In the article we will consider what to drink if you feel sick.
Medications for nausea are used not only in cases where it is necessary to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, but also to prevent its occurrence.
What is nausea?
Unpleasant sensation is localized in the epigastric zone, then spreading to the esophagus.

Nausea and vomiting are caused by the celiac and vagus nerves. It is their irritation that leads to excessive salivation, arrhythmia, chills, hypotension and dizziness. Such unpleasant symptoms almost always accompany the onset of nausea. Before thinking about what to drink if you feel sick, you need to identify the cause of this condition, since the therapeutic regimen will depend on this.
What is the danger?
Regular bouts of nausea, accompanied by vomiting, dehydrate and exhaust the body, thereby worsening the quality of human life. However, the main danger of this condition is that the body is deprived of nutrients. It also increases the likelihood of rupture of the mucous membrane due to constant pressure on it during vomiting. Therefore, it is very important to identify the cause of nausea in a timely manner and take the necessary measures to eliminate it.
The most common causes of nausea and vomiting are:
- Gastritis and peptic ulcer. These pathologies are accompanied by increased nausea after eating, as well as heartburn, a feeling of heaviness and pain in the epigastric and stomach. When your stomach hurts and you feel sick, everyone wants to know what to drink.
- Diseases of the gallbladder. Pathologies of this organ are manifested by nausea during meals, flatulence, soreness in the right side, as well as a taste of metal in the oral cavity.
- Pancreatitis. In combination with the listed symptoms, coupled with disorders in the intestines, we can talk about the inflammatory process in the pancreas. The main difference is the urge to vomit after food enters the stomach cavity, due to the lack of sufficient enzymes to digest it.
- Appendicitis. Nausea and vomiting occur regardless of food intake. A characteristic sign of appendicitis is wandering pain, which is gradually localized in the right side of the abdomen from below. Against the background of the inflammatory process, the temperature often rises.
- Intoxication, infectious diseases of the intestine. Soreness in the stomach and nausea appear some time after eating and increase until the first urge to vomit. After emptying the contents of the stomach, the patientexperiencing relief for a while. In addition to the main symptoms of poisoning in the form of weakness, fever and dizziness, diarrhea is observed. If your stomach hurts and you feel sick, it is important to find out what to drink in advance.
- Violation of the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Nausea and dizziness appear spontaneously against the background of a sharp change in the position of the body or when the head is tilted. Associated symptoms may include headaches and tinnitus.
- Hypertension. In the chronic form, this disease can be accompanied by dizziness and nausea, regardless of food intake. Symptoms are especially intense in the morning, but attacks may also occur during the day.
- Presence of brain tumors or trauma.
- Mental disorders.
- Toxicosis during pregnancy. Nausea and the urge to vomit in the morning are the first signs of pregnancy.
- Migraine. As a rule, against the background of a migraine, the pain syndrome is localized in one part of the head. Nausea is usually not accompanied by vomiting. Other important indicators, such as respiratory function, temperature, speech, remain within the normal range.
- Meningitis and encephalitis. The origin of these pathologies is infectious. Against the background of these diseases, typical symptoms of intoxication appear. Very often at the same time a headache and nausea. Of course, you can drink medicine, but in these cases it will not help.
- Alcohol poisoning. It is also accompanied by severe nausea and headache. This is not only about the use of low-quality alcoholic beverages, but also aboutthe amount drunk.

Thus, nausea can appear for various reasons and be accompanied by different clinical signs, depending on the factor that caused it. Only a specialist after the examination can identify a disease that provokes the appearance of nausea, and prescribe treatment. Of course, if we are not talking about obvious reasons like a feast the day before or the presence of chronic diseases.
Child Nausea
It is important for parents to understand what to do when a child complains of nausea. First of all, we must not forget that the receptors of the vestibular apparatus in a child are much more sensitive to external influences, and susceptibility decreases only with age.
Sickness in transport
This is what explains why a child often gets sick in transport. To avoid nausea, it is not recommended to feed the baby tightly before a planned trip. If possible, the child should be seated in the front seat or in the center of the rear seat. During the trip, you need to give the child a drink, offer mints. In addition, such drugs as "Avia-Sea" and "Dramina" are effective, which help against motion sickness. In most cases, it is recommended to take the pill before the start of the trip.
Presence of worms
In addition, quite often nausea is a sign of the presence of helminths in the child's body. In addition to nausea and vomiting, in especially severe cases of helminthic invasion, abdominal pain, constipation, dizziness, nervous tic can be observed.and migraines.

Food poisoning
Cannot be ruled out if the child develops nausea and food poisoning. This process is accompanied by vomiting and weakness, diarrhea.
To diagnose a child, you need to get a specialist consultation and pass a series of tests for research, in particular blood and feces. Treatment of helminthiasis is carried out with the help of special antiparasitic drugs.
Let's figure out what to drink if you feel sick.
Medicines for nausea
Depending on the established diagnosis, the following drugs may be prescribed to eliminate nausea:
- Blockers of M-cholinergic receptors. These substances help to relax the muscles of the duodenum and stomach. Preparations from this group help to eliminate inflammatory processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and are used to treat oncological pathologies. Most often, drugs with the active substance hyoscyamine butyl bromide are prescribed - "Spanil", for example. What you need to drink so as not to feel sick is interesting to many.
- Substances with a sedative effect - benzodiazepines. They are prescribed to eliminate reflex nausea, diseases of the vestibular apparatus, Meniere's syndrome. This group includes drugs such as Lorazepam and Diazepam.
- Blockers of dopamine receptors in the brain. These substances are used to treat pathologies of the nervous system, when nausea does not go away. The active components of a drug such as Haloperidol inhibit the center in the brain,responsible for the development of nausea and vomiting. What else to drink if you feel sick?
- Pyrokinetics are also dopamine receptor blockers. The drugs are prescribed for the treatment of inflammation in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, after poisoning and abdominal operations, as well as against the background of long-term use of morphine-containing drugs. Most often, the choice of doctors falls on Metoclopramide and Cerucal.
- Antagonists of serotonin receptors. Substances inhibit the transmission of impulses from the vomiting center of the brain to receptors on the periphery. The drugs are prescribed after operations, and are also included in the treatment of oncopathologies.
- H1-histamine receptor blockers. They contribute to the establishment of the vestibular apparatus, eliminate nausea due to motion sickness, and also help to cope with inflammation in the inner ear. The most common is Betacentrin.
- Sometimes a person has drunk alcohol and feels sick, what should I do? Enterosorbents will help. Drugs such as Enterosgel, Enterofuril and activated charcoal help fight nausea caused by food or other types of poisoning.
Don't take medication on your own to eliminate nausea without first finding out the cause of the discomfort.
What else to drink from drugs if you feel sick?

Cerucal based on metoclopramide
"Cerukal" is most often prescribed after surgery. In addition, it is often included in the complex of restorativetherapy after aggressive and prolonged treatment, including after chemotherapy.
Metoclopramide acts as an active component of the drug. "Cerucal" is produced in the form of tablets, as well as a solution for infusion.
Indications for prescribing the drug are:
- Nausea of various origins.
- Violation of gastric tone, as well as the work of the intestines and bile ducts.
- Accelerating the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract and increasing peristalsis before probing and x-rays.

The drug is contraindicated for the following conditions and diseases:
- Intolerance of an individual nature.
- Prolactin-dependent neoplasms, including pheochromocytoma.
- Turn of the intestines.
- Child under two years of age.
- Gestation and breastfeeding.
- Epileptic and other lesions of the central nervous system.
The dosage should be adjusted according to the diagnosis. The Cerucal solution can be administered both intravenously and intramuscularly when sick. What to drink at home?
Folk recipes for nausea
There are a number of methods for stopping nausea of various etiologies:
- Green tea is a good remedy for the symptom. Antioxidants in its composition cope with nausea andhelp cleanse the body and relieve irritation of the nerves. If it is not possible to brew a drink, you can chew the dry leaves of the plant.
- Another remedy for nausea is sodium bicarbonate solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink. Against the background of food poisoning, such a mixture can provoke vomiting. Therefore, after cleansing the stomach, you need to drink another glass of the solution. This recipe is also relevant for eliminating signs of alcohol intoxication.
- Lemon juice. The fruit is cut and poured with boiling water. After the drink is infused, it should be taken with bouts of nausea. This recipe is well suited to eliminate nausea against the background of toxicosis.
- What can I drink to not feel sick? Ginger root. Pieces of the peeled root can be added to tea when brewing or to a dish when cooked. It is impossible to abuse the plant, as this can provoke a feeling of heat and have a diuretic effect.
- Green apple is also good for nausea. A couple of apples eaten during the day will relieve nausea of both a pregnant woman and a child with a weak vestibular apparatus.
- Sea or regular s alt. To get rid of an attack of nausea, you should dissolve a few s alt crystals on the tongue. Do not swallow.
- And if the child is sick, what should he drink? Children with complaints of nausea can be given dill seeds boiled in a glass of water. The resulting decoction is drunk when nausea occurs.
- Decoction of the collection of chamomile, St. John's wort,mints and melissa. Such a drink will not only relieve nausea that occurs on the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also tastes good.
- Men after a hearty feast to get rid of nausea, it is recommended to mix a little s alt and vodka and drink it with orange juice. In addition, it is recommended to drink mineral water for a hangover.

Nausea is a typical symptom of many diseases and pathological conditions. Even a woman's body can react to pregnancy with the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom.
If other physical or emotional abnormalities also occur along with nausea and vomiting, you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate the presence of serious diseases. It is important to undergo an examination in a timely manner and determine the cause of the disease, on the basis of which it will be possible to receive the necessary treatment. Stopping a symptom such as nausea without knowing the cause of its occurrence is inappropriate and dangerous.
We looked at what to drink so as not to feel sick.