfort. In addition, the extract has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It penetrates into the tissues of the gland, preventing the appearance of tumors and cysts.
- Japanese sophora extract is a substance that is used in the production of many medicinal and cosmetic preparations. It also helps to eliminate puffiness, has anti-inflammatory properties,eliminates pain in the chest area. In addition, Sophora activates the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues.
- Cocklebur extract has a healing and antiseptic effect. It restores tissues and their functionality. This extract in its composition contains a lot of iodine, ascorbic acid and other active substances that are necessary for the treatment of mastopathy.

Instructions for the use of "Fitol-1"
Before using the product, it is necessary to clean the skin, apply the cream in a thin layer in the area of the mammary glands and rub in with soft massaging movements. The drug should be used up to 3 times a day for 1-3 months. The course of therapy with Fitol-1 cream is recommended to be repeated annually.
The opinion of women with signs of mastopathy of the mammary glands about this medical product was divided. For some patients, the remedy, they believe, helped get rid of this disease. They noted a significant improvement in their condition, a decrease in swelling of the mammary glands, softening of their structure, and the disappearance of pain.

It is better to read reviews about Fitol-1 cream in advance.
Other women who used this cream did not observe a positive effect, and indicate that the symptoms of mastopathy remained in their original form, as a result of which they cannot call this medication effective in treating this disease.