Remedy for itching: a review of drugs and alternative methods of therapy

Remedy for itching: a review of drugs and alternative methods of therapy
Remedy for itching: a review of drugs and alternative methods of therapy

Itching of the skin often causes real torment for a person. This unpleasant condition can affect people regardless of gender, age and lifestyle. Itching can develop due to allergic reactions, dermatological pathologies, insect bites, diabetes mellitus or other endocrine diseases. The article provides an overview of the best remedies for itchy skin, depending on the reasons that provoked it.

Why does itchy skin start?

In order to choose a medicine that would ideally help get rid of the problem in a short time, you should accurately diagnose the cause. Depending on the symptoms of scabies, you can choose a therapy that will allow the patient to forget about the disease for a long time. The remedy for itching after a mosquito will be completely different from that for allergies or diabetes.

  1. Allergic reactions are a common cause of the problem. Patients are used to thinking that the disease has symptoms of a runny nose,tearing, skin rashes. Meanwhile, itching is one of the most striking manifestations of allergies.
  2. Diabetes mellitus, both type 2 and type 1, almost always causes severe scabies. The patient is also concerned about persistent dermatitis, eczema, scleropathy. These conditions force him to scratch the skin to wounds. And with diabetes, they heal very slowly, often begin to fester. As a result, medical treatment is required.
  3. Insect bites are a common cause of itchy skin in children and adults. The problem is accompanied not only by scabies, but also by inflammation of the skin. Folk remedies for itchy mosquitoes are as effective as medications.
  4. Solar and household burns of the third degree are characterized by reddening of the epidermis, pain and a desire to comb the damaged area. Medicinal ointments and suspensions should be used in order to get rid of the symptoms of a burn as soon as possible. In no case should you comb the damaged area.
  5. Fungal skin lesions are called onychomycosis. Treatment requires a systematic approach, which involves the use of vitamin-mineral complexes and immunomodulatory drugs, externally - ointments and compresses.
  6. Psycho-emotional disorders often become the causes of dermatological diseases. this is especially evident in children. For example, when moving to a new school or kindergarten, a child may develop atopic dermatitis. Despite the fact that he eats as usual, the child begins to suffer from itching. There is only one remedy for it - to establishpsycho-emotional background, more rest and exclude excessive physical and mental stress.
  7. Pregnancy is an exceptional time in every woman's life. Alas, it is associated with a great burden on the body. The liver and gallbladder often malfunction. As a result, a pregnant woman often suffers from itching. Remedies for it for pregnant women are ointments with components that accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis.
  8. Chronic diseases of the internal organs (kidneys, liver, pancreas and gallbladder) also often lead to severe itching. To get rid of it, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, that is, the specific disease that provoked the problem.
  9. Scabies of the scalp (accompanied by dandruff and hair loss) most often lies in such causes as seborrhea, onychomycosis, alopecia areata. For the treatment of the scalp, special preparations are required, since the usual ointments and creams for the skin of the body can only provoke even more hair loss.
how to treat severe itching
how to treat severe itching

Variety of pharmacological remedies for itching

Self-medication is not recommended. If the cause of the problem is obvious - for example, a mosquito or gadfly bite, or allergic manifestations - then therapy can be carried out at home. But if there are no obvious reasons, it is worth getting an appointment with a doctor and undergoing a complete examination of the body. Itching can appear with diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis. Also, liver diseases - toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis and hepatitis - often give side effects such as itching.leather.

  1. Ointments are an effective remedy for bites and itching. It is enough just to apply a thin layer of the product - and the desire to comb the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin immediately becomes less.
  2. Pills are most commonly taken as a remedy for itchy allergies. Antihistamines are effective for any type of disease. Pollinosis, animal dander allergy or food intolerance - antigen blocking capsules will help in any case.
  3. Folk remedies for skin itching - compresses and baths from herbal infusions with the addition of propolis, honey, olive or linseed oil. Alternative medicine methods are effective primarily for insect bites, eczema, dermatitis of various etiologies. If the cause of scabies is allergies or diseases of the internal organs, then the treatment of itching with folk remedies will be practically useless.

Antihistamines are divided into three broad classes:

  1. Non-hormonal can be used for insect bites, isolated manifestations of allergies, sun and domestic burns and other non-serious causes of skin itching.
  2. Hormonal - relieve local symptoms in severe allergies. Used for chronic diseases. Effectively and quickly relieve itching and burning caused by atopic dermatitis, burns, eczema, urticaria in the later stages.
  3. Antiallergic ointments with antibiotics - eliminate itching caused by inflammatory processes. If the problem is caused by a virus or infection, this class of drugs should be used.
itching in atopic dermatitis
itching in atopic dermatitis

Non-hormonal antihistamines

This class of drugs act on receptors to block discomfort. Below is a list of the most effective and inexpensive drugs in this class.

  1. "Fenistil" is produced in the form of a gel. Cooling local effect instantly blocks discomfort. The gel should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area of the skin. Can be used as a remedy for itching after a bite of midges, mosquitoes, gadflies. Patients with diabetes often use "Fenistil" in order to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of dermatitis. You can use the gel on any part of the body, including mucous membranes. Avoid ingestion. Not applicable for the treatment of dental pathologies (stomatitis, ulcers, etc.)
  2. "Skin Cap" is an effective ointment for itching caused by onychomycosis, seborrhea of the skin, infectious inflammation accompanied by scabies. It is used as part of complex therapy for psoriasis and neurodermatitis. It is not addictive, so it can be used for a long period of time. Almost no side effects. An exception is individual intolerance to the active ingredients. Activated zinc pyrithione, due to which Skin Cap is effective, is usually well tolerated and does not cause side effects.
  3. "Panthenol" is a non-hormonal drug that accelerates tissue regeneration. It is used to accelerate the healing of cuts and wounds that are accompanied by severe itching, burning anddiscomfort. Available in the form of a spray, suspension, gel and cream. The most harmless remedy for itching, which almost never causes side effects.

Antihistamine hormones

These drugs instantly cope with irritation of the epidermis. The hormonal composition contributes to this. Unfortunately, they are almost always addictive. After withdrawal, the disease usually progresses.

  1. "Advantan" - the most powerful remedy for itching. The active ingredient of "Advantan" is methylprednisolone aceponate - a chemical substance with a pronounced regenerative property. It is produced in the form of a cream. It is used for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in children and adults. Effectively copes with both allergic rashes and onychomycosis and seborrhea. Unfortunately, after stopping the use of the cream, itchy skin returns if the cause is not corrected.
  2. Hydrocortisone and prednisolone ointments are produced by various pharmacological companies. Often enriched with caring and nourishing ingredients. These are the most effective ointments for local itching. Eliminate irritation and inflammation immediately after application, after five minutes the patient feels relief. Help with dermatitis, neurodermatitis, insect bites, psoriasis and eczema. Contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as in the presence of bacterial and viral lesions.
advantan for severe itching
advantan for severe itching

Antihistamine ointments with antibiotics

This classinsect bite remedies for itching also have the ability to reduce pain and relieve swelling. contains an antibiotic that helps quickly and effectively.

  1. Erythromycin ointment is produced by various pharmacological factories. Depending on this, it may be called "Erythromycin" or others. Possesses activity to various bacteria, can neutralize action of poisons of some insects. It is also used in dermatology for infectious skin lesions. It is used as part of complex therapy for atopic dermatitis, which has passed into the stage of suppuration.
  2. "Levomekol" is a cheap and popular ointment, the main active ingredient of which is the antibiotic chloramphenicol. It is used for purulent skin lesions that provoke itching. This drug has been popular since Soviet times due to its low cost - about fifty rubles per tube. Absorbs quickly, eliminates irritation and itching.
  3. "Oflokain" contains an antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone group as the main active ingredient. When applied, it relieves pain, irritation, disinfects the surface of the skin. As a remedy for insect itching, it is effective, but the presence of an antibiotic in the composition should be taken into account when using. It can provoke the development of side effects in case of individual intolerance.
levomekol from severe itching
levomekol from severe itching

Antifungal drugs for itching

These remedies for itching after a bite are also effective, and if you are too lazy to go to the pharmacy to buynew drug - you can use them. But the main purpose of antifungal ointments is the fight against onychomycosis and seborrhea.

  1. "Lamisil" is available in the form of a gel and cream, quickly eliminates itching, regenerates the skin. It is used for dermatophytes, multi-colored lichen, mycoses. Forbidden for use by children under two years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
  2. "Nystatin" in the form of an ointment effectively fights yeast fungi that provoke itching in onychomycosis. It is also prescribed for candidal itching. Cheap and popular among the people means. the main active ingredient is nystatin. It is also actively used as a remedy for itching from mosquito bites, gadflies, spiders.
severe itching with allergies
severe itching with allergies

Calcineurin inhibitors for pruritus

The action of such therapeutic drugs is based on the suppression of the release of substances that cause itching. If antihistamines do not achieve the desired effect, dermatologists often prescribe calcineurin inhibitors.

  1. "Elidel" - a cream with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity. It is used in the acute period of the disease. Dermatologists generally do not prescribe it for longer than three to four days. It should be applied in a thin layer on the affected area of the skin with neurodermatitis, abrasions, purulent wounds, atopic dermatitis. As a remedy for mosquito itching, Elidel can be used, and it is effective. But too concentrated composition can provoke skin irritation.
  2. "Tacropic" - ointment, the action of which is to inhibit the synthesis and release of inflammatory mediators. Used in extreme cases. If all other remedies for itching were powerless, then Tacropic comes to the rescue.
Elidel for allergic itching
Elidel for allergic itching

Remedies for scabies of the scalp

This class of drugs is special. The standard drugs listed above almost always cause hair loss. But what if the insect bite and the associated allergic reaction fell on the scalp area?

  1. "Sulfur ointment" - an effective remedy for itching, which includes sulfur. The drug is gentle on the follicles and does not cause inflammation of the scalp. In some cases, women stir sulfuric ointment with castor and burdock oil and apply to the surface of the scalp. Such a compress also accelerates hair growth and reduces hair loss.
  2. "Menovazan" - a strong remedy for itching of the scalp. The composition includes menthol, novocaine and anesthesin. This ointment is applied pointwise to the scalp - you should not use it over the entire surface, as this almost always causes dryness and flaking of the skin, and subsequently dandruff. "Menovazan" should be used only when the insect bite fell on the scalp and causes pain and severe discomfort.

Ointments and preparations for itching on the hands and feet

If itching and dermatitis are deployed in the area of the elbow and knee bends, on the feet and hands, then,most likely, this is a manifestation of chronic diseases. such symptoms may be accompanied by general weakness, fever, and indigestion. It is worth contacting a doctor for a complete examination of the body and finding out the cause of the itching. If, with such symptoms, the patient suffers from a runny nose, tearing, constantly sneezes, it may be hay fever or an allergy to pet hair. In this case, it is better to seek advice directly from an immunologist or an allergist.

In order to get rid of the painful itching on the hands and feet for a while until the exact diagnosis is clarified, you can use the following remedies:

  1. "Baneocin" is available in the form of a powder for suspension and ointment for external use. The antibiotics neomycin and bacitracin in the composition of the drug provide local anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effects. "Baneocin" is a rather strong remedy, it should be used only in extreme cases. The ointment is effective for itching caused by diabetes and other serious diseases.
  2. "Levosin" is an inexpensive ointment that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anesthetic and regenerating properties. It is prescribed for itching of various localization, purulent wounds and infectious skin lesions. Contraindications are: age up to 1 year and individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.
baneocin for skin itching
baneocin for skin itching

Folk Therapy

Folkanti-itch remedies attract patients with their low cost and effectiveness. They only provide temporary relief. But often even this is enough for the patient: to alleviate the discomfort at least for a while in order to get to the pharmacy and purchase a more effective medication for itching.

  1. In case of insect bites, you can lubricate the itchy place with the juice of any citrus fruit - lemon, orange, grapefruit. The acid included in its composition is effective for pain, swelling, scabies. Relief will come for a short time - for twenty to thirty minutes. if it is possible to get the juice of fresh celandine, you can squeeze a little juice onto the bite site. Most often, a rather strong short-term burning sensation occurs, but after a minute or two it passes, and with it the itching and the desire to comb the bite site.
  2. Against the itching of the scalp, oils are effective, which have a nourishing and soothing property. Burdock, castor, linseed, olive - the most popular. They prevent dry skin with fungus and seborrhea, relieve itching, promote healing in the presence of both oily and dry dandruff.
  3. From itching of the body, provoked by diseases of the internal organs and diabetes, a bath with s alt and soda helps well. Slightly warm water should be drawn into the bath - it should not be either too hot or too cold. Dissolve a package (1 kg) of soda and s alt, lie down with your whole body and enjoy a ten-minute bath. If the itching is clearly expressed on the feet, you can make such a therapeutic bath only for them. If the area of skin is located, for example, on the back or neck- it is better to carry out the procedure with a regular bath.
  4. Iodine mesh accelerates blood circulation, and, as a result, reduces itching. You should moisten a cotton swab with iodine and draw a frequent grid on the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin that provokes discomfort. This simple procedure can reduce the severity of discomfort in just five minutes. If the cause of itching is a mosquito bite, apply iodine liberally pointwise to the tubercle.
