Why do you feel sick after eating?

Why do you feel sick after eating?
Why do you feel sick after eating?

Food in our society has ceased to perform only one function - to saturate the body. Now it is also becoming a way to enjoy life, to appreciate new tastes, recipes, smells. It becomes all the more offensive if, after eating delicious food, nausea suddenly rolls over. Moreover, this symptom does not bode well and requires attention to your he alth.

nausea after eating
nausea after eating

Why do you feel sick after eating? There may be several reasons. Some of them are more of a domestic nature, others are based on a medical problem that should not be neglected. Let's start with the first category.

The first and main reason for feeling sick after eating for women is pregnancy. The body begins to restructure - and there is such a thing as toxicosis. You should remember how long ago the last menstruation has passed, and to check, do a pregnancy test, even if you do not practice unprotected intercourse. If, for objective reasons, it is excluded, you should think about other reasons.

Another option why you feel sick after eating is the wrong lifestyle. Nausea can be caused by a lack of oxygen in thebody, inactivity, and an unbalanced diet.

nausea after every meal
nausea after every meal

Think about it, maybe you are overloading your stomach with heavy, fatty or spicy foods, so much so that it cannot perform its functions? Try to walk more often, breathe in the fresh air before eating - this promotes appetite and reduces the risk of nausea. Sometimes it occurs after eating due to the fact that there are high loads on the body, and it cannot simultaneously digest food and other work that you have entrusted to it.

Another reason why you feel sick after eating is that you may have eaten something tasteless, expired or causing you personally intolerance. Analyze your diet, highlight such foods from the risk group and try to avoid them in the future.

These reasons are quite common these days. The way of life when working in the city is conducive to inactivity, lack of oxygen and the use of unhe althy food. But one should not exclude diseases in which nausea after eating. These include mainly diseases of the stomach, such as gastritis and peptic ulcer. They are also accompanied by bloating, heaviness.

Another disease in which nausea after every meal is associated with dysfunction of the gallbladder. To understand that the culprit of this phenomenon is precisely the disease of the gallbladder, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms: pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn, a taste of metal in the mouth or bitterness, and bloating.

why do you feel sick after eating
why do you feel sick after eating

A disease like pancreatitis can also cause nausea after eating. If this occurs with frightening regularity and is accompanied by weight loss, indigestion and a bitter taste in the mouth, this is a reason to sound the alarm.

In any case, with the symptoms described above, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist and conduct an examination of the gastrointestinal tract to prevent the progression of the disease.
