Sometimes even on the street you can meet a person who speaks frankly strange. Incoherent speech may indicate schizophrenia or be a manifestation of neuroticism. Modern medicine knows many factors that provoke such a condition. For the layman it is not always clear what, in principle, includes such a term, especially if you have not personally seen people with such a manifestation of deviation. Let's take a closer look.
Incoherent speech is a phrase that hides a speech disorder. It is assumed that a person pronounces words, expresses some feelings, while they are not connected by meaning. Schizophasia involves a reaction to a stimulus, but not having a semantic reinforcement. At the same time, the sentences are constructed correctly, the grammar is observed. Only the meaning of what was said is violated.

Does life happen?
Many have at least once seen those who are called "city madmen". Often it is they who are inherent in incoherentspeech.
It is easy to notice a person - he is waving his arms on the move, talking without having an interlocutor, or addressing people passing by. Such a person speaks relatively loudly, clearly pronounces the words. Even if you listen to his phrases, you still can’t understand what the person is talking about, at least if the listener is in his right mind.
Such people are said to have schizophasia. The term refers to a syndrome that occurs during a variety of disorders, diseases that affect the psyche.

Schizophasia: nuances
Incoherent speech has clear grammar. Phrases are correct. However, there is no sense in them, as well as a connection between what was said that is obvious to an outside observer. A person suffering from such a deviation can choose the right intonation for what is being said. In his power to bind words. At the same time, the problem is found in the logical component of what was said - it is not possible to discern the logic itself from the outside. As many have noted, it looks quite intimidating.
Most often the phenomenon is observed against the background of a mental deviation, a neurotic state. In some cases, such speech is observed in persons under the influence of a narcotic, intoxicating substance. According to experts, in practice, drunk people are more typical of a sort of "salad of words", in which there is neither a grammatical system, nor correctly selected intonations. But schizophasia is rare in drunkards.
Schizophrenia and schizophasia
One of the signs of schizophreniais incoherent speech. It will not be possible to make a diagnosis only on this deviation, since it occurs in various pathologies, but it is very common in patients with schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia in general is a disease that does not have strictly characteristic manifestations inherent only to it. All the features characteristic of schizophrenics are observed in a wide range of other mental illnesses. Some symptoms change over the years. A number of symptoms are known to be relatively mild in women.
Schizophasia often becomes a sign of a schizoid personality type, schizophrenia and a number of other deviations and disorders in the formation, development of the psyche, mental he alth. It is often accompanied by hallucinations. Many note the confusion of thoughts. Often a hallucination is accompanied by delusional words, phrases without meaning and connection. The content of the ideas around which the delusion is concentrated varies from case to case. Some consider themselves to be a higher being, others are convinced of their ability to control others. Often incoherent speech accompanies fragmentation, confusion.

Schizoids: features
To learn more about the features of speech, you can refer to the works of Gannushkin, dedicated to different types of personality. He notes that there are schizoids who have schizophrenic qualities from birth. Such people are far from reality, behave unpredictably, inharmoniously, unnaturally. What they said contradicts what they have done, does not correspond to facial expressions. Some are characterized by incoherent speech,others speak too complicated, in florid phrases. Some schizoids are excessively pathetic, pompous, others communicate in monotonous, stereotypical phrases. Their speech is not expressive.
The inability of the schizoid to understand the messages, motivation, personality traits of others is noted. Such a person evaluates the world around him through his thoughts. When discrepancies are found, they describe the situation as "so much the worse for reality." Usually people of this type of personality are selfish, commit illogical, commit incoherent acts, are known as eccentrics. They act inconsistently, eccentrically.
Schizoids: continuing the theme
Gannushkin in his works said that such people are prone to extremes. They are characterized by isolation, they suspect others, distrustful. Many representatives of this type of personality become vagabonds of their own free will, turning into those same "city madmen" mentioned above. They take this path because they cannot adjust to life in a standard society.

Some creative people belong to the same class. This is especially characteristic of those whose art is understandable only to themselves. However, among people with such personality traits, there are weak-willed natures who cannot cope with the complexities of reality.