Black nail quite often occurs due to trauma, as a result of which there is a hemorrhage right under the nail plate. As soon as a hematoma begins to appear, you should immediately seek help from qualified specialists (dermatologist, oncologist).
It is known that a certain category of diseases of the internal organs is reflected on the nail plate, which is why it is necessary to determine the disease in the initial stages. As a rule, the yellow color of the nails can signal problems with the respiratory tract or in the endocrine system. What can a black nail indicate? This will be discussed in the article.

What does the dark color of the nail signal?
Any damage to the nail, under which blood begins to collect, is the most common cause of darkening of the nail plate. The hematoma can remain for quite a long period and does not require specific treatment, except when inflammation has begun to progress.
Blackening of the plate mayarise as a consequence of the accumulation of melanin. This phenomenon can be triggered by a number of factors:
Blackening occurs as a result of damage to the nail by various fungi: yeast-like, dermatophytes or proteas.
As soon as nail pigmentation occurs, you should immediately seek help from specialists who will prescribe treatment using immunomodulators or antifungal drugs.

Injury to the nail plate
As a rule, a black nail can be observed due to strong pressure on the finger or physical injury. Extremely rarely, the cause may be the influence of high temperature. The big toe is the most commonly injured. After receiving a strong blow or bruise, pain can be disturbing for 14 days, until the moment when the nerve endings that are located in the nail die off. If a black nail on the big toe (or on any other) does not go away for more than two weeks, plus it has begun to increase in size, you should urgently consult a doctor. By making a small hole in the nail plate, the fluid that has accumulated will be removed.
Mycosis is a common problem
Mycosis - in other words, a fungal disease. As a rule, nail damage can occur when visiting public places.(sauna, bath) or when wearing someone else's shoes. It is completely impossible to cope with the disease on your own due to the fact that only doctors can determine the type of fungus.

Other causes of darkening of the nail plate
Discoloration of the nail plates can be caused by diseases of the internal organs. Qualified doctors note:
- green plate indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- blue color occurs due to a violation of normal blood circulation;
- brown nails may be the result of a disorder of the central nervous system, mainly with changes in the brain.
The most dangerous reason that can cause black stripes on the nails or their complete blackening is hemangioma. Darkening is provoked by blood vessels that grow and cause unbearable pain. In certain situations, it occurs before the appearance of a neoplasm. To determine the tumor will help ordinary pressing on the affected finger. If the dark color has changed to white, then there is a neoplasm.

How to deal with the problem
If, in addition to the dark color of the nail plate, constant discomfort and severe pain are added, this is a signal that there is strong pressure under the plate, and you cannot do without the help of doctors. Since it is impossible to replace the nail plate, doctors recommend simply removing the nail, and then undergoing a series of special procedures that will help eliminatepain.
The actions of doctors are based on the fact that they pierce the plate. After this procedure, the nail dies within one month, and a new one begins to grow in its place. If you do not remove the damaged nail plate, it may prevent the growth of a new one, or they will grow together.

Ways to speed up the healing process
If the nails are not treated in time, their recovery may take a long time or lead to more serious problems. In order to significantly speed up the healing process of the nail plate, it is necessary to include foods that contain a large amount of calcium in the diet, and constantly bathe with s alt. They normalize the pressure in the bruised area, and the blood will gradually begin to come out from under the nail. To speed up the process of rejection of the damaged nail plate, you can smear it with iodine. A he althy nail will grow in place of a dead nail, unless it is re-injured.
To prevent the formation of a hematoma, it is necessary to pour cold water on the finger after hitting or apply ice.
When to worry
In a situation where, after a certain time, the nail injury continues to be of great concern, you should not take action on your own. You need to use the help of a doctor who will open the nail and remove the blood.
Symptoms of a more serious condition:
- puffiness;
- phalanx deformity;
- limited motor function.
If the fungus provoked the pathology, self-treatmentcontraindicated, only a doctor can help. As a rule, the treatment of nails affected by a fungus is effective if you see a doctor in a timely manner. He will prescribe special procedures, medicines and wellness manicures.
As soon as it was discovered that the nail has moved away from the surface of the finger itself, everything must be carefully examined. Anxiety can be caused by a specific smell that comes from a damaged nail plate, the presence of purulent discharge, shooting pain.

Recommendations for preventing blackening of the nail
Blackening of the nail plate can be avoided if the following rules are observed:
- The right shoes. It is always necessary to buy good, high-quality and comfortable shoes. The size must match, the material must be natural. When choosing sports shoes, you need to consider that there should be some free space in front of the thumb.
- Proper care. When visiting public places, you should always take your shoes and a foot towel. It is strictly forbidden to walk on the floor with bare feet.
- Caution. The slightest damage to the nails is a consequence of a human oversight. You must always follow the rules of caution in any situation, whether it is playing sports, manipulating objects, and more.
In order to prevent the occurrence of the above pathology due to serious illnesses, it is necessary to constantly consume well-cooked meat, vegetables, fruits. Nutrition should be complete and balanced. Not worth itignore the occurrence of a black nail. In any situation, it is necessary to see a specialist to determine the cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.
Be he althy!