Medicine knows many ways of various examinations. This can be a routine examination, laboratory diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound examination. It is the latter method that will be discussed in this article. You will find out what types of ultrasound examination has. You can also find out how this or that type of diagnostics is carried out.

Ultrasound examination
For starters, it's worth saying what kind of diagnostic it is. During the study, a special sensor is used, which is attached to the equipment. The device sends sound waves through human tissue. They cannot be heard by the naked ear. The sound is reflected from the tissues and internal organs, and as a result of this process, the specialist sees the image on the screen. It is worth noting that such contact occurs very quickly. The image of the region of interest appears immediately after the sensor is applied to the body.
Types of ultrasound diagnostics
Ultrasound examination may be different. Such diagnostics is divided into types. It should be noted that in each case a special sensor is used. There can be two or more of them on the ultrasound machine. So, ultrasound diagnostics can be as follows:
- duplex vascular scanning;
- echocardiographic study;
- echoencephalographic diagnostics;
- sonoelastography;
- transrectal examination;
- transvaginal diagnostics;
- transabdominal type of ultrasound.
Depending on the desired examination method, preliminary preparation of the patient may be necessary. Consider the most popular types of ultrasound examination.

Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages
This type of study is carried out using a transvaginal probe. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, the day of the cycle and the regularity of sexual activity.
Ultrasound examination of a pregnant woman is carried out in a transabdominal way. The only exceptions are those of the fair sex, whose gestation period is very short.
Such examinations do not require special preparation. It is only necessary to carry out generally accepted hygiene procedures before diagnosis.
Ultrasound of the veins of the human lower extremities
Ultrasound examination of blood vessels is performed during duplex scanning of blood vessels. In this case, the patency of the veins and the presence of blood clots and extensions are assessed. Also during the study, great attention is paid to blood flow and the condition of the uppervalves.
Preparation for such an examination is not needed. However, be prepared for the fact that you have to completely bare your legs. Prefer to wear loose-fitting, quick-release clothing.

Peritoneal Organs
Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity allows you to identify problems of the digestive tract and neighboring organs. With this diagnosis, you need to prepare in advance for the procedure.
If you need to examine the stomach, then you should refrain from eating until the examination. When diagnosing the intestines, it is worth using a laxative or giving an enema. Examination of the liver, kidneys and gallbladder can be performed without prior preparation.

How is the diagnosis carried out?
An individual sensor is selected for each type of examination. In this case, a special gel is always used, which facilitates the sliding of the device over the body and improves tissue permeability.
In most cases, the diagnosis is carried out in the supine position. At the same time, the couch should be solid, and in the office it is necessary to create the effect of twilight. An exception may be duplex scanning and ultrasound of the kidneys. These examinations can be done with the patient upright.
Ultrasound diagnostics is one of the most accurate. With the help of such an examination, the doctor can clearly see the condition of the internal organs and assess the degree of risk. Also diagnostic ultrasoundhelps to correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Regularly conduct these inspections. The ultrasound method is absolutely safe and does not pose any threat to your he alth.