Indications for use and reviews of "A-cerumen"

Indications for use and reviews of "A-cerumen"
Indications for use and reviews of "A-cerumen"

The medicine "A-cerumen" is a multifunctional otolaryngological remedy for washing the ear canals. Produced in the form of a solution intended for topical use, in bottles - droppers or spray.

reviews of a cerumen
reviews of a cerumen

Pharmacological properties

Reviews of "A-cerumen" indicate that the drug effectively dissolves sulfuric plugs in the external auditory canals, and also prevents their re-formation. The properties of the drug largely depend on the action of active elements - surfactants, cocobetaine, cocoyl hydrolyzed collagen, methylglucasadioleate.

Indications for use

The medicine is prescribed to prevent the formation of earwax, to dissolve sulfur plugs. The tool is used to maintain hygiene of the ears, when using a telephone headset, a hearing aid, with prolonged contact with water and being in dusty places.

The drug "A-cerumen": instructions, reviews

a cerumen instruction reviews
a cerumen instruction reviews

The use of the product is recommended for children after 2, 5 years and adults. Induring the procedure, the medicine should be warmed up to body temperature. To do this, hold the bottle in your palms. As a prophylaxis and for personal hygiene of the ears, the solution is used twice a day for 4 days. According to the scheme indicated in the instructions, it is necessary to pour half the contents of the container into the ear and then fix the position of the head for one minute. Then the head needs to be turned with the ear down so that the dissolved sulfuric plug and the remaining liquid flow out of the ear cavity. Reviews of "A-cerumen" testify to the effectiveness of cleansing the ear canals by a similar method. After the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the ear with saline or clean water.

Side effects and contraindications

Reviews of "A-cerumen" say that the medicine is well tolerated by patients and does not cause negative reactions. However, there are prohibitions on the use of the drug. It is not recommended to perform ear washing in case of hypersensitivity to active substances and other elements of the product, in case of perforation of the eardrum.

a cerumen price reviews
a cerumen price reviews

The use is unacceptable in acute infectious inflammatory ear diseases, the presence of a shunt in the eardrum or after its removal within a year. With increased sensitivity at the injection sites, hyperemia, itching or rash may develop. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the product can be used without restrictions.

For children under 2.5 years of age, as well as for patients with pain in the ear canal, the expediency of usingsolution should be determined by the doctor.

Medication "A-cerumen": price, reviews

When opening the bottle, the solution must be used within a day, otherwise it will lose its medicinal properties. Unopened bottles can be stored for up to three years in places that children cannot climb into. Do not allow the product to get into the eyes, oral use of the drug is prohibited. As the reviews of A-cerumen indicate, the drug can be purchased at a pharmacy at a price of 213 rubles.
