Hookah with HB: harm to the body, possible consequences

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Hookah with HB: harm to the body, possible consequences
Hookah with HB: harm to the body, possible consequences

Video: Hookah with HB: harm to the body, possible consequences

Video: Hookah with HB: harm to the body, possible consequences
Video: When Smoke Means Fire | Symptoms of a Disturbing Lung Illness No One Should Ignore 2024, July

In today's world, there are many ways to relax. One of these ways to relax is a hookah. Often, young mothers who have just given birth do not want to change their habitual lifestyle and wonder if a hookah can be used with HS without harming the baby.

What is a hookah?

hookah at guards harm
hookah at guards harm

Hookah came to us from the East, it is a flask with a long narrow neck. Hoses are attached to the bottom of the vessel, on the ends of which mouthpieces are installed. And a saucer with a cup is installed on the top. This increases the distance that smoke travels from the structure to the human lungs.

Water is also poured into the bottom of the vessel, which helps to cool the smoke that passes through it. Thus, the smoke passing through the respiratory tract does not burn the throat when inhaled.

Despite the fact that hookah smoking is a whole ceremony that attracts with its glamor and sophistication, it is rather unsafe for the body. Therefore, before smoking a hookah with HB, you should repeatedlythink and weigh everything, as this may possibly harm both mother and baby.

Amount of nicotine in hookah

The content of nicotine in a hookah is 0.05% of the total weight of the pack, given that a pack of tobacco weighs 50 grams. Thus, the concentration of nicotine in hookah tobacco is 2.96 milligrams, while the number of alkaloid is 25 milligrams.

Benefits of hookah

you can smoke hookah
you can smoke hookah

When smoking a hookah, tension immediately subsides, a person relaxes. In addition, people are often attracted by the hookah preparation procedure, in which one feels an atmosphere conducive to a philosophical mood and peace.

It is not necessary to use tobacco for smoking hookah, you can use smoking mixtures with different flavors. As a liquid, you can use water with the addition of essential oils or decoctions with medicinal herbs


breastfeeding and hookah
breastfeeding and hookah

When smoking a hookah, it is important to consider the following:

  • The issue of hygiene when deciding to smoke a hookah should come first. So, there is no certainty that in hookahs, after each procedure, all mouthpieces, hoses and flasks are thoroughly washed. In addition, it cannot be said with certainty that the liquid in the hookah is changed immediately before each use.
  • The amount of smoke absorbed while smoking a hookah is much greater than the dose that a person can inhale when smoking a regular cigarette. It is important to note the fact thatsmoke is carbon monoxide, and as a result, a person who smokes a hookah for 40-45 minutes receives the same portion of carbon monoxide that he could get when smoking one pack of cigarettes.
  • Despite the fact that the smoke used for smoking hookah is thoroughly cleaned, it contains a large amount of carcinogens harmful to the body.
  • Smoking a hookah involves a strong inhalation of smoke, which at the same time completely fills the lungs. Also important is the fact that it is moist smoke, therefore, it sticks and settles on the walls of the lungs.
  • Most of the smoking blends used to fill the hookah are never quality tested. Therefore, in such mixtures, the presence of harmful substances that can be hazardous to he alth cannot be ruled out.

What else is bad hookah

is it possible to hookah with gv
is it possible to hookah with gv

In addition to all of the above, hookah smoking can be fraught with other unpleasant consequences for a smoking mother, which will definitely affect the baby's he alth:

  1. When smoking a hookah, a person takes a deeper breath than if it were a cigarette, as a result of which toxic substances settle and accumulate in the lower part of the lungs, so it is very difficult to remove them from the body.
  2. Smoking a hookah is often carried out in a large company, when several people use the same mouthpiece immediately after each other, violating all hygiene standards.
  3. As in the case of cigarettes, it can be argued that when smoking a hookah, a passive smoker is exposed toless risk than active. However, when smoking a hookah, everything is much more serious, since a large number of people smoke it at once. This fact gives a young nursing mother a reason to think about whether you can smoke a hookah with breastfeeding, thereby harming yourself and your baby, or abstain and wait until the end of lactation.

Is hookah smoking and lactation compatible

who smoked a hookah at the guards
who smoked a hookah at the guards

When a woman smokes a hookah, the quality of breast milk changes significantly, it becomes bitter in taste, as a result of which the baby may completely refuse breastfeeding. Often, for those who smoked a hookah with HB, milk begins to turn sour and gradually completely disappear. Smoking negatively affects lactation and the fact that during the inhalation of smoke in milk, all the vitamins and minerals that are useful for the proper growth and development of the baby are lost.

Harm caused to the baby through mother's milk after smoking hookah

smoke hookah at
smoke hookah at

It is not forbidden for a young mother to drink a glass of champagne or wine during lactation during some holiday, while smoking hookah while breastfeeding should definitely be excluded.

This procedure during breastfeeding is fraught with the fact that all the toxins from the smoke enter the baby's body with milk. The body of a small child in the first months of life is still very weak, so the baby begins to react sharply to the ingress of toxic substances that affect the fragile body with such manifestations:

  • The child loses sleep andappetite. The kid becomes capricious, nervous, restless. Due to loss of appetite and sleep, he becomes lethargic and apathetic to everything that happens.
  • When toxic substances enter the baby's body, he has all the signs of poisoning, which are manifested by severe cramps and colic in the abdomen, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Signs of allergies, asthma and acute lung failure may occur.
  • Mental and intellectual developmental delays, weight loss and growth retardation are not excluded.

What to do if you can't get rid of bad habits

is it possible to smoke hookah with gv
is it possible to smoke hookah with gv

The question of whether it is possible to smoke a hookah with HB is disclosed, but if it is not possible to get rid of such a harmful and harmful habit even with lactation, then in order to minimize the risk of developing any serious consequences in the baby, you should adhere to some rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to smoke while in the same room with a child.
  2. Hookah with HB should be smoked immediately before lactation, since the main concentration of toxins and hazardous substances in milk and blood occurs no earlier than 3-4 hours after smoking.
  3. Everyone knows that it is the hormone prolactin that is responsible for the production of breast milk in the body of a nursing woman. And since the main amount of prolactin is produced at night, it is best to smoke a hookah in this case during the day.
  4. After smoking a hookah and before lactation, it is necessary to wash your hands and face, changeclothing, as toxic substances can settle on things and skin, and when touched by a baby, they enter the child's body.
  5. Food should be easily digestible and balanced. During the day, you need to drink a large amount of liquid - at least two liters, in order to remove from the body as quickly as possible all the toxic and toxic substances obtained by smoking hookah, which can harm the child's body.

To the question of whether a hookah is possible with breastfeeding, the answer is unambiguously negative. But, if you can’t get rid of such a habit, then you should carefully follow all of the above rules in order to minimize the risk of developing some serious consequences for the crumbs.
