Sodium hyaluronate: application, description. Sodium hyaluronate in cosmetology

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Sodium hyaluronate: application, description. Sodium hyaluronate in cosmetology
Sodium hyaluronate: application, description. Sodium hyaluronate in cosmetology

Video: Sodium hyaluronate: application, description. Sodium hyaluronate in cosmetology

Video: Sodium hyaluronate: application, description. Sodium hyaluronate in cosmetology
Video: Comparing Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban, and Apixaban 2025, January

For a long time, scientists did not fully know what role sodium hyaluronate plays in cells. To date, the secret has been revealed, the substance is used with great success for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Sodium hyaluronate: general information

For the first time, the name of a substance isolated from the vitreous body of the eye was given in 1934. The sodium polymer hyaluronate (hyaluronan), absolutely identical to the human polysaccharide, consists of identical chains that are connected by glycosidic bridges (β-1, 4 and β-1, 3). It is a structural neutral component of the skin that retains moisture. In addition, hyaluronate is found in the nervous and connective tissues, in biological fluids and in cartilage.

sodium hyaluronate
sodium hyaluronate

The properties of sodium hyaluronate began to be studied in the 50s of the last century. The interest of scientists was caused by a change in the content of the substance during the development of various diseases (especially joints). The norms of concentration in the blood of a he althy person and with the onset of pathology were established. The determining signal for the development of the inflammatory process was an increase in the content of hyaluronate not only in the focus of the disease, but also incirculatory system.


Hyaluronic acid is used in medical practice to treat tissues that contain a similar substance. In the field of ophthalmology, it is used during the diagnosis of retinal diseases, operations and in the postoperative period. For the treatment of dry eye syndrome, sodium hyaluronate has proven itself well. Preparations based on it quickly eliminate discomfort, and the positive result of therapy is maintained for a long time.

Sodium hyaluronate for joints
Sodium hyaluronate for joints

Due to the content of sodium hyaluronate in the synovial fluid, its artificially derived analogue is used to restore the motor functions of the joints in degenerative-dystrophic pathologies. The substance has taken a special place in plastic surgery and cosmetic skin care. Most aesthetic problems on the face are solved with the help of subcutaneous injection of preparations that contain sodium hyaluronate. Reviews of various means and procedural methods are only positive.


The effectiveness of sodium hyaluronate injections has been actively investigated since the end of the last century. The results were very vague, and scientists came to the conclusion that the medicinal properties of the substance are not much different from placebo. This result did not satisfy the researchers, and research continued. Already in 2006, a new conclusion was presented to the public, according to which positive results of therapy and confirmation of a decrease in pain syndrome were recorded. Lateststudies in 2012 also showed the downside of hyaluronic acid administration: a complete lack of improvement (more than 5000 patients), a slight effect (1149 people) and the risk of deterioration and side effects (about 4000). Conclusions are unclear as the studies used different forms of sodium hyaluronate and some participants (patients) did not complete the therapy.

Joint treatment

Due to the aging of the body, the synovial fluid gradually loses its special viscoelastic property, the substance covering the cartilage becomes thinner. Over time, an inflammatory process develops in the joints, swelling and pain appear. As a result, motor functions are impaired, and a person may even lose his ability to work. Thanks to scientific discoveries, sodium hyaluronate for joints has become a real salvation: it not only relieves pain, but also stimulates its own production of a substance, thereby slowing down the development of arthrosis and osteoarthritis of the joints.

Sodium hyaluronate reviews
Sodium hyaluronate reviews

Therapeutic effect is to restore the required concentration of long molecules with the help of injections. A course of therapy (usually 2 weeks) is carried out as an alternative method when NSAIDs or corticosteroids are contraindicated for the patient. The action of hyaluronic acid is not long in coming, and the patient feels relief of symptoms in the near future. The depreciation functions of the cartilage are restored and the pain recedes. Depending on the severity of the disease, the next procedure for administering the substance maybe appointed in 6 or 12 months.

Hyaluronic acid preparations

Intra-articular administration of drugs based on sodium hyaluronate is preferable and more effective than oral administration of drugs in the form of tablets. In addition, there is no effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The most common sodium hyaluronate preparations:

  • Ostenil (Germany).
  • "Istil" (sodium hyaluronate for eyes in the form of drops, Italy).
  • Fermatron (Great Britain).
  • Sinocrom (Germany).
  • "Adanth (Japan).
  • Suplasin (Ireland).
  • Gialgan Phidias (Italy).
  • Viskosil (Germany).

The cost of drugs varies widely and depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the active ingredient.

"Ostenil" for the treatment of osteoarthritis

The well-established preparation "Ostenil" contains sodium hyaluronate (1% or 2%), which is produced by fermentation of Streptococcus equi bacteria. Due to the absence of animal protein, the development of an allergic reaction is excluded. Available in a disposable syringe with a volume of 10 and 20 mg. Price - about 3500 rubles.

Sodium hyaluronate preparations
Sodium hyaluronate preparations

"Ostenil" suppresses the inflammatory process in the synovial membrane and increases its viscosity, which contributes to the restoration of functioning. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to make an injection (1 dose) with an interval of 7 days. The course of therapy is 3-5 weeks. Most patients noted a decrease in painsyndrome in the joints for a period of 5–8 months, after which it was necessary to carry out the next injection of the drug.

"Synokrom" to help the joints

The implant contains a highly purified active substance - sodium hyaluronate. The 2% release option is suitable for the treatment of large joints, for example, the hip. A lower dosage is used for areas of lesser damage. For a shortened course, it is convenient to use a release form with a prolonged action - Synocrom Forte, which is involved in metabolic processes. The tool is intended for the treatment and removal of symptoms of osteoarthritis of various localization. The effect of therapy lasts much longer compared to similar drugs.

Sodium hyaluronate 2
Sodium hyaluronate 2

"Sinocrom" passed clinical trials, during which its medicinal properties were confirmed. Side effects and allergic reactions were extremely rare. In most patients, the effect was preserved after 12 months.

Special Instructions

For the procedure for the introduction of drugs based on sodium hyaluronate, it is necessary to provide appropriate sterile conditions. Particular attention is paid to the packaging and the syringe itself - it must be hermetically sealed. The drug remaining after the injection is not subject to storage. To save money, you must purchase the correct dosage according to the doctor's instructions.

Sodium hyaluronate 1
Sodium hyaluronate 1

Drugs are prohibited for use by children under 18 and women during pregnancy. In rare cases it is possiblemanifestation of side effects: pain at the injection site, redness, slight swelling, allergic rash. If the manifestation of such symptoms does not stop, the agent is replaced by another. To preserve the medicinal properties, hyaluronic acid is stored at a temperature of 0-10 ° C, in a dark place. The syringe with the needle is not for further use, it must be disposed of.

Hyaluronic acid in cosmetology

After 25 years, the amount of hyaluronate produced in the epidermis decreases, and the skin loses its freshness, luster, natural attractiveness, the first wrinkles appear, and women begin to seek help from moisturizers. Not all of them provide the necessary level of hydration and relieve the first signs of aging.

Sodium hyaluronate in cosmetology is used as a rejuvenating agent, or, as it is also called, “youth elixir”. Unlike other substances, "hyaluron" gives a quick and, most importantly, a positive result. Salons offer the introduction of drugs directly into the "problem areas". The result of such a procedure will be visible after the first session. The action of hyaluronic acid is as follows:

  • Reduces the rate of water evaporation from the epidermis.
  • Keep moisture in the skin.
  • Creates a protective film that resists aggressive environmental influences.
  • Makes dry and flaky skin as hydrated as possible.
  • Fills in depressions in wrinkles.
  • Returns elasticity.
  • Promotes the healing process of wounds.

For cosmetic purposes, low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate (capable of penetrating deep into the skin) and high molecular weight (creates a protective film on the surface) are used. Both types are used in creams, lotions, tonics, masks.

Salon beauty injections

Today, subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid is in demand to change facial contours and smooth wrinkles. The method is safe and has no side effects, thanks to a preliminary test for sensitivity to the drug (filler). It should be taken into account that the frequent use of such procedures helps to reduce the production of one's own (natural) hyaluronan. Therefore, it is important to choose the right dosage and maintain the required interval between injections.

Sodium hyaluronate in cosmetology
Sodium hyaluronate in cosmetology

The following procedures with "hyaluron" are in demand in salons:

  • Mesotherapy - performed if necessary to remove puffiness and circles under the eyes, to hide defects in the nasolabial triangle and other indications. The gel injected subcutaneously fills the voids and thereby restores the former volume in the problem area. The cost of the procedure depends on the chosen filler.
  • Biorevitalization - differs from the previous version in that almost pure sodium hyaluronate is used for injection. In cosmetology, this method is gaining momentum due to amazing results after the first rejuvenation session. From the financial side, this option is somewhat more expensive than mesotherapy.
  • Hyaluronic plastic (contour) - a method of changing contours(shapes) of the face and individual parts, lip augmentation. You can apply vector bio-reinforcement (creation of a frame that will retain the shape of the face after sodium hyaluronate resorption), bolus correction (injection of drugs into the deep layers of the skin).

A qualified specialist will help you choose the right procedure.

How to use hyaluronic acid at home?

It is not always possible to visit expensive procedures in beauty salons. Therefore, many of the fair sex use a homemade recipe for skin rejuvenation with sodium hyaluronate. To do this, you need to purchase the active ingredient in powder or in the form of sodium s alt in a pharmacy or online store. In 30 ml of purified warm water we dilute the "hyaluron" (enough at the tip of a teaspoon). Mix and leave for 20 minutes until a gel forms. After that, we collect the resulting mass into a syringe and store it in the refrigerator.

The gel is applied to cleansed skin or individual areas that require adjustment. A thin layer initially resembles a film, but after a while it is completely absorbed. After that, you need to moisturize your face well with a cream.
