Plantain extract: indications for use, instructions, reviews

Plantain extract: indications for use, instructions, reviews
Plantain extract: indications for use, instructions, reviews

Plantain extract is a fairly effective natural remedy with hemostatic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used for coughing to thin sputum, followed by withdrawal. It reduces blood pressure caused by coughing, accelerates the healing of lung tissues and strengthens the immune system.

Issue form

Plantain drug
Plantain drug

This preparation is a rich brown syrup. It is sold in a convenient plastic bottle packed in a cardboard box. The mass of syrup is usually one hundred and thirty grams. The package also contains instructions for the use of psyllium extract and a measuring spoon that allows you to accurately measure the dosage of the drug. In pharmacies, this remedy is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

Composition of the drug

The main ingredient is psyllium extract, made from the leaves of the plant. It also contains mallow flowers and vitamin C. In addition, this product contains excipients: sugar, alcohol and preservatives E 216 and E 218. Thanks to the plantain, this drug has a lot of useful properties.

Chemical composition and properties of plantain

Beneficial features
Beneficial features

This plant has been used since ancient times to heal wounds. The leaves of this plant contain tannins, a huge amount of vitamin C, B and K. They also have eight organic acids, polysaccharides and alkaloids.

Due to the rich composition, the decoction, extract and natural juice of the leaves have excellent anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, plantain has analgesic, hypnotic, biliary, sedative and anti-allergic effects. This plant has shown itself especially well in the treatment of pulmonary diseases: tuberculosis, bronchitis, pleurisy and pneumonia.

Who is contraindicated

Chemical composition
Chemical composition

Despite its many beneficial properties, an overdose of psyllium poses the following problems:

  • He is able to thicken the blood, which makes a person with increased blood clotting feel uncomfortable. This property is especially dangerous for patients with a tendency to form blood clots.
  • It is undesirable to take the drug from psyllium for gastric ulcer.
  • People with gastritis should be careful and use funds from this plant very dosed.

In addition, it is not recommended to use psyllium in case of individual intolerance or allergies.

Side effects

Plantain treatment
Plantain treatment

Due to the fact that the compositionthis remedy has added ascorbic acid and sugar, it has some limitations. For example, psyllium syrup cannot be used by a person with diabetes. If the patient has renal failure, then uncontrolled intake of ascorbic acid can harm him. And also this substance negatively affects the he alth of a person with blood clots.

The patient may have fever or shortness of breath. In such cases, you should seek the advice of a doctor. Perhaps the drug caused side effects, and the patient is highly discouraged from continuing to use it. Sometimes while taking the drug, an upset stomach occurs, the color of feces or urine changes. This action is considered normal and should not cause concern. Over time, the body will get used to it and the condition will stabilize. If these changes are accompanied by stomach pain, nausea, or watery diarrhea, then you should see a doctor.

Psyllium syrup distorts blood counts. Due to ascorbic acid, there are inaccuracies in determining the activity of transaminase, the amount of bilirubin or glucose.

How to take

How to cure a cough
How to cure a cough

According to the instructions, plantain extract is consumed throughout the day. Due to the mild composition, as a rule, there are no restrictions associated with the exact time of taking the drug. It can be drunk both before meals and after it. Adult patients take two scoops at a time. Usually, plantain syrup is taken three times a day throughout the day. If athe disease proceeds in an acute form, then five times a day is allowed.

Children under two years of age do not use psyllium extract for cough. Up to seven years, you can drink only half a scoop and no more than three times a day. From seven to fourteen, take six scoops a day. The norm is divided into three times. Doctors recommend taking the syrup with warm water.

As for pregnant women, doctors generally do not mind syrup being taken during pregnancy. During this period, they try to reduce the dosage of the drug or shorten the period of its use.

Operation principle

Plantain syrup
Plantain syrup

Getting into the stomach, the syrup stimulates an increase in mucus, which, in turn, enters the respiratory tract. Thus, it envelops the irritated tissues of the diseased organ, due to which they heal, and the cough reflex is noticeably reduced.

In addition, due to the pronounced antimicrobial properties, the number of bacteria is gradually reduced. Vitamin C acts on the immune system, making it work as hard as possible. Thanks to this syrup, the healing process is very fast and imperceptible. According to users, sometimes five or seven days is enough to completely get rid of the cough.

Compatibility with other drugs

Plantain extract should not be taken with other dry cough remedies. And also, as a rule, do not use plantain syrup along with agents that, on the contrary, help to reduce sputum. He is excellentcombined with black, green or herbal tea. In addition, it can be washed down with lemon broth or orange juice diluted with warm water. The recommended course of treatment is no more than twenty days, during which you can completely get rid of the cough. If for some reason recovery did not occur or the disease soon returned again, then you can continue taking the drug.

Analogues and storage

The drug "Gerbion"
The drug "Gerbion"

This remedy is stored for twenty-four months at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees. If the patient began to use the syrup, then its shelf life is noticeably reduced and is already one month. Alteika syrup can be attributed to analogues of the drug. And also rosemary extract has excellent expectorant properties. Syrup "Gedelix" also proved to be quite good among patients. Thus, there are remedies that can replace psyllium extract.

User reviews

In their reviews, users often mention this syrup. Plantain extract for cough, in their opinion, is a fairly effective remedy. Such preparations as Gerbion and Doctor Theiss have proven themselves especially well. Judging by the reviews, syrup is a more convenient form of the drug, compared to tablets. It is extremely convenient to give to children. Thanks to the pleasant, sweet taste, babies enjoy eating delicious medicine.

In the preparation from "Doctor Theiss" there are components that perfectly anesthetize a sore throat and soothe the bronchi. Manufacturers recommend using it at night before bedtime so that a sick person can sleep well. In addition to plantain, chamomile, mint and thyme extracts have also been added to Doctor Theiss.

It has a rather pleasant aroma and sweet taste. According to patients, they distinctly felt the smell of mint and plantain. But the taste of honey promised by the producers is completely inaudible. Sometimes users complain about the lack of effect in acute bronchitis. Some of them did not feel any improvement and became very upset. Perhaps the problem was in ignoring other drugs, in addition to the syrup. It is too frivolous to hope that a disease such as bronchitis or pneumonia can be cured with just one herbal remedy.

Typically, users take psyllium leaf extract at two tablespoons a day, or four scoops. Patients notice the first improvement the very next day. As a rule, recovery comes quickly enough. It is also important that patients completely stop coughing at night. Parents of young children are especially pleased. After all, often a strong cough in a child provokes a gag reflex.

In a word, plantain syrup has practically no drawbacks. It rarely causes side effects. Any inconvenience is associated primarily with acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. Such patients should be more careful and not exceed the allowable rate.
