Scabies is a skin disease that is easily transmitted from a sick person to a he althy one. The scabies mite is a pathogen that burrows in the upper layers of the skin and lays eggs. The first signs of the disease: the affected area of the skin becomes red and itchy, especially at night.
Drugs for the treatment of scabies
How to cure scabies in one day? The most effective remedy is a 20% benzyl benzoate emulsion. The drug is easily applied to the skin, does not leave marks on bed linen and clothes, and is easily removed during washing. A slight drawback of the emulsion is the presence of a mild specific odor.
Benzyl benzoate ointment has no less effective properties. Instructions for use states that this drug treats scabies and skin diseases, which are based on parasitic etiology. The medicine is included in the list of important and vital means. 20% ointment is as effective asemulsion. 10% of the composition is not enough to treat an adult, but enough for a child.

The parasitic group of medicines includes benzyl benzoate (ointment). Instructions for use contain the following information: the active components of the drug penetrate deeply into the skin and have a toxic effect on various kinds of parasites, including the scabies mite and its larvae, as well as pubic and head lice. No form of benzyl benzoate is absorbed into the blood. The action of the drug is exclusively local in nature and does not have a negative effect on the body as a whole.
About the symptoms of scabies
Next, we will look at how scabies manifests itself, symptoms, treatment at home. Between the moment of infection and the appearance of the first signs, it can take as much as 1 day, or a week, or even more. The course of the incubation period depends on the season and the number of parasites on the body.
The main symptom at the beginning of the disease is itching with gradually increasing intensity in the dark. This is due to the fact that the activity of parasites increases towards the end of the day. Rashes are another symptom of the disease. Some patients also name other signs, but they still cannot do without a rash, and it manifests itself in certain places. The appearance of small nodules in patients is observed in the interdigital zone and on the lateral surface of the fingers.

What are the symptoms of scabies? Treatment inhome conditions will be effective if you carefully treat all the affected areas. Most often the rash covers:
- wrist joints;
- sexual organs;
- armpits;
- ankles;
- shoulder and forearm bends;
- chest;
- feet;
- perumbilical region;
- lower back;
- side of abdomen;
- hamstrings;
- inner thighs.
Course of illness
Many patients are concerned about the question: how to cure scabies in one day? Almost nothing. But you can not start the disease. After a few weeks, a mild rash will turn into a papulovesicular rash. The body thus reacts to the vital activity of ticks, shows an allergic reaction to their excrement. Some people even suffer from purulent rashes and bloody crusts, which are often symmetrical.

For a typical scabies, group itching is characteristic. If all family members begin to itch more in the evening, then a visit to a dermatologist should not be put off for a long time.
Manifestation of scabies in children
When a child gets sick, every mother begins to convulsively think about how to cure scabies in one day? First you need to understand the peculiarities of the course of this disease in the child's body:
- For rashes, a clear symmetrical localization is not characteristic. The rash can appear absolutely anywhere, even on the front.
- Babies and toddlers up to 3 years old cansuffer from delamination of nails.
- In addition, children may experience general ailments: fever, tearfulness, irritability, loss of appetite, weakness and other diseases caused by a decrease in immunity.
On general principles
The first symptoms of scabies are already known, now you need to decide on the correct order of the fight. Firstly, the treatment of all cohabiting patients should be simultaneous, since the risk of re-infection, even after a recent illness, has not been canceled. The work team undergoes general therapy only if at least 3 cases of the disease have occurred.
An anti-scabies agent should be applied once to the skin of everyone who has been in close contact with the patient. The patient must strictly adhere to the treatment regimen, since cases of self-infection and re-infection occur quite often. The application of the prescribed drug to the body should be carried out directly by the patient, because the palms are usually covered with a huge amount of itch waste. It is necessary to rub the drug in the direction in which vellus hair grows, and reduce the intensity in areas with delicate skin.

How to get rid of scabies quickly? The application of the drug should begin with putting the nails in order, since constant scratching leads to the fact that parasite eggs accumulate under them. The female tick, which is the causative agent of the disease, is awake in the evening and at night, therefore, the greatest efficiencywill bring procedures carried out at this time.
How to cure scabies in one day? This is almost impossible, but if you start drinking antihistamines and hyposensitizing (reducing sensitivity to allergens) drugs from the very first day, then the development of dermatitis can be blocked in the bud. At the end of the treatment course, it is necessary to change bed and underwear, and after 2 weeks visit a doctor.
Treatment of scabies in children
How to cure scabies in a child? It is necessary not only to buy the appropriate drugs, but also to take a number of measures aimed at the destruction of ticks and their larvae from the patient's clothes and bed linen.
To quickly and effectively get rid of this disease, you must adhere to the following principles:
- treatment of people living together should be simultaneous;
- hands and other delicate skin are recommended to be handled most carefully;
- nails should be as short as possible;
- any fabric surface in the house should be heat treated, and clothes and linen should be boiled and ironed;
- complicated form of scabies requires mandatory medical supervision;
- quarantine period is at least 10 days.
Means to cure scabies in children
Most of all, patients are worried about severe itching. Scabies is a disease that cannot be treated without taking an antihistamine. You will also need synthetic scabicide preparations, the form of which may be different: ointment, lotion, sprayor emulsion. A severe form of the disease requires the addition of antibiotics.

Important! The medicine and dose can only be determined by the attending physician after he conducts an external examination and examines the results of the tests. Self-treatment, especially of children, can lead to poisoning of the body with a potent poison or to incomplete elimination of ticks.
What ointments get rid of scabies?
The most effective form for treating scabies in a child is an ointment:
- Sulfuric is the most inexpensive drug. Method of application - daily rubbing into the skin, affected by a tick, for 7 days.
- "Permethrin" is a highly effective drug. You can completely get rid of the tick after 2 skin treatments.
- "Benzyl Benzoate" is an ointment that can kill adult scabies mites in just 2 applications.
Important! The above drugs have different concentrations, so when purchasing an ointment, tell the pharmacist that you are buying it for a child.
Sequential development of the disease
Specialists distinguish the following stages of scabies:
- Incubation - approximately 1.5 months. That is how long it takes for a tick to gain a foothold in a new place. Depending on how strong the immune system is, the activity of the pathogen will depend. The more parasites got on the skin, the longer the duration of the incubation period.
- Reinfection. Itching begins an hour afterafter the tick has penetrated the skin.
- Complication of the disease occurs if the bacterial flora joins and an allergic reaction.
Shapes of scabies
Manifestation of clinical symptoms may vary depending on the form of the disease:
- In typical scabies, the surface of the skin is covered with a red rash. Localization of spots is observed in the area of the shoulder blades, toes and hands.
- Nodular is named so because the tick furrow ends with a nodule, which serves as an exit point for scabies itch.
- Norwegian is a very rare variety of the disease. It can develop only if there is a sharply reduced immunity. The risk group includes HIV-infected people, alcoholics, people with congenital and acquired immunodeficiency. To the question of how to get rid of scabies quickly, in this case, one can unequivocally answer that it doesn’t, since Norwegian scabies is the most severe and most contagious form of the disease (the scabies mite is concentrated in the crusts to the maximum).

Folk ways to fight scabies
How to cure scabies at home? You can turn to traditional medicine.
Among the most effective methods, treatment with homemade ointment is distinguished:
- Bay leaf and celandine are mixed in equal amounts. The ingredients must be carefully chopped and added to the prepared ointment base. If it is butter, then it must first be put inwarm place. The use of lard involves preliminary grinding it with a meat grinder. Apply this remedy for 5-6 days until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely.
- 200 g of thick sour cream and crushed hunting powder in the amount of 50 g should be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and left warm. After 2 hours, the talker can be used to treat the skin. Duration of treatment - 1 week.
- Preheated birch tar should be applied to each scabies and left on for at least 3 hours.
- To prepare a soap-onion composition, you will need the following ingredients: laundry soap - 1 piece, an onion and a head of garlic. Melted soap, as well as chopped onion and garlic, must be mixed and left to harden. Such a composition is recommended to be applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day (morning, evening). The use of a soap recipe, like other folk methods, gives a positive result, but only with a mild form of the disease.
About the first signs of infection with scabies in an adult
There is an opinion that the parasites that cause scabies can be obtained from an animal. In fact, this is far from the case. Transmission of the parasite occurs only through bodily contact of the skin of one person with another. Scabies in adults is manifested by a small rash and itching, which intensifies in the evening.

The areas most susceptible to scabies attack include the following:
- interdigital areabrushes;
- inner surface of the elbow;
- feet;
- armpit;
- chest.
Tick mating occurs at night, after which the male dies, and the purpose of the fertilized female is to make moves and lay eggs. After 2 weeks, larvae appear, which in 10-14 days become adult ticks.
The life expectancy of a female is 1 month. Detection of the scabies facilitates the application of iodine tincture to the skin. By carefully examining the rash, the patient can see for himself the passages of the parasite - lines that are whitish-gray in color, the size of which varies from 1 mm to 1 cm.