The term "fecal blockage" refers to a pathological condition that is a complication of chronic constipation. As the disease progresses, feces thicken in the intestines, which gradually harden and turn into stones. A fecal plug provokes the occurrence of intestinal obstruction, against which a person suffers from pronounced painful and other uncomfortable sensations. Treatment of the disease is carried out both conservatively and surgically. Additionally, it is allowed to use traditional medicine recipes.

Development mechanism
Normally, the emptying of the human body occurs regularly and painlessly, the act of defecation is not accompanied by strong straining. Under the influence of various adverse factors, a spasm of the anal sphincter may occur, against which a fecal blockage gradually begins to form. Often the cause of the disease are changes in the intestines. Against the background of kinks, scars, spurs, etc., feces beginaccumulate and thicken.
In some cases, there is a gap between the intestinal wall and the fecal plug. Against the background of this condition, liquid feces can leave the body, which misleads a person, since episodes of diarrhea occur with constipation.
In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), fecal blockage is assigned the code K59.
The disease can develop under the influence of many provoking factors. Depending on the causes, the following types of constipation are distinguished:
- Neurogenic. It occurs when there is a violation of intestinal motility, which occurs against the background of peptic ulcer, with the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder, pathologies of the reproductive system. In addition, the neurogenic form of constipation often develops against the background of the growth of neoplasms of the spinal cord and brain, multiple sclerosis.
- Psychogenic. Occurs when there is a need to perform an act of defecation in an unusual or uncomfortable environment. Most often, this type of constipation is diagnosed in drug addicts and people with mental disabilities.
- Proctogenic. It develops against the background of pathologies of the rectum: cracks, hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, cryptitis. Often occurs in the presence of ailments of the anorectal zone.
- Functional. The reason is the hypertonicity of the sphincters of the large intestine.
- Toxic. It develops against the background of long-term use of the following medications: narcotic analgesics, antispasmodics and diuretics. In addition, the toxic form of the disease occurs when poisoning with mercury, thallium or lead.
- senile. Associated with physical inactivity, which is not uncommon in old age. Against the background of an inactive lifestyle, there is a disruption in the functioning of the intestinal muscle tissue.
In addition, constipation can occur in people suffering from endocrine pathologies, as well as in people with anomalies in the structure of the organ.

The disease is characterized by a mild onset, it progresses rather slowly. The main signs of a fecal blockage are the following conditions:
- Full bowel movements did not occur for several days.
- General weakness.
- Frequent headache episodes.
- Nausea, sometimes turning into vomiting.
- Pain in the abdomen. Initially, they are weakly expressed, as the disease develops, their intensity increases.
- Bloating.
- When you try to perform an act of defecation, a meager feces of a liquid consistency comes out.
If you experience the above symptoms, you should consult a proctologist. Only a doctor can tell you how to get rid of a fecal blockage, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's he alth.
The diagnosis is not accompanied by difficulties. Stones are easily detected by digital rectal examination.
Now about what to do with fecal blockages is impossible. It is forbidden to take laxatives. This is due to the fact that their uncontrolled use leads to a deterioration in the course of pathology. In addition, without prior consultationdoctor should not give cleansing enemas.

Conservative treatments
Initially, doctors try to eliminate the fecal blockage with the help of medications. If they are ineffective, surgical removal of the formed stones is indicated.
As a rule, the treatment regimen for the disease includes the following items:
- Intestine cleansing procedure. In a medical facility, the patient is given an oil or hypertonic enema. In the first case, the feces are enveloped in a greasy film and come out more easily, in the second, magnesia or sodium chloride solution is injected into the rectum of the patient, due to which the feces soften. Patients whose condition is assessed as satisfactory and good are given a classic cleansing enema, characterized by a retrograde flow of water.
- Taking drugs that increase peristalsis. In most cases, Forlax is prescribed. The active substance of the drug helps to retain fluid in the intestines, due to which the defecation reflex is restored.
- Intake of magnesium sulfate. The product is dissolved in 100 ml of water and drunk before a night's rest.
- Taking pills based on sena. If it is difficult for a patient to swallow pills due to he alth reasons, Guttalax drops are prescribed.
- Use of rectal suppositories. Candles are inserted into the rectum in the morning.
If conservative methods do not lead to a positive result, after the consent of the patient, surgical removal is performedblockage.

Removing fecal plugs
Carried out according to the following algorithm:
- The patient signs a document stating that he is not against the implementation of medical measures.
- The patient is placed on the couch on the left side. He needs to bend his knees.
- A disposable diaper is placed under the buttocks.
- A nurse or doctor puts on gloves. The index finger of the right limb is plentifully lubricated by the specialist with vaseline.
- Then he gently inserts it into the rectum. When a fecal plug is found, he puts his finger behind its upper pole. Then it is extracted.
If the stone is large, the doctor or nurse tries to break it into several small fragments with a finger. If it is impossible to perform this action, an oil enema is placed for several hours. After that, the stone is removed piece by piece.

Enema at home
The expediency of prescribing this procedure is assessed only by a doctor. After his permission, it is allowed to give an enema for constipation at home or in another comfortable environment.
The procedure should be carried out early in the morning or in the evening before going to bed. For an enema, ordinary boiled water is suitable, but it should be at room temperature. Warm liquid will not harm the body, while cold liquid will lead to pain and spasms.
To prepare a solution, you need to add table s alt (1 tbsp.) to water (2 l). The remedy must be insistedaround 10 o'clock. After that, the solution must be poured into Esmarch's mug (capacity 2 l). Then the medical device must be placed at the height of the patient.
The tip of the tube (previously washed) must be lubricated with Vaseline or oil. Release excess air from the product.
The patient needs to lie on his side, relax the abdominal muscles, press his knees to his chest. The tip of the tube must then be inserted into the anus to a depth of approximately 5 cm. If severe pain occurs, the procedure should be stopped.
As soon as Esmarch's mug is empty, you need to try to keep the liquid inside for several minutes. With an unbearable urge to empty the intestines.
At home, it is allowed to add decoctions of medicinal plants to the enema for constipation.

Folk remedies
In order to improve the condition and cleanse the body of hardened feces, it is recommended to resort to alternative medicine. Treatment of fecal blockage at home is difficult, but possible if the plugs are small. Folk recipes are a way out for people who are contraindicated in setting enemas.
The most effective way to cleanse: heat castor oil in a water bath (you need to take 1 g of the product per 1 kg of body weight). Then add a few drops of lemon juice to it. The resulting remedy must be drunk in the morning. In the next 10 hours, it is undesirable to eat. Drinking water is also not recommended.
Apples also have a laxative effect. First, on an empty stomach, you need to drink 1 tbsp. l. vegetableoils. Then, during the day, only apples are allowed (one every 2 hours).
Features of food
Until the complete disposal of fecal obstruction, the menu should contain only food of plant origin. The diet should include: beets, greens, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, dried fruits, grapefruit, apples, oranges, peaches. From drinks, preference should be given to non-carbonated water and freshly squeezed juices.

In closing
Fecal blockage is a complication of chronic constipation. If there are alarming signs, it is necessary to contact a proctologist, who will draw up the most effective treatment regimen. After prior consultation with a specialist, it is allowed to carry out cleaning procedures at home.