Pegano (diet): menus, recipes and reviews. Start eating Pegano

Pegano (diet): menus, recipes and reviews. Start eating Pegano
Pegano (diet): menus, recipes and reviews. Start eating Pegano

Even the ancient sages very accurately noticed that human he alth depends entirely on the products that he consumes. But lack of time or just a lack of understanding of how to eat right leads to many diseases. The body is overloaded with toxins and can no longer remove all the "garbage" through the excretory system. And then it begins to release toxins through the largest organ - the skin. Rashes, acne, pimples, allergic reactions and such a serious disease as psoriasis appear. The Pegano Diet was developed specifically to deal with similar manifestations, it has proven itself well, since with its exact observance, the patient gets rid of skin problems.

pegano diet
pegano diet


This popular and effective diet was developed by the famous Dr. John Pegano. He claims that all skin rashes are directly related to an excess of toxins and toxins in the in the body. The inability of their timely excretion by the intestines leads to rotting of products and an increase in the level of carcinogens in the blood. They are carried throughout the bloodstream and poison our body. To stop this process and bring the skin in order, you need to completely change your usual diet. A person should consume as many foods as possible that form an alkaline environment in the body (70-80%), and allow himself only 20-30% of acid-forming ingredients. Such a diet will quickly cleanse the body of poisons and toxins and thereby restore the normal functioning of the excretory system.

Where to start

Pegano nutrition involves a person going through several important stages. It is these complex measures that will help to achieve the maximum effect. At the very beginning of the "path", the doctor recommends a mono-diet, which will unload the body. Vegetables and fruits are suitable for this diet. Choose for yourself: 3 days you can eat any citrus or green apples, or 5-6 days eat any favorite fruit. At this stage, the doctor recommends helping your body as much as possible and conducting colon therapy or doing daily cleansing enemas at home on your own. And to make the chair regular, take 2 tbsp. l. clarified olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach.

pegano food
pegano food

Mode matters

Every person who wants to cleanse the body and put their skin in order should remember that such activities do not bring instant results. For example, a diet for psoriasis according to Peganoinvolves a certain diet and lifestyle. He althy nutrition basics:

  • Consumption of clean water - you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water daily. According to the Pegano diet, this condition must be strictly observed. You can add other he althy drinks to the water - fruit drinks, sugar-free juices, tea, decoctions.
  • It is very important to normalize regular stools by using natural laxatives for this: fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, include in the diet foods containing vitamin B: broccoli, beets, soy milk, raw peas, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, buckwheat, almonds, fish, turnips.
  • Fiber is a great colon cleanser: vegetables, fruits, whole grain cereals, whole grain bread, you can also take fiber in granules.
  • Steam baths are very useful for cleansing the skin - they will help open pores and remove toxins faster.
  • Physical activity: It is very important to exercise, be outdoors, swim.
  • Do not overeat - let the body work normally, do not overload it.
  • And, of course, a positive attitude - as you know, psoriasis is directly related to the nervous system.
Pegano diet for psoriasis
Pegano diet for psoriasis

Allowed and prohibited foods

It is very important, while dieting, to learn to understand which foods are alkaline and which are acidic. It is on the principle of eating more alkaline foods that the Pegano diet is based. The table will help you to make a completemenu for every day.




Berries and fruits





















String beans














Flour products and cereals

Pasta (hard varieties)

Wild and brown rice

Whole wheat







Whole grain bread

White Rice


Baking with yeast

White bread

Fish (boiled or baked up to 4 times a week is allowed)















Any fried fish

Poultry and meat Lamb (lean) - baked or boiled. Poultry or game. All of these foods can be consumed up to 2 times per week.

Sausages, sausages, sausages






Eggs Boiled eggs no more than 3 times a week Fried eggs

Uns alted cheese

Natural yogurt



All low-fat dairy products.

High fat dairy

Ice cream







Butter with high fat content


Sweet Forbidden Any treat that contains sugar
Drinks Decoctions of: chamomile, watermelon seeds, mullein, sage, safflower

Tomato juice



Any alcohol

Carbonated soft drinks

Product Compatibility

pegano diet recipes
pegano diet recipes

It is worth considering that the Pegano dietinvolves the special use of permitted products. There are ingredients that are forbidden to combine in one meal:

  • Use melons, apples, bananas only as separate meals.
  • Don't combine dairy products with citrus juices.
  • Fruits, cereals and flour products are unacceptable to combine.
  • Don't eat meat at the same time as sugary foods.
  • It is unacceptable to use any canned food and products with dyes and preservatives.
  • Meat does not go well with starchy foods.
  • Sugar and cream should not be added to coffee and tea.
  • Red or white wine can occasionally be consumed in an amount of 50-100 g, while it is unacceptable to combine it with other products.

Drinking mode

The diet for psoriasis according to Pegano involves maintaining a normal water balance and the consumption of special drinks. They not only flush out toxins from the body, but also enhance the release of toxins. In addition to drinking pure water, be sure to drink:

  • Freshly squeezed vegetable juices (from allowed types). It is very useful to add a little onion juice to such a drink (about 1-2 tsp).
  • In the morning it will be useful to drink a glass of water with the addition of 1 tsp. honey and lemon juice.
  • Sugar-free juices from citrus, grapes, pears.
  • Herbal teas are a must.

Foods that increase alkalinity

The Pegano diet highlights foods that will help maintain the alkaline balance in the body:

  • john pegano
    john pegano

    The use of lecithin in granular form - 1 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day. Such a course should be carried out up to 5 days weekly.

  • Be sure to eat not only fresh fruits and vegetables, but also add stew to your daily diet.
  • Be sure to eat leafy greens daily.
  • Use 3-5 drops of glycothymoline. Dilute it in a glass of water and consume before bed up to 5 days a week
  • Mineral waters (alkaline): Essentuki-4, Borjomi, Smirnovskaya.

In addition, it is very important to take any sorbent in the form of a medicine, it will help absorb poisons and toxins and leave them naturally. Enterosorbents increase immunity and promote the growth of T-lymphocytes. Suitable: white or black coal, Enterosgel suspension.

Tasty and he althy food

The diet allows the use of so many products from which you can cook delicious and he althy meals. It is only worth considering the incompatibility of some of the ingredients that the Pegano diet suggests. Recipes for every day:

pegano diet table
pegano diet table
  • First courses - soups with chicken, lean beef are acceptable, zucchini and zucchini can be added instead of potatoes, frying is not allowed. Add fresh onions and carrots. Lean cabbage soup is also suitable, you can cook them with cauliflower, it is better to cook okroshka without sausage or with poultry meat.
  • Second courses - be sure to add one dish of stewed vegetables to your diet! All types of allowed foods will do, eat cereals, you can season them with yogurtor add fresh or dried fruits, nuts. Durum pasta can be combined with any greens, prepare a sauce of grated vegetables with lemon juice.
  • Meat and fish, steam or bake, do not eat bread at the same time.
  • Pamper yourself with delicious fruits, fresh juices, compotes, fruit drinks, sweets can be made from dried fruits.

It will be difficult to maintain such a diet only at the first stage, and when the body gets used to it, you will be able to feel the real taste of each product! Do not starve when you want to eat, eat little by little, but more often.

Followers reviews

This diet was developed over 20 years ago, and many people have lived by Dr. Pegano's dietary principles for a long time. It is noted that this diet differs from others in its richness, varied menu and excellent weight loss. You can lose 1-3 kg in 7 days. It is difficult to observe it only for the first week, and then the body will fully adapt and begin to function normally. Patients suffering from skin diseases confirm that adherence to a diet leads to a gradual cleansing of the skin from painful manifestations.

pegano diet reviews
pegano diet reviews

In addition, the stool is completely normal, swelling disappears, the skin becomes more elastic and the feeling of dryness and tightness disappears. So if you want to see the first positive results in the fight against the disease, the Pegano diet is perfect for you! Feedback from adherents confirm that you will notice the first results in 15 days! And the minimum ratesuch wellness treatment is 1 month.
