What is a monkey fold? This is a special line on the palm that is found in a small number of people. This feature is not a pathology. But doctors drew attention to the fact that such a furrow on the arm is sometimes noted with chromosomal diseases and malformations. In many cases, it is observed in he althy people. However, if this line is found in a newborn, then special attention should be paid to the he alth of such a child.
What is this line
Often, doctors and palmists talk about the monkey crease in the palm of your hand. What does this term mean?
We will consider the medical and clinical implications of this definition. In the upper part of the human palm, two horizontal lines can be found. These are the three-finger and five-finger grooves. In chirology, they are called the line of the mind and the line of the heart. In most people, these skin folds are located separately and do not intersect. Thesefurrows can be seen in the photo below.

A small percentage of people have these lines merge into one. In this case, a wide furrow crosses the palm of a person. This feature is called the monkey crease in the palm of your hand. Such a line is found in anthropoid primates. This is the reason for the name of the fold. Otherwise, it is called the Simian line (from the English word Simian - "monkey-like"). A photo of the monkey fold can be seen below.

It can be said that a person has only one line in the palm of his hand instead of three. The term "four-finger furrow" is also used. Such a fold on one hand is observed in 4% of people, and on two - in 1%. It is more common in men than in women.
Embryogenesis disorders
The formation of skin patterns on the palms of a person occurs in the third month of fetal development. It is during this period that the unborn child may develop a monkey fold on the hand.
Such a feature can be inherited from parents. In this case, it does not indicate any diseases. But often such a transverse furrow indicates violations of embryogenesis. Along with the abnormal formation of skin patterns in the fetus, other abnormalities can be observed.

The Simian line is a kind of development anomaly. Such formation of skin folds in the palm of your hand cannot be considered the norm. If at the same time the unborn child does not have any other anomalies, then such a skin pattern onpalms are not dangerous. But often this feature is combined with more dangerous malformations.
Down Syndrome
Monkey fold occurs in 40-50% of patients with Down syndrome. Usually this feature is noted only on one hand. Down syndrome refers to congenital chromosomal abnormalities. The disease is characterized by mental retardation of varying degrees. Patients have a characteristic appearance: flat face, short skull, slanting eyes.

Other congenital pathologies
The Simian line is found in most children with Patau syndrome. This is a severe congenital pathology characterized by multiple malformations. In most cases, children die before the age of 1.
Monkey fold on one arm is often seen in patients with Noonan syndrome. Patients have short stature, delayed puberty, heart defects, and chest deformities. Intellectual development may remain normal, in some patients mental development is impaired.
Monkey fold also occurs in men with Klinefelter syndrome. This is a congenital disease in which a boy has an increased number of female X chromosomes. The manifestations of this disease are usually noted in adolescence. The boy has a tall stature, gynecomastia and puberty disorders.
However, such a feature of the furrows in the palm of your hand does not always indicate chromosomal abnormalities. It occurs in 7% of women suffering from congenital abnormalities inthe structure of the uterus.
Also, the Simian line is observed in people with heart defects. In this case, it is slightly shifted to the top of the palm.
Does this always indicate illness
Can a monkey crease in the palm of your hand be diagnosed? This feature is not always a sign of the disease. The Simian line can also be found in absolutely he althy people who do not suffer from any pathologies. By itself, the transverse furrow is not a disease, it can only be one of the symptoms of a congenital ailment.
This symptom alone is not enough to diagnose the disease. This feature should be considered only in combination with other manifestations of genetic disorders.
What to do if a newborn has a transverse furrow in the palm of his hand? If at the same time the child does not have any other abnormalities, then this symptom should not be a cause for concern. This does not mean that the baby was born sick. However, doctors recommend a blood test for a karyotype. This test detects chromosomal abnormalities with high accuracy.

A blood test should be taken, as there are mosaic forms of chromosomal disorders. They are not always accompanied by pronounced symptoms and changes in the appearance of the newborn. Mosaic disturbances appear only over time. In this case, the transverse furrow in the palm may be the only sign of pathology, and it is advisable to undergo an additional examination. It should be remembered that this featureindicates a 45% chance of having Down syndrome.
If the child has other obvious signs of a genetic anomaly, then the presence or absence of the Simian line does not matter much for diagnosis.
If such a crease in the palm of your hand is observed in an adult, then when planning a childbearing, he is recommended to visit genetics. Consultation with a specialist is necessary, even if the patient feels completely he althy. This is important for the he alth of his future children.
The presence of a transverse furrow in the palm of your hand may be just one of the symptoms of chromosomal disorders. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease.
Most of the genetic anomalies are not completely cured. Modern medicine cannot affect the composition of chromosomes. However, it is necessary to correct congenital disorders in a timely manner:
- With Down syndrome, it is necessary to develop the speech and communication skills of the baby from an early age. It is also important to pay attention to the he alth of the child. Such children often suffer from heart defects, and also have problems with muscles and joints. Therefore, the child should be regularly observed by a pediatrician.
- In Noonan syndrome, a teenager is given hormone replacement therapy. This allows you to accelerate delayed sexual development. Developmental activities are indicated at an early age, as such children may experience mental retardation.
- In Klinefelter's syndrome, testosterone preparations are indicated. If a boy or young man has signs of gynecomastia, plastic surgery is done.
- Patau's syndrome is practically untreatable. This severe disease has an extremely poor prognosis. Medical care for a child consists only in constant monitoring of his condition and symptomatic treatment.

The Simian line is most often observed in chromosomal diseases. To date, the prevention of such anomalies has not been developed. However, such pathologies in the unborn child can be detected using prenatal diagnostics.
Every pregnant woman should be screened. Such a survey allows you to identify chromosomal abnormalities at the stage of intrauterine development. Screening is especially indicated for patients over 35 years of age. After all, children with Down syndrome and other congenital disorders are more often born to women in late reproductive age.