An excellent drug suitable for combating many diseases that occur in the pelvic organs are suppositories called "Propolis DN". The basis of the medicine is a natural preparation of beekeeping (propolis), which is known for its ability to have an antimicrobial and wound healing effect.
Dose form
According to the instructions for the candles "Propolis DN", the presented homeopathic preparation is produced in the form of suppositories of a standard size, which are yellow. The drug goes on sale in polyvinyl chloride blister packs. In one box there are six wrapped candles, each of which has a mass of about 1.5 grams. This medicine has a characteristic honeycomb odor.

Propolis DN includes the main component, which is propolis. One suppository contains 0.05 grams of this substance. The basis is anhydrous lanolin, as well as cocoa butter, up to 1.5 grams in onecandle.
Pharmacological action
As the instructions for the candles "Propolis DN" indicate, the medicinal functions of the drug are as follows:
- Wound healing and analgesic effect.
- Restoration of the integument of the mucosa.
- Antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
- Normalization of intestinal motility.
- Stopping the growth of tumors, including malignant ones.
- Increase in blood clotting and elimination of mucosal bleeding.
- Allergy relief.
- Enhanced action of systemic antibiotics.
Benefits of propolis
This ingredient is famous for its medicinal properties and is a versatile remedy. For example, propolis in its pure form, as well as in the form of tinctures, produces a tonic and restorative effect. It can relieve fatigue by stimulating energy production. After using it, people seem to feel the awakening of a second wind.
Everyone knows about the benefits of propolis. Numerous studies confirm that the regular use of such a product in any of its available forms significantly reduces the signs of aging in the human body, improving metabolism and keeping the body in good shape.
What other properties of propolis are known? This remedy relieves people of otolaryngological diseases and digestive problems, and at the same time effectively improves immunity.

Why chew propolis?
First of all, it is very useful, because this bee product is completelynatural, and besides, it is able to replace a whole list of all kinds of medicines, because it contains flavonoids along with tannins, pollen, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential oils.
This list can go on and on, but the above components already hint at the powerful healing effect of bee glue. It produces an immunostimulating, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and regenerating effect on the body. If you regularly chew propolis, you can extinguish any inflammatory processes, get rid of a runny nose, increase immunity and normalize blood pressure. Among other things chewing:
- Helps improve the digestive process.
- Purifies the body of toxins.
- Improves oral he alth and promotes dental he alth.
- Reduces the feeling of chronic fatigue in a person.
Now find out when the drug in question is suitable for use.

Indications for use of the medicinal product
In accordance with the instructions, doctors usually prescribe Propolis DN suppositories to their patients in the following cases:
- Against the background of chronic and sluggish diseases of the pelvic organs, regardless of gender.
- When inflammatory processes of the urogenital area appear (with cystitis, urethritis).
- In case of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
- Against the background of neoplasmsprostate gland (for prostate adenoma and other benign tumors).
- If a person has chronic constipation and colitis.
- In case of bacterial prostatitis or impotence.
The use of such a medicine is allowed for the prevention and treatment of all of the above diseases. It can also be used as an immunomodulator during the spread of viral respiratory diseases.

As stated in the instructions, candles "Propolis DN" are a preparation that is made on the basis of a natural beekeeping product. It is in this regard that suppositories have a number of contraindications. The manufacturer is not recommended to administer them to those who suffer from individual intolerance to the main component, as well as to women during pregnancy and children.
Side effects
Instructions for use for suppositories with propolis reports that negative reactions to the drug can be expressed by burning in the injection area. In addition, patients may experience an increase in temperature. A particularly pronounced side effect of this drug is discharge in the form of viscous transparent mucus or the appearance of a secret with blood blotches. In the event of the above symptoms, the use of this therapeutic composition must be abandoned or the frequency of administration should be reduced.
Features of use
Before inserting a candle, it is imperative to perform hygiene procedures:
- Open individualpackaging of suppositories should be immediately before use. Only minimal contact of the drug with air is allowed.
- It is preferable to insert the suppository in the supine position or on the side, that is, in the fetal position. In this case, the risk of injuring internal organs, as well as discomfort from the use of the drug, will be minimal.
- Hands should be washed with soap and water immediately before opening the medicine and after administration.
- When using vaginal suppositories, sexual intercourse should be excluded until the end of therapy.
Any non-compliance with the above requirements can adversely affect the therapeutic effect. Neglect of the necessary hygiene procedures increases the risk of secondary infections attaching to the affected areas of the mucosa.

The introduction of candles in any case is accompanied by discomfort. Also, patients may experience leakage of a fatty base, melting due to body temperature in the intestines or in the vagina. In order to avoid contamination of underwear, you need to take a horizontal position until the medicine dissolves. If this is not possible, use toilet paper or sanitary pads.
Instructions for use
The manual for these rectal suppositories states that the drug is dispensed without a medical prescription. The insert also indicates the expiration date (three years) and the fact that this remedy can be used rectally and vaginally by patients. It is worth noting that"Propolis DN" can only be used if the medicine has been stored in proper conditions.
Treatment regimens are determined depending on the existing diseases. For example, as part of the prevention of genitourinary and infectious diseases, candles must be inserted into the anus one by one for a whole month. It is preferable to perform such an action at night in order to provide the body with maximum peace.
Let's figure out how to use Propolis DN suppositories for prostatitis.
Use for prostatitis
Suppositories in the presence of prostatitis are used rectally. According to the manual for this homeopathic medicine, they need to be injected into the large intestine, but only after the act of defecation. The daily dosage is three suppositories (that is, one every eight hours).
This medicine for prostatitis should be used only after the appointment of a doctor, who must necessarily perform an examination of the patient, and then prescribe treatment. The time of course therapy is from ten to thirty days. After a break of three months, the use of this drug can be resumed.

Treatment with such a medicine can be alternated with the introduction of Prostopin suppositories, which have royal jelly and bee bread in their composition. The course of therapy must be agreed with the doctor.
For hemorrhoids
Will the candles "Propolis DN" help with hemorrhoids, it is interesting to many patients. The drug, as in the case of prostatitis, is injected into the rectum. Before use, it is necessary to carry out a cleansing enema or cleanse this organ naturally.
The frequency of use of the remedy in the presence of hemorrhoids should be prescribed by a specialist proctologist. Mostly recommendations are as follows: one candle twice a day. Treatment lasts no more than ten days.
In the event that the use of this drug does not give a result to the patient after the specified time, then you should consult a doctor for a second consultation, as combined treatment or alternation of these rectal suppositories with a stronger drug, for example, with "Simply Kick".
What else does propolis help with?
In gynecology
In the treatment of female ailments in gynecology, the drug in question must be used according to the available instructions. Candles "Propolis DN" help against cervical erosion, candidiasis (thrush), vaginitis, trichomoniasis and inflammation of the vaginal fornix.
Also, these suppositories can reduce post-traumatic pain and reduce discharge. After consultation with the doctor, it is possible to use these suppositories in the postoperative period. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of the described homeopathic remedy in the treatment of fibroids has been proven. In the field of gynecology, it is used as an aid. Against the background of the onset of menstruation, the use of the medicine should be stopped until the end of the discharge.

Find out what the price of candles "Propolis DN" is. To date, the drug costs customers an average of 250 rubles per pack. You can buy it at any pharmacy, and besides, it is sold without a prescription.
Preparing candles with propolis at home
You can make such a medicine in order not to spend money on a pharmacy analogue, you can do it yourself at home. To do this, bee glue is heated in a water bath and poured into molds, after which it is cooled in cold water. Store the resulting drug is required in the refrigerator. For convenience, it is advisable to wrap each candle in parchment paper; a piece of cellophane or foil is also suitable. Next, find out what consumers write about this pharmaceutical product in their messages.
In the comments, people say that doctors often prescribe these suppositories for many diseases of the urogenital area. In particular, their effectiveness is reported in case of malfunctions of the pelvic organs. Thus, it is worth noting that the reviews of patients who have tried the action of this homeopathic remedy on themselves confirm the high efficiency and ease of treatment.

It is also noted in the reports that the natural composition of the drug does not harm the body. According to doctors, compliance with medical recommendations, along with strict adherence to instructions, guarantees a complete and quick cure for ailments.
But in the reviews of the candles "Propolis DN" as a serious drawback when using many peoplenote the mandatory three times the use of the drug within one day. Unfortunately, this is not very convenient, given that people are at work. Otherwise, no other inconveniences have been reported.