Parapsoriasis is a whole complex of chronic dermatological diseases with unclear etiology. Despite multiple studies, it is still not clear why this pathology appears. But a number of provocative factors are definitely distinguished: a tendency to allergies, chronic diseases in an acute form, disturbances in the work of the endocrine and immune systems. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a pseudo-psoriatic rash on the skin.
Parapsoriasis and psoriasis
Despite the similarity of names and symptoms, these are completely different diseases. Psoriasis often occurs against the background of bleeding plaques, neoplasms are constantly increasing in size, they are always flaky. Psoriasis is accompanied by severe itching. It manifests itself most often in the folds and on the scalp, which is not typical for parapsoriasis.
Main reasons
For the first time parapsoriasis was described in 1902. Diagnosing the disease is quite difficult, since the symptoms are very close not only to psoriasis, but also very similar to skin tuberculosis, eczema, lichen and syphilis.
Formerlyit was believed that this ailment appears against the background of infectious diseases, but no one managed to confirm this hypothesis. To date, it is believed that parapsoriasis has an allergic basis of origin. Although not the last role is played by the presence of infectious colds: tonsillitis, SARS and influenza. Pyelonephritis, tonsillitis or sinusitis can provoke the appearance of the disease. Somatic diseases, in particular problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract, are often a provoking factor for the development of the disease.

Symptomatology and types
Experience in the treatment of parapsoriasis shows that this is a seasonal disease that most often appears in summer or spring. The appearance of papules and plaques on the skin can be attributed to a common symptom, regardless of the type. As a rule, they have a border along the periphery of the entire spot. Such spots may rise slightly above the surface of the skin and have a pinkish or reddish tint. In some cases, plaques can be covered with silvery scales. Pathology rarely occurs against the background of itching.
There are four types of disease: plaque, lichenoid and guttate and acute form.
Plaque type
This is the most common form of pathology. Outwardly, the disease resembles pink lichen or mycosis fungoides.
Plaques can be large or small. Large-plaque form can degenerate into lymphoma. The spots are pale pink, may be yellow or brown. The rash is usually oval, 3 to 5 centimeters in diameter.
Plaques usually do not rise above the surface of the skin,can appear on the whole body and on the legs. The rash rarely merges, but scaly scales may appear. The skin in places affected by parapsoriasis resembles a crumpled paper sheet. Dilated vessels can be seen near the plaques, the skin itself loses its natural pigment, becomes pale.

Teardrop shape
This type of pathology is characterized by the formation of hemispherical plaques, oval and rounded. They have a flat surface. They are red or brown. Papules grow from 2 to 5 millimeters. Grayish-brown scales are usually observed in the middle.
If you try to scrape off the papule, it will separate from the skin completely - this is a manifestation of the so-called phenomenon of the host. If the plaque is scratched, then hemorrhage may begin.
This form of parapsoriasis can manifest itself as a rash on almost any part of the body, including the limbs, the trunk from the side and front. Papules may even appear on the mucous membrane, but there they are white.
Treatment of guttate parapsoriasis gives good results. Although the pathology lasts for years, at some point it can completely disappear without leaving the slightest trace on the skin. Most often, infectious diseases act as a provocateur of this form of the disease.
Lichenoid form
This is the rarest form of pathology, and in childhood it practically does not occur. Diagnosed in people aged 20 to 50.
Treatment of parapsoriasis of this form is very long and complicated. Very often, it is this form of the disease that develops into a fungalmycosis.
Characterized by the appearance of a very small rash, literally the size of a pin head. The plaques are flat, cherry, brown, red or even yellow. Quite often, papules are covered with bran-like scales, and if slightly scraped off, purpura may appear. As a rule, patients do not complain of itching. But after the plaque disappears, a brown spot remains on the skin.
Treatment of lichenoid parapsoriasis is carried out according to the same scheme that is provided for the plaque type. In addition to antibiotic therapy, sanitation of foci of infection is carried out. However, one should be prepared that even the acute form of this pathology can last from several weeks to 6 months.

This form has been added to the group of parapsoriasis recently. It is believed that this is one of the forms of teardrop type with an acute course of the disease. Pathology is characterized by an acute initial stage and the presence of characteristic polymorphic rashes. In this case, the rash can be varied: pustules, papules, necrotic ulcers, vesicles, hemorrhagic fragments.
The disease is accompanied by general malaise, headaches, body temperature rises, and lymph nodes may even increase.
A rash can appear not only on the skin, but also on the feet, scalp, and mucous membranes. As a rule, rashes are located symmetrically. After the papules disappear, scars may remain, and purulent papules may appear, but the plaques do not merge.
In this case, it is very important to start on timeparapsoriasis treatment. But if it lasts for about 6 months or more, then we can already talk about the chronic form.
It is quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis of parapsoriasis. After all, the symptoms of the disease are very similar to many dermatological diseases. Clear laboratory diagnostic methods have not been developed to date. A blood test and a biopsy of fragments of the affected skin are performed in order to differentiate parapsoriasis from other pathologies.

Antibacterial and antihistamine therapy
The treatment of parapsoriasis is similar to the treatment of psoriasis. The acute form of the disease is necessarily treated with antibacterial agents. Most commonly used:
- Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The medicine is indicated for use in many diseases, including psoriasis and parapsoriasis. However, it is not prescribed during pregnancy, lactation and liver failure.
- "Penicillin" is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. It is also used in the treatment of many diseases, but is contraindicated for individuals with intolerance to G-sodium s alt. The drug has the highest safety class, so it can be used in any trimester of pregnancy.
How to remove the symptoms of parapsoriasis? Treatment should be with antihistamines. These medicines are used to relieve allergic manifestations and eliminate itching:
- "Claritin". It has a prolonged antihistamine effect, does not causeaddiction. There are no contraindications for use during lactation and pregnancy, but it is not recommended to use it for children under two years of age.
- "Loratadine". It has excellent antipruritic and antiexudative action. Prevents the appearance of edema and relieves spasms. Non-addictive.
Plaque Form Therapy
It is very important to start this type of therapy on time, as it can develop into a chronic form, cause lymphoma or mycosis.
Before starting the treatment of plaque parapsoriasis, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the gastrointestinal tract. Since it is violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract that most often provoke the development of pathology. In addition to the prescribed medication course of treatment, you will have to follow a strict diet. You will have to give up fried and smoked dishes. It is recommended to eat boiled meat and fish, light soups, cereals, vegetables and fruits.
If the disease is in an acute form, then the treatment of small plaque parapsoriasis is carried out with the help of antibacterial drugs: "Penicillin", "Erythromycin" and others. Nicotinic acid and vitamins are used to improve blood circulation. If the patient suffers from severe itching, then antihistamines are used.
To eliminate the external manifestations of the disease, drugs and ointments with corticosteroids are used. Physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed: PUVA therapy, ultraviolet irradiation.
The entire course of treatment takes place under the supervision of a gastroenterologist.
Treatment of teardrop form of the disease
Appointusually: "Tavegil" and "Diazolin", they cope well with itching and relieve swelling. Calcium preparations also work - Calcimin and angioprotectors: Troxevasin, Pentoxifylline.
Additionally, nicotinic acid may be prescribed along with vitamins of group B, A, C and E.
According to reviews, the treatment of parapsoriasis with severe pathology should be carried out with the help of steroid drugs for local use: Diprospan, Prednisolone.

Acute treatment
In addition to antihistamines, the course of treatment necessarily includes nicotinic acid, as well as vascular drugs: Teonicol or Complamin. To eliminate itching, liquid suspensions are used, which are mixed with anesthesin or menthol.
Treatment of lichenoid parapsoriasis
This type of parapsoriasis is treated in principle in the same way as all other forms of the disease. The emphasis in therapy is only on vitamins of group B. In pediatrics, "Tetracycline" can be used. If we are talking about a severe course of the disease, then Cyclosporine or Methotrexate is prescribed.
Other treatments
To eliminate the symptoms as quickly as possible, the treatment of parapsoriasis should be based on three fundamental rules:
- Seek timely medical care.
- Strict and strict adherence to doctor's recommendations.
- Diet food.
To auxiliary methods of treatment of parapsoriasis include taking baths with sulfur,iodine-bromine or sulfuric carbon dioxide. A course of moderate heliotherapy, phonophoresis and UVI is suitable. But the most pleasant course of treatment can be done at the Dead Sea. The mud and water of the lake itself has a unique composition of micro- and microelements, which will allow you to restore the immune system, endocrine and nervous system as quickly as possible. Sunbathing is recommended on the shores of the Dead Sea, as in this place the sun has the most gentle effect on the skin and allows you to quickly get rid of the manifestations of parapsoriasis.
What does traditional medicine offer?
Along with conservative therapy, doctors recommend using traditional medicine recipes, especially if the form of the disease is simple and at an early stage, as in the photo below. Parapsoriasis is treated with herbal baths.

The easiest but very effective recipe, for the preparation of which you will need:
- valerian;
- St. John's wort;
- celandine;
- sage;
- sequence.
All herbs are mixed in equal parts. They should be poured with boiling water and insisted for 8 hours. After that, you can strain the broth and add to the bath for bathing. This recipe is also suitable for quickly relieving annoying itching. If the herbs caused an unexpectedly negative effect and the patient had discomfort, then instead of herbal collection, you can make a decoction of birch leaves or needles.
To relieve itching, you can take a bath with a decoction of juniper berries. For cooking, you need 200 grams of fresh berries,which are poured with boiling water and infused for 5 to 6 hours. Baths with medicinal herbs should be taken for 20 minutes. The course of treatment with any of the decoctions described should last from 15 to 20 procedures.
There are also recipes for oral preparations that can eliminate symptoms. According to reviews, the treatment of parapsoriasis can be carried out with an infusion of kombucha. To begin with, black tea is brewed, at the rate of 5 grams per 1.5 liters of water, you can add honey or sugar. After the tea has cooled, kombucha is placed in a container with it. After 4 days, the medicine is ready for use. Before drinking, it should be diluted with clean water. This tool will strengthen the immune system in a short time.
To remove the external manifestations of parapsoriasis, doctors recommend using a decoction of birch leaves. Suitable birch tar, which wipe the affected areas of the skin. The duration of the first session should not exceed 20 seconds, the time of subsequent procedures increases gradually.
There are many more folk remedies for the treatment of parapsoriasis, but you can’t do without adjusting the diet
Diet food
Regardless of the form of the disease, the normalization of the diet will speed up the recovery process. First of all, you will have to reduce your s alt intake, limit the consumption of fried foods and sweets, and it is best to refuse such dishes altogether. In no case should you eat smoked meats. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
For food duringvarious cereals, greens, lean broths, low-fat varieties of fish and meat are ideal for treatment. In addition, doctors recommend eating pumpkin seeds, as they improve intestinal motility. You should beware of colds.

Treatment of parapsoriasis in Moscow
On average, an appointment with a dermatologist in the capital will cost 1,800 rubles. There are many clinics in the city where you can not only get a consultation, but also undergo a full course of treatment:
- Doctor Nearby, a network medical clinic with branches on Simonovsky Val, Losinoostrovsky District, South Medvedkovo, Kuzminki, North Tushino and other areas;
- clinic of cosmetology and dermatovenereology at Goncharny proezd, 6;
- International network clinic "ON CLINIC", with branches near the metro stations "Tsvetnoy Bulvar", "Taganskaya", "Arbatskaya" and others.
Besides this, medical tourism has recently become popular, according to the doctor's indications, you can choose spa treatment in Israel or other countries.