Smoking moms: the impact of nicotine, getting into breast milk, harm to the baby and possible consequences

Smoking moms: the impact of nicotine, getting into breast milk, harm to the baby and possible consequences
Smoking moms: the impact of nicotine, getting into breast milk, harm to the baby and possible consequences

Now there is a lot of information about bad habits and their harmful effects on the body. One of the important topics is smoking during lactation. Many women refuse it on their own even during pregnancy, as there is a rather serious hormonal restructuring of the body. However, many continue to smoke even after childbirth during lactation. This is very dangerous, as the baby receives harmful and dangerous substances, which greatly harms his he alth.

Harm of smoking during lactation

Smoking mothers put their baby's he alth at serious risk, as nicotine passes into breast milk very quickly. The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk to the baby's he alth.

According to studies, moms who smoke produce much less breast milk. This means that over time, the concentration of prolactin drops sharply, which leads to inhibition of milk production.

Smoking rules
Smoking rules

Smoking can worsenoxytocin reflex, because of this, the child may not receive enough nutrition. Milk has a much poorer composition. It contains much less vitamin and protein, and the level of mercury and cadmium is increased.

Smoking negatively affects mom's well-being, as nicotine:

  • impairs reproductive ability;
  • provokes faster aging;
  • increases the risk of infertility.

If there is a question about replacing breast milk with artificial formulas, then it is better to stop smoking, since the baby receives all the required vitamins with breast milk.

Influence on a woman

If a nursing mother smokes, then in addition to internal discomfort, this has a negative effect on a woman. Nicotine has a negative effect on blood vessels, thereby provoking tachycardia and varicose veins.

In addition, it first excites, and then somewhat slows down nerve impulses. That is why, many say that cigarettes soothe, however, this is a deceptive state. Sometimes, long-term smoking causes convulsions, nausea, hand tremors, vomiting, and weakness.

The effect of nicotine on a woman
The effect of nicotine on a woman

Women who smoke often have high blood pressure. The respiratory organs begin to work more intensively, and then the functioning of the bronchi decreases sharply. In addition, there is a certain inhibition of all functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

With the constant penetration of nicotine into the body, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and nasopharynx often occurs, the normal functioning of the lungs andbronchi, as well as dangerous disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system. Women who smoke often suffer from cellulite, yellow teeth, bad breath.

Effect on breast milk

Answering the question whether it is possible for a nursing mother to smoke cigarettes, I must say that this is very harmful. Many people believe that all tobacco poisons are quickly neutralized by breast milk, however, this is absolutely not the case, because everything a woman smokes is given to a baby. And if parents additionally smoke in front of their child, then he constantly inhales poisoned air.

Already half an hour after each cigarette, toxic substances penetrate into milk and only after 1.5 hours are partially removed. After 3 hours, nicotine is eliminated almost completely, however, some part remains, therefore, the baby will receive poisoned nutrition.

The duration of breastfeeding is drastically reduced as the taste of milk deteriorates, so babies often refuse it in the first months of life.

Consequences of smoking with breastfeeding

If a nursing mother smokes, the consequences can be quite serious and dangerous. The biggest threat is sudden death syndrome. In this case, respiratory arrest may be for completely unclear reasons, in no way related to diseases and pathologies.

If a woman does not quit smoking during pregnancy, then the child's risk of developing asthma, allergies or cancer is significantly increased. Smoking is also dangerous in that there may be such consequences as:

  • baby badeating and not gaining enough weight;
  • vomits profusely and often;
  • possible nausea and vomiting;
  • baby suffering from intestinal colic and diarrhea.

The child experiences constant anxiety, and he also has a sleep disorder. In addition, he may often get colds, which occurs as a result of reduced immunity.

Harm the baby

If a nursing mother smokes, the consequences for the baby can be very serious and even dangerous. Among the main problems, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • indigestion;
  • harm to the nervous system;
  • impact on the respiratory system.

If a nursing mother smokes, the consequences for the child can be expressed in the fact that the baby gains weight very poorly, his appetite disappears, and there is also a possibility of colic and other gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, the risk of becoming overweight is significantly increased. Often, if a mother smokes and feeds a child, then this can provoke nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in the baby.

The effect of nicotine on a child
The effect of nicotine on a child

Doctors note a direct relationship between breast milk with nicotine and the incidence of colic in a newborn. Accompanying signs in this case will be various kinds of stool disorders, in particular, constipation or diarrhea. This occurs as a result of irritation of receptors located in the intestinal area with harmful substances. The child is more likely to develop malignant tumors.

Children are significantly more likely to develop allergies. Every newthe product consumed by the child provokes a negative response of the body, which manifests itself in the form of itchy rashes on the skin.

The respiratory organs of children whose mother smokes during breastfeeding cannot cope with viruses and bacteria normally. The body's defenses are weakened and the lungs cannot get rid of phlegm, as a result, a cold often flows into pneumonia.

Children are getting more restless. They may refuse breastfeeding and become very restless if they receive milk from a smoking mother. Babies often get pneumonia, bronchitis, and many other respiratory diseases. Tobacco smoking has a cumulative effect. This increases the likelihood of SHS in the first year of life.

It is worth noting that with passive smoking, the nicotine content in the baby's blood is much higher than in the case of its intake with mother's milk.

Consequences for the matured child

Many are interested in whether it is possible to feed a smoking mother and what the consequences will be for the child. Tobacco smoking not only negatively affects the he alth of the newborn, but also the already grown up baby. Addiction to nicotine negatively affects the physical and emotional state of the child, and also inhibits his mental development.

Consequences at an older age
Consequences at an older age

Research by scientists suggests that with subsequent puberty, a child who is used to nicotine will become addicted to tobacco quite early. Such children are characterized by aggressiveness and increased irritability. Usually they do not absorb information well, have behavioral problems.

Children of smoking nursing mothers are often prone to colds, allergies and respiratory problems. Weak immunity and some developmental delay are typical for such a child.

How to reduce the harm of smoking?

Many are interested in whether it is possible to feed a smoking mother and whether it is better to switch to artificial feeding. It is not recommended to replace mother's milk with mixtures, as they can provoke allergies. You can try to reduce the harm from smoking.

Every effort should be made to stop smoking during lactation, as natural nutrition is most acceptable for the baby. To reduce the harm from cigarettes, it is recommended not to smoke at night.

Organization of breastfeeding
Organization of breastfeeding

In the morning, you need to smoke after feeding the baby, so that before the next application of the baby to the breast, most of the nicotine and tar can leave the body. You need to feed the baby no earlier than 3 hours after each smoked cigarette. To cleanse the milk of toxic substances, you should try to drink as much water as possible.

It is not recommended to smoke in front of a child, even while walking, as passive smoking has a more negative effect on the baby than nicotine, which is ingested with breast milk. You need to eat as much he althy, wholesome food as possible, and also try to compensate for the lack of vitamin with vegetables and fruits.

Smoking mother should hide her hair while smoking, and then change clothes and wash her handswith soap so that the baby does not associate tobacco smoke with his mother. It is recommended to replace real cigarettes with electronic ones at least for a while and stop smoking hookah.

When is the best time to breastfeed after smoking?

Why a nursing mother should not smoke is known to many women, but not everyone understands how long it is best to feed a child after smoking. Initially, you need to feed him until the mammary gland is completely empty, and only after that you can smoke a cigarette. It is also allowed to express milk from the second breast, which is stored until the next feeding.

Toxic substances stay in the blood for at least 1 hour. However, toxins penetrate into the milk of a nursing woman throughout this period and remain there unchanged for another 2 hours. Then the reverse process starts and harmful substances are removed.

How to quit smoking?

Do breastfeeding mothers smoke? This issue is quite controversial, and it all depends on the woman herself. Basically, she is well aware that she is doing very badly and harming her baby, but she simply cannot stop. There are many different ways that help get rid of the existing addiction and try to protect your child from the dangerous influence of resins. These should include:

  • positive emotions;
  • charging;
  • reading books.

Before using the patch and tablets, you need to consult a doctor, as they are contraindicated during lactation. You should not drastically reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke, as such an addiction will become even moreobsessive and craving for smoking will increase even more. Mom must at this moment think about the he alth of her baby. It is imperative to try to do everything so that the child grows up smart, strong and strong, and this will require high-quality breastfeeding.

To give up smoking
To give up smoking

It will take some time to overcome bad habits. It can be quite difficult for many to decide on such a drastic step. However, a woman needs to remember that smoking during lactation has certain negative consequences for the he alth of the baby. Therefore, every mother must make an informed choice.

An alternative to cigarettes

Smoking provokes a very strong addiction, as sometimes it is not easy to say goodbye to an existing habit. If a nursing mother is serious about achieving a positive result, then relatively safe products with a low nicotine content can help her with this. Such means should include such as:

  • electronic cigarettes;
  • nicotine gum;
  • band-aid.

Electronic cigarettes emit steam when smoked, not pungent and harmful smoke. They contain much less hazardous substances and do not emit a bad smell. The degree of safety of such cigarettes is largely determined by the level of nicotine content in the liquid that is used. However, it is still not recommended to smoke such cigarettes near the baby.

Smoking electronic cigarettes
Smoking electronic cigarettes

Nicotine patch allows you to constantly maintain a smaller amountnicotine in the mother's bloodstream. It needs to be taken off at night. Nicotine gum works in much the same way as a patch. If you chew it hard enough, the amount of nicotine will equal smoking.

Many say that hookah is more harmful than cigarettes, because special tobacco mixtures are used for smoking, which contain nicotine. Harmfulness largely depends on the strength of the mixture used, as well as the presence of harmful impurities.

Advice for nursing mothers

Women who find it difficult to give up nicotine addiction need to learn how to safely combine smoking and breastfeeding. When organizing feeding, certain rules must be followed in order to minimize the harmful effects on the child. These include the following:

  • smoking less;
  • do not smoke near the baby;
  • switch to cigarettes or low nicotine products;
  • to control the dynamics of the child's weight.

Compliance with safety measures will allow you to normally combine breastfeeding and smoking. However, periodically it is important to check the he alth of the baby, namely, to visit specialists and take tests.

Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Regarding whether it is possible for a nursing mother to smoke, Komarovsky says that there are a lot of harmful substances in milk, but if a woman cannot cope with this bad habit, then you should try to minimize the effect of nicotine smoke on the newborn.

Popular telepediatrist promotes rejectionfrom smoking for nursing mothers. However, he also says that mother's milk is very good for the baby, even if the woman smokes.

Reviews on smoking with breastfeeding

To make a final decision, you need to read the reviews. A nursing mother smokes, and the consequences for the child can be quite negative, as this affects many organs and systems. Many say that babies absolutely can not stand the smell of tobacco smoke.

Children of smoking mothers are more capricious and restless. At the same time, not only newborns are capricious, but also at an older age. The child is usually nervous, weak, often ill, and his vision and skin are sometimes affected. In especially severe cases, there are violations in mental development. Some women report that quitting smoking is hard enough.

To properly organize breastfeeding, you need to monitor your he alth, since the condition of the baby largely depends on it. It is important not only to give up smoking, but also to consume a large amount of vitamins, as well as to temper the child from birth. As soon as he grows up a little, gradually introduce complementary foods.

Smoking is a stable psychological addiction, which is very difficult to get rid of on your own, but it is quite possible to reduce the harm from it. Nursing mothers should definitely think about the irreparable damage they cause to their children. Even if it is difficult to give up cigarettes, you need to follow simple rules when smoking during gestation orlactation. To combat nicotine, there are many different systems, including psychological ones, which are very productive.
