Fecal stones are fossilized accumulations of feces that form in the large intestine under the influence of various causes. They are dangerous for humans, because due to stagnation, the intestinal mucosa is injured, erosions form and various pathologies and intoxication of the whole organism appear. That is why, at the first sign of coprolites, you need to cleanse your intestines. To this end, changes are made to the usual diet, folk methods are used, and, if necessary, a cleansing enema is done.

Let's look at how fecal stones form in the intestines.
How are stones formed?
Food, getting into the intestines, under the influence of beneficial bacteria and enzymes, turns into feces. With the normal functioning of the digestive system, waste products are naturally excreted from the intestines, without accumulating in it and not lingering. If there are malfunctions in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, then particles of deposits gradually settle on the surface of the mucosa andfibers clog over time. Such formations, at any consistency, subsequently turn into fecal stones, which consist of mucus and undigested food particles. They are called stones because they are dense and hard and can be up to fifteen centimeters in diameter.
There are such reasons for the appearance of fecal stones:
- defects in peristalsis due to weakened intestinal walls;
- irregular meals;
- decreased colon function;
- poorly chewed food;
- abuse of fatty and fried foods.
The main reason for the accumulation of masses of feces and the formation of stones is low intestinal activity. This condition is pathological in nature and requires mandatory treatment. In infants, coprolites appear due to congenital intestinal anomalies, so the intervention of doctors is required.
What are the symptoms of fecal stones?

If there are too large and hard formations in the intestines, it is necessary to carry out a complex cleansing of all departments. At the same time, it is necessary not only to break them, but also to remove them from the body, since such stones can cause intoxication and the appearance of chronic intestinal diseases.
The presence of fecal stones in the body is manifested by symptoms such as:
- stool defects;
- bitter taste in mouth;
- bad breath;
- appearance of white coating on the tongue;
- bloating and flatulence;
- apathy;
- irritability and anxiety;
- weak immune system;
- high fatigue;
- allergic rash;
- dizziness;
- edema;
- headaches;
- excessive sweating.
Pain syndrome begins to occur gradually, along with an increase in fecal stones in the intestines.
Symptoms with impressive stone sizes
When they become impressive in size, the patient's condition deteriorates significantly, and symptoms such as:
- pain in the abdomen;
- intestinal obstruction;
- vomiting;
- fever;
- intestinal bleeding (blood is present in the feces);
- urination defects;
- severe constipation;
- inflammatory process in the gallbladder - cholecystitis.

If these clinical symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention. In case of delay, there is a threat not only to he alth, but also to the life of the patient.
Fecal plugs in children are determined by indirect signs. In the process of probing the abdomen, you can feel a seal.
Intestinal stones cannot be identified by x-ray or ultrasound. To diagnose this condition, you need to conduct a rectoscopy.
How to clean stool stones?
Intestinal Cleansing
In no case should you hope for self-treatment. To heal adultspatients, you need to normalize your diet, which will facilitate intestinal emptying, as well as relax the digestive system.
In addition, at home it is allowed to use folk remedies. If they are not effective, you can do a cleansing enema.
To prevent further increase in fecal stones, you need to change your diet. The patient's menu should include the following items:
- porridge cooked with water;
- salads dressed with olive oil;
- dried fruits;
- bran;
- fresh fruits and vegetables.

Recommended in the morning and evening during the week to use only rice and oatmeal. They are taken in equal amounts and cooked in s alted water. Such food helps to remove pieces of undigested food, heals cracks in the intestinal mucosa, improves peristalsis and perfectly eliminates fecal stones.
It is also useful to do fasting days, which are performed once a week. During the day, only fresh carrots, herbs and apples, herbal teas, kefir and plain water are allowed. To achieve a greater effect, it is advisable to do a cleansing enema in the morning, but not more than once a month.
Which foods to restrict?
If the patient has a tendency to develop fecal stones, it is necessary to limit the use of products such as:
- fatty and starchy foods;
- muffin and whitebread;
- s alted fish;
- sweets;
- fast food.
It should be noted that you need to maintain a diet after getting rid of fecal stones. Otherwise, coprolites may re-form.
Another way to get rid of fecal stones in the intestines?

Folk ways
To quickly cleanse the intestines of fecal stones, it is advised to use a number of folk recipes:
- Olive oil, which can be used as an addition to salad, and also eat one tablespoon at night.
- Castor oil, which has a laxative effect, eliminates flatulence and constipation. You need to drink one tablespoon of oil before going to bed.
- S alt water. This remedy is allowed to be used on an empty stomach in the morning. To prepare it, you need to take one tablespoon of s alt and then mix it with a liter of water. You need to drink the solution for a short period of time in full. Thanks to this amount of funds, fecal stones can be removed from the intestines. The procedure is carried out until the water starts to flow instead of feces. After that, you should eat fruit salad or light porridge.
- Prune infusion. It is necessary to take prunes in the amount of one hundred grams and pour boiling water (500 ml), and then insist for twenty minutes. This tool is used in three doses.
- Potato juice. You need to grate it on a fine grater, squeeze the juice out of it, remove the cake. The resulting drink must be drunk in smallsips throughout the day. For a day, you should take up to 150 milliliters. This method is useful when fecal stones have caused damage to the intestinal mucosa, since potato juice has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Flaxseed. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of flax seeds, fill with boiling water (one glass) and insist for five hours. The decoction is consumed within three weeks.

When cleaning from fecal stones, it is allowed to use decoctions based on different herbs. The following recipes are effective:
- In equal proportions, hops, coltsfoot, calendula (one tablespoon each) are taken and mixed together. Raw materials are poured with boiling water and infused for an hour. The resulting product must be taken throughout the day in a tablespoon or immediately in full.
- It is necessary to mix one tablespoon of linden, chamomile flowers, knotweed and motherwort. Raw materials are poured with one liter of boiling water, boiled over low heat for twenty minutes. Such a remedy is used several times a day.
Cleansing enema
The most effective method of cleansing the intestines from fecal stones is an enema. It can be used at home. One enema should not contain more than two liters of solution. For one cleaning, you can not do more than one procedure, as this will cause the removal of both toxins and beneficial bacteria, which are required for the stable functioning of the digestive system. That is why you need to combine an enema with the use of herbal infusion. The best option is chamomile collection.
In order to avoid discomfort due to this procedure, it is imperative to lubricate the tips with butter or petroleum jelly. To carry out such a cleansing manipulation, the patient needs to take a position either on all fours or on his side.
After the enema solution is administered, it is necessary to maintain this position for 10-15 minutes, and then go to the toilet and empty the bowels. At first, water is excreted for several minutes, and then the softened fecal mass. However, expiration dates and times may vary depending on the solution used.
If there are fecal stones in the body, the procedure is allowed to be carried out no more than once a week. When the intestines are cleansed, an enema can be given once a month. Photos of fecal stones can be found online.

Prevention measures
As soon as the intestines are cleared of stones accumulated in it, disease-causing signs and symptoms of slagging disappear. In order to prevent the recurrence of pathology in the future, the following preventive measures must be observed:
- Diet regulation. You don't have to completely cut animal fats and meats from your menu, but you can't eat them in excessive amounts.
- Every day you should eat fresh vegetables (in the form of salads with the addition of vegetable oil), bread (best with bran), dairy products.
- Reduce consumption of bananas, pastries, rice, milk and white bread as these foods cause constipation.
- Grapefruits will also benefit. In the event that there is no allergic reaction to citrus fruits, it is allowed to cleanse the intestines with their help from time to time: there are two oranges every day (in the morning and evening). This cleansing is soft and natural.
- Drink enough water. You need to drink at least two liters (this includes rosehip decoctions, tea, plain water, etc.). Thus, dehydration of the body and hardening of feces in the intestines are prevented.
- The bowels need to be emptied every day, regularly. To develop such a habit, after waking up, gently massage the stomach in a clockwise direction, drink boiled warm water. If there is a desire, it is allowed to add simple squats to all these manipulations. It can take two to six months to form the habit of going to the toilet around the same time.
With a combination of different ways of cleansing your intestines, eating right and adhering to the principles of a he althy lifestyle, each person is quite capable of eliminating the slagging that occurs due to hardened stones, eliminating signs of intoxication and generally improving their own he alth. Now we know how to clean stool stones at home.
What is the danger of stones?
In the absence of timely removal of coprolites from the body at the first signs of their occurrence, you can "earn" suchway intestinal obstruction and stagnation. Such problems are solved only with the help of the intervention of a surgeon. Constant intoxication will also have a negative effect on the appearance of a person, especially on his hair and skin integuments. Internal he alth will also suffer, as food will not be beneficial due to the presence of stones in the body, as toxins will be absorbed during its processing.
We looked at how to cleanse the intestines of fecal stones.