Promille is a unit for determining the amount of alcohol in the blood. One ppm unit is a thousandth of a substance, a tenth of a percent of a liquid. There is a significant difference between the body of a man and a woman in identifying this indicator. Promille is how much? This question interests many.
Designation and calculation

The ppm sign looks like this - ‰. It is often confused with the percent sign, which is a mistake.
- 1 ‰=0.1%=1/1000=0.001.
- 100 ‰=10%=0, 1.
- 200 ‰=20%=200/1000=0, 2.
After 30 minutes after drinking, the maximum concentration of alcohol can be detected in the human body.
Promille is an indicator that provides information about:
- alcohol content at a given point in time;
- volume of drink of various kinds;
- The time it takes for alcohol to leave the body.
The result will depend on the followingOptions:
- weight, gender, age of a person;
- percentage of fluid in relation to the mass of the human body;
- volume of liquor taken.
So, ppm is how much?
Stages of intoxication

The stages of intoxication differ depending on the alcohol consumed. The first is characterized only by mild intoxication, the average severity will be observed in the second, the severe degree appears at the third stage of intoxication. The last stage is life-threatening, as coma and even death can develop.
Lethal dose would be for humans:
- 4-8 gr. ethyl alcohol per 1 kg of body weight for an adult;
- 3 gr. per 1 kg of weight of adolescents, sick and elderly people.
Next, let's talk about the percentage of ethanol in the blood at each stage:
- up to 0.3% - no influence of alcohol;
- 0, 3-0, 5% – quite weak impact;
- 0, 5-1, 5% - means mild;
- 1, 5-2, 5% - medium degree;
- 2, 5-3% - strong stage;
- 3-5% - a severe stage, in which coma and even death can occur;
- 5-6% - means lethal dose.
Permille that is allowed

What is the permitted ppm? This is the amount at which it is still permissible to drive.
At what amount of drinking will the movement be safe? Driver behavior and response will vary by ppm:
- 0, 1-0, 6 ppm. The source of moving light is perceived vaguely. Poor assessment of the situation. The driving style becomes risky, the speed often exceeds the permissible limits, the driver can harm others.
- 0.6-0.9 ppm. The estimation of the distance is wrong, there is an imbalance, the assessment of the situation is difficult. The driver does not adequately evaluate lighting, distance, signal of other cars and traffic lights.
- 0, 9-1, 3 ppm. Alcohol is relaxing. There is a decrease in the angle of view, with a weak and incorrect perception of the surrounding reality. The concentration of attention is completely absent, a high degree of intoxication makes the driver dangerous for others and for himself as well.
- 1, 3-2, 5 ppm. Maintaining consciousness is difficult, driving a car is out of the question. Violation of vision, reactions, orientation in space.
Allowed ppm is 0.1 unit or less.
Signs of intoxication
A person is considered drunk if there are a number of signs. This is:
- strong smell of alcohol from the mouth;
- unstable posture, pronounced trembling of the fingers;
- speech disorder, behavior inconsistent with environment;
- abrupt changes in skin color (redness, blanching);
- sharp wrong movements, inappropriate behavior.
How to determine the ppm allowed when drinking alcohol?

The ratio of the number of ppm in the blood and signs of behavior at a certain stage of intoxicationwill be next.
When the alcohol level is 0, 010-0, 030, behavior will be normal, with hidden violations that can only be determined by special means, this stage of intoxication is considered mild.
At alcohol level 0.031-0.060, behavior is characterized by mild euphoria, talkativeness, relaxation, lowering the level of restraint with decreasing concentration, mild intoxication becomes medium.
At alcohol level 0.061-0.1, behavior is extroverted, dullness of all sensations, severe disinhibition, impaired perception and reasoning, poor pupillary response to light appears, this is still an average degree of intoxication.
At an alcohol level of 0, 11-0, 2, behavior is characterized by frenzy, anger, strong changes in emotions, expressiveness, reflexes, articulate speech, behavior control, motor skills are disturbed, intoxication occurs with a high probability, while the degree of intoxication strong.
When the alcohol level is 0, 21-0, 30, behavior is characterized by stupor, probable loss of consciousness, weakening of all sensations, memory, consciousness, motor skills are disturbed, the stage of intoxication is very strong, poisoning sets in.
At a level of 0, 31-0, 40, behavior is characterized by loss of consciousness, severe depression of the central nervous system, death can occur, control, heartbeat, breathing, balance are disturbed, intoxication sets in with severe intoxication.
At level 0, 41-0, 51 behavior is characterized by loss of consciousness, death is possible, control is lost, breathing is disturbed,palpitations, nystagmus appears, intoxication is the strongest, dangerous to human life.
At a level greater than 0.51, severe poisoning of the body occurs with a fatal outcome.
Lethal dose: is there a clear answer?

Ppm is an indicator that can help determine the lethal dose.
In each individual case, its indicators differ. Even a doctor is difficult to unequivocally determine. So how much alcohol can you drink, and how much will be dangerous for a person?
In figures, we have already considered these indicators. 6-8 ppm would be a lethal dose for an adult, 2.5 ppm means severe intoxication. But it is more convenient for an ordinary person to count in liters.
So, the ppm rate is known.
If you drink one bottle of vodka to an adult, you get just 2.5 ppm. And if you take three half-liter bottles, then this will be a lethal dose. But it should be borne in mind that a person should consume this alcohol in about an hour. But if you stretch alcohol for a long time, especially for snacks and active movements, then there will be no death, but only severe intoxication.
Wine and beer have lower alcohol concentrations. To get a lethal dose, you need to drink a lot. With a large amount of alcohol consumed, a protective reaction of the body occurs in the form of vomiting, so part of the alcohol is excreted from the body. The lethal dose directly depends on weight, age, sex and chronic diseases.
Thus, ppm is a unit of measure for blood alcohol content, a very informative indicator.