"Sumamed": manufacturer, release forms, dosages, instructions for use, reviews

"Sumamed": manufacturer, release forms, dosages, instructions for use, reviews
"Sumamed": manufacturer, release forms, dosages, instructions for use, reviews

Consider the instructions for use of "Sumamed". The manufacturer of this medication will also be listed.

"Summamed" is a drug from the category of antibiotics belonging to the latest generation. The active ingredient of the drug is azithromycin, which belongs to azalides and macrolides. The name "Sumamed" is an international commercial name.

This medicine is considered an antimicrobial and has a wide range of uses. Penetrating into the cell of pathogenic microbes, it inhibits the protein reaction, affects macrolides. This medication is very effective in fighting the overwhelming number of various pathogenic microscopic organisms. The drug inhibits the activity of cells of pathogenic parasites that produce proteins, in connection with this, the presented agent has a high bactericidal activity.

sumamed manufacturer
sumamed manufacturer

The drug is characterized by a high speed of reaching diseased organsand a long period of exposure, which makes it possible to use it once a day.

Producer "Sumamed"

The company that produces this tool is a company called PLIVA. Its international name is Azithromycin. The country of origin of Sumamed is Croatia.

Issue Forms

The sales formats of this drug are quite diverse, which is directly related to its widespread use. So, the presented pharmaceutical agent is produced and sold in the form of tablets, suspensions and capsules. A special form of syrup is made for children.


"Sumamed" from the manufacturer PLIVA can be sold as a powder for the preparation of suspensions intended for internal use by children and adults. It has a white or yellowish color with a characteristic banana flavor. You should carefully read how to properly use the drug for children in the instructions for use of the Sumamed suspension, which is included in each pack.


Pills come in a special coating, they are produced in packs of six or three things. They have a bluish color and a rounded shape with a stamped marking on which the name of the manufacturer is indicated. Instructions for use for tablets "Sumamed" for adults should be studied.


This form of medication is also available in packs of six. The capsules are hard and made from a biological substance that dissolves in the stomach. Their color is blue. One piece contains a powder mass that is creamy in color. This substancesuitable for dilution with a liquid, usually to the state of forming a colloidal solution. The primary form is a structured powder with the taste and aroma of berries. In addition to the active ingredient, the capsules contain a sweetener, as well as flavors and food coloring.

To understand in which cases it is advisable to use Sumamed capsules, as well as other forms of release, it is necessary to understand the pharmacological properties of the drug.

Pharmacological properties

This bacteriostatic antibiotic from the macrolide and azalide series is widely used in the pharmaceutical market today. It has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The mechanism of operation of the main component of azithromycin is directly related to the suppression of protein synthesis of microbial cells. By binding to ribosomes, the drug inhibits the peptide translocase at the translation stage, inhibiting protein synthesis, and at the same time slowing down the reproduction and growth of pathogenic bacteria. In high concentration, it can produce a bactericidal effect.

The drug "Sumamed" from the manufacturer PLIVA is endowed with activity against a number of gram-negative, gram-positive, intracellular, anaerobic and other microorganisms. It should be borne in mind that some parasites may initially be resistant to the effects of this antibiotic and are able to acquire immunity to it. In most cases, Sumamed is active against aerobic bacteria:

  • To methicillin-susceptible strains.
  • To penicillin-susceptible strains.
  • To aerobic Gram-negativebacteria and other microorganisms.

Parasites that are particularly capable of developing resistance to this drug are primarily Gram-positive aerobes. Initially resistant microorganisms are strains of staphylococcus, showing good immunity against macrolides.


What does the instruction for "Sumamed" 500 mg tell us? After taking the medicine inside, its active component is well absorbed, and at the same time it is quickly distributed in the human body. After a single use at a dosage of 500 mg, the bioavailability is usually thirty-seven percent due to the effect of passage through the liver. The maximum concentration is reached in the blood after three hours and is 0.4 milligrams per liter. This confirms the instructions for use for tablets "Sumamed" for adults.

Protein binding is inversely related to plasma concentration. It usually ranges from seven to fifty percent. The therapeutic concentration of the active substance azithromycin can be maintained up to seven days after the last dose. "Sumamed" is displayed mainly unchanged. At the same time, fifty percent leaves the body through the intestines, and only a small part is excreted by the kidneys.

sumamed instructions for use of tablets for adults
sumamed instructions for use of tablets for adults

When is Sumamed prescribed?

Indications for the use of this drug are as follows:

  • Sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis in patients.
  • Appearanceotitis media and other bacterial infections of the ear caused by microscopic organisms that react to this drug.
  • Occurrence in patients with bronchitis of infectious etiology, which occurs in an acute form.
  • Against the background of chronic bronchitis during periods of exacerbation.
  • In case of pneumonia, in case of an atypical form of the disease, including.
  • The presence of diseases of the urinary organs, which differ in microbial origin (cervicitis, urethritis).
  • When the stomach and intestines are affected by Helicobacteria.

How to use Sumamed capsules and other forms of drug release correctly according to the instructions for use?

Adult dosages

All dosage forms are for oral use. Capsules, as well as suspension, should be taken at least one hour before or two hours after meals. As the instructions for use of "Sumamed" indicate, tablets for adults can be taken regardless of food. In the presence of erythema migrans, adults are prescribed this drug for five days, once a day, according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1, 1000 milligrams (two 500 milligram tablets).
  • Further from the second to the fifth, take 1 tablet of "Sumamed" 500 mg (course dosage is 3000).

In diseases of the stomach or intestines associated with Helicobacter pylori, 1000 milligrams per day for three days is prescribed in combination with antisecretory drugs. For infections,that are sexually transmitted:

  • Uncomplicated urethritis requires a single dose of 1000 milligrams.
  • A complicated form of long-term cervicitis caused by chlamydia involves treatment with a dosage of 1000 milligrams of the drug three times with an interval of seven days (that is, on the first, seventh and fourteenth days). The course dose is 3000 milligrams. Instructions for tablets "Sumamed" must be strictly observed.

The method of preparing the suspension is as follows: 12 milliliters of water is added to the vial that contains the powder (17 grams) (the liquid must be boiled or distilled). The result should be a volume of 23 milliliters of suspension. The shelf life of the prepared medicine is limited to five days.

Before use, the contents of the vial must be shaken thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Immediately after taking the medicine, it is recommended to additionally drink a few sips of water to swallow and wash off the remaining amount of the medicine in the mouth. After use, the syringe is disassembled, washed with running water, dried and stored in a dry place.

sumamed 500 instruction
sumamed 500 instruction

For kids

Suspension "Sumamed" 200 is classified as a broad-spectrum antibiotic drug. The advantage of the considered pharmaceutical agent is that it can be prescribed for therapy not only for adults, but also for children, and at any age. Speaking directly about the appointment of this medication for babies, it must be said that in thisIn this case, the drug is given as a suspension. Why this particular dosage form? The fact is that it is much easier to give it to a child, because it has a very pleasant taste and smell of strawberries, which does not cause any negative emotions in small patients.

sumamed to children
sumamed to children

In addition, in the box with the suspension "Sumamed" 200 there is a special spoon that allows you to give the child exactly the amount of the drug that he needs. As for dosing, in this case everything directly depends directly on the weight of the baby. The volume of the necessary medicine is calculated at the rate of ten milligrams per kilogram of weight, and the crumbs are given it within three days. Further, the amount of the drug is doubled, and it is taken for another two days. The total course of treatment is five days.

According to the instructions for use, the Sumamed suspension for children should be given once a day. It is extremely important not to forget that the use of this drug should be carried out one hour before taking the products or one hundred and twenty minutes after those. The drug in question can be used in the treatment of almost all diseases that are inflammatory or infectious in nature. Given that "Sumamed" acts as an antibiotic, parents must regularly monitor the reaction of their baby's body to the use of "Sumamed" suspension.

sumamed tablets 500 mg
sumamed tablets 500 mg


According to the instruction "Sumamed" 500 mg, doctors do not recommend using it for people who have individual reactions to thisgroup of antibacterial drugs. With great care, the use of this medication should be taken by patients suffering from kidney and liver dysfunction.

Contraindication is gestation and lactation. True, in some situations, under such conditions, the use of Sumamed tablets is possible. But only on condition that the mother's condition is actually very serious and one cannot do without this medication. In any case, we must not forget about the potential danger to the child.

Side effects

Like all antibiotics, "Sumamed" cannot help with the disease without a trace, and therefore often provokes certain undesirable manifestations from various body systems. Consider them in more detail:

  • The appearance of a disorder of the nervous system in the form of dizziness, convulsions, cephalalgia, tingling sensations, burning on the skin, creeping crawling, drowsiness, impotence, insomnia. Among other things, motor increased activity is possible, combined with aggressiveness, nervousness and anxiety.
  • Failure of the circulatory and lymphatic system, which is manifested by a decrease in the number of platelets (thrombocytopenia) and neutrophilic leukocytes (neutropenia).
  • Occurrence of disorders of the organs of perception, we are talking about reversible hearing loss, deafness, tinnitus, impaired taste sensitivity.
  • Problems with the normal functioning of the digestive system. In this case, there may be a disorder of the stool (constipation, diarrhea), along with nausea, pain and cramps in the abdomen, flatulence,anorexia (that is, lack of appetite), a change in the color of the tongue. In addition, inflammation of the large intestine in the form of pseudomembranous colitis is not excluded. Some people sometimes have cholestatic jaundice due to impaired bile flow, hepatitis, and a change in the laboratory liver test. Possible liver failure, along with necrosis.
  • Cardiac and vascular system: may respond to this drug with arrhythmia (arrhythmia, palpitations, ventricular tachycardia), QT prolongation.
  • Angioedema should be considered allergic reactions (in this case, there is swelling of the face, tongue and lips with respiratory failure). Itching is possible along with rashes, urticaria, photosensitivity (sensitivity to the sun), anaphylactic shock (rarely fatal), erythema multiforme, allergic contact dermatitis, and the like.
  • Disorder of the genitourinary system is expressed in the occurrence of nephritis and acute kidney failure.
  • The locomotor apparatus may react with arthralgia (joint pain) to medication.
  • Other side effects include candidiasis (fungal infection) and vaginitis (vaginal inflammation).

Drug Interactions

"Sumamed" from the manufacturer is one of the antibiotic drugs that are representatives of the category of macrolides. The drug in question in pharmaceuticals is famous, first of all, for the fact that it is not just a strong, but a truly powerful antimicrobial effect. Thethe effect makes it possible to use this therapeutic drug in the fight against almost any microscopic organisms.

Despite the fact that "Sumamed" is a good tool, it must be used with great care. In this case, special attention should be paid to its interaction with other drugs. It must be remembered that Sumamed is absorbed longer when used in parallel with antacids, which include substances in the form of magnesium and aluminum. It is in this regard that in order for both drugs to have the desired effect, they must be taken with a certain time difference of approximately one or two hours.

With great caution, one must also take this medication in combination with such a pharmaceutical preparation as, for example, Warfarin. In the event that the patient was prescribed "Sumamed" along with "Ergotamine" or with "Dihydroergotamine", then you need to prepare for the fact that the last remedies can cause intoxication at any time.

You can not use the agent in question simultaneously with "Heparin". The interaction of these two drugs can lead to very serious he alth problems. And one more thing: when using the described medication, in no case should you drink alcoholic beverages, because alcohol is incompatible with it. Thus, in the process of treatment, it is imperative to follow a he althy lifestyle.


In accordance with the instructions for Sumamed tablets for adults, when an overdose occurs, patients may experiencevarious unpleasant phenomena in the form of the urge to vomit, diarrhea and short-term deafness. What to do in such a situation? First of all, it is necessary to carry out a gastric lavage, and then report the incident to the doctor. Before you start taking the medicine, you should discuss with your doctor a list of medicines that are used in a given period of time. You can not combine any drugs with "Sumamed" without prior consultation with a therapist.

suspension sumamed for children instructions for use
suspension sumamed for children instructions for use

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug in question must be stored and transported strictly in its original factory packaging in compliance with the established temperature regime (from fifteen to twenty-five degrees). In this case, there should not be low humidity, the absence of direct sunlight should be observed. Parents are required to ensure the safety of their children by restricting access to this medicine, according to the instructions.

The shelf life of tablets, as well as capsules, is three years, powder for suspension can be stored for twenty-four months. The finished solution can not be kept for more than five days. Do not use this medicine after the stated expiration date.

Reviews on the use of "Sumamed"

The presented pharmaceutical drug causes different attitudes in patients. I must say that many consumers are quite satisfied with its effectiveness, but among the reviews you can also find some complaints. Let's start with the positive aspects of this drug. So,patients treated with Sumamed mention the following strengths:

  • Fast efficiency. It is reported that already on the first day of taking the condition noticeably improves.
  • Short course intake. As noted, it is enough to take only three tablets to achieve recovery.
  • There are few contraindications, in connection with which the medicine is suitable for almost everyone.
  • Ease of use due to the presence of a large number of different forms of release.

As for negative reviews, you can read the following complaints in them:

  • High price. The fact is that the cost of this medication in pharmacies ranges from two hundred to five hundred rubles, depending on the dosage. Now you can find equally effective antibiotics at more attractive prices.
  • Many side effects. First of all, patients complain of headaches, nausea, digestive problems, fatigue and various allergic reactions. Thus, judging by the reviews, every person who happened to take this remedy for treatment felt one or another unpleasant manifestation of the pills on himself.
  • It is reported that some did not succeed at all during treatment due to the resistance of the pathogens that caused the disease. In this case, it is worth talking about the inexpediency of using Sumamed. In this regard, it is required that the choice of medicine is always made exclusively by the attending physician, otherwise self-medication leads to a lack of results from taking antibiotics.
  • Factorthat it is an antibiotic, which means that a blow to the body is inevitable anyway, since antibacterial drugs in general cannot be easily tolerated by the human body.
sumamed producer country
sumamed producer country

Thus, this medicine, despite some shortcomings, according to consumers, is a good medicine in the fight against various diseases, ranging from sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, ending with infections that occur in the respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and so on.
