How long does alcohol last? Time to remove alcohol from the body

How long does alcohol last? Time to remove alcohol from the body
How long does alcohol last? Time to remove alcohol from the body

There are a lot of holidays in Russia, and it is so usual that they celebrate them in most cases with strong drinks. In itself, this is not so bad when everything is in moderation and does not pose a danger to anyone. Often a person is not going to drink, but in the end it is impossible to refuse the owner of the house. Then the main thing is to know the measure and how long the alcohol disappears from the body if you need to drive.

Permissible alcohol limit according to the legislation of the Russian Federation

Until 2013, everything was very strict with the level of alcohol in the blood, the permissible rate was 0 ppm. Thus, all lovers of kvass, kefir, people using certain types of drugs fell into the risk group.

Since 2013, this bar has been lowered. Now it is allowed to drive a vehicle if the breathalyzer showed no more than 0.35 ppm in the blood. This figure is approximately 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air.

How DUI is punished in 2019

The question of how long alcohol disappears is relevant for drivers, because almost every one of them has driven drunk at least once. Currently, the traffic police is actively fighting such violators, and the pen alties have also become tougher.

  1. In the case when the driver was caught in a state of intoxication for the first time, he faces the withdrawal of a driver's license for a period of 1.5 to 2 years, followed by a retake of the theory. Also, an irresponsible citizen will have to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles.
  2. If the incident repeats for the second time, the fine will be 50 thousand rubles, and the deprivation of rights - for 3 years.
  3. When a driver is caught in a state of intoxication within a year of the first incident, his liability shifts from administrative to criminal. In addition to the deprivation of a driver's license, he can be sentenced to imprisonment for up to 2 years, as well as a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles.

If the driver of the vehicle refuses to undergo an examination, then he is automatically found guilty of an offense.

Alcohol elimination calculator

For people who are interested in how long alcohol disappears from the body, a special calculator has been developed. It allows, by entering data, to find out how much it costs to refrain from driving.

For this, the Widmark formula is applied:

C=A / mr.

Where A is the volume of alcohol consumed, m is the weight of a person, r is the distribution coefficient (male - 0.7; female - 0,6.).

This is a simplified formula, but you can find an alcohol elimination calculator online. There is no need to use formulas, you only need to enter data: gender, weight, height, what alcohol was drunk and in what quantity. Some programs also ask for the degree of fullness in the stomach. The calculator for removing alcohol from the body will show the result - the time during which it is forbidden to drive, since alcohol is still in the blood.

For example, in the blood of a woman 160 cm tall and weighing 50 kg, who drank 1 bottle of beer, 0.42 ppm of alcohol will be found. With this indicator, she needs to wait 3.5 hours before driving a vehicle.

There are many average tables where the timing of the withdrawal of alcohol from the body is calculated, taking into account the amount drunk and the degree of strong drinks.

Factors affecting the rate of alcohol elimination from the body

Despite the fact that there are some norms and standards for the speed of removing alcohol from the human body, physiology itself, in particular, the state of he alth, is of great importance.

  1. The female body is 65% water, while the male body is 70%. Thanks to this indicator, alcohol breaks down faster in the blood of the stronger sex - about 0.15 ‰ per hour. For women, the average rate is 0.1 ‰ per hour.
  2. Height and weight directly affect how long alcohol is eliminated from the body. It is natural that a person of a frail physique, in order to reach a state of intoxication, will need to drink less thana man weighing 100 kg.
  3. Metabolism is also important - the rate of digestion of food and alcohol. In young people, it is much faster, so they quickly get drunk and sober.
  4. The state of he alth, especially the liver, affects the rate of breakdown of enzymes. If a person often and in large quantities abuses strong drinks, then his liver will not cope well with the load.
  5. A diseased liver does not cope well with the load
    A diseased liver does not cope well with the load

In some cases, the fullness of the stomach before the feast also plays a role. Drinking on an empty stomach causes the subject to quickly become highly intoxicated, as the alcohol is absorbed directly into the blood without interacting with food. But he sobers up faster. If a person has eaten a heavy meal before taking alcoholic beverages, he will get drunk more slowly, since the food eaten will play the role of a cork. As soon as it resolves, intoxication will come sharply and for a long time, since there will most likely be a lot drunk already.

How long does vodka leave the body

Vodka is one of the most popular drinks at feasts among men. Since its strength is at least 40%, you will need to drink quite a bit to get drunk. How long vodka disappears depends directly on the amount of alcohol and the size of the person.

Drinking, mg Time during which alcohol vapors can be detected in exhaled air, hours. Time for complete elimination of alcohol from the body, hours.
100 3, 5 5, 0
200 7, 0 17, 0
300 9, 0 29, 0

These figures are based on a physically he althy middle-aged man weighing 80 kg and are correlated with how long whiskey disappears from the body, since this drink has about the same strength as vodka.

The rate of withdrawal of cognac from the body

This drink is much more chemically complex than vodka. It contains fatty acids and vitamins. But its strength is not inferior to vodka, and more often even exceeds it.

how long does cognac disappear from the body
how long does cognac disappear from the body

If a person weighing 80 kg drinks 100 mg of cognac, it will take 4.5 hours to completely remove alcohol from the blood. How long does brandy disappear from the body, provided that 300 mg was drunk? This will take 13.5 hours. If a person consumed 0.5 liters of this drink, then complete sobering up will come only after 22.5 hours.

How long does it take beer to leave the body

Beer among alcoholic beverages has the smallest strength - usually from 4 to 6%. Due to its characteristics and taste, it is very popular among young people. But immoderate consumption of beer is dangerous to he alth, and drinking it in large quantities can get drunk no less than strong alcoholic beverages.

how longweathered beer from the body
how longweathered beer from the body

For calculations, we take a person weighing 80 kg. Rates will be shown for 4 and 6% beers.

Beer strength Amount of drink, ml Time required to remove an alcoholic drink from the body, hour
4% 100 0, 5
300 1, 3
500 2, 2
6% 100 0, 65
300 2, 0
500 3, 3

Speed of champagne elimination from the body

The average degree of champagne is 11%. This drink is twice as strong as beer. However, he enjoys special love among the fair sex. In particular, this is due to its taste and carbonation. But it should be noted that gas bubbles enhance the effect of intoxication. For example, a middle-aged woman weighing 60 kg was taken.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave a woman's body?
How long does it take for alcohol to leave a woman's body?

The norms for how long alcohol disappears from the body of a woman and a man are different, since they have different weight categories and water balance. If she drinks 100 mg of champagne, then she will need to wait 1.5 hours. After this time, you can get behind the wheel. Atprovided that she drinks 300 mg, the time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body will be approximately equal to 5 hours. A 500 mg champagne will be completely eliminated from the blood in 8 hours.

Complete withdrawal of alcohol from the body

Most of the alcohol comes out within the first two or three days. But how long does it take for alcohol to be completely eliminated from the body? Narcologists argue about this. Their responses vary from 18 to 21 days, depending on how much they drink. But in 21 days, if you no longer abuse alcohol, the blood will be completely renewed and the body will recover.

What to do if you still drank alcohol

Situations are different. Sometimes it may happen that a person drank because he was not going to drive in the near future. But the circumstances were different. There are camouflage and real methods that help reduce the amount of ethanol in the blood and quickly remove harmful substances from the body.

The first of them can only interrupt the smell of alcohol and thus prevent the inspector from being checked by a breathalyzer. They will not help if it is visually visible that a person is intoxicated. These are trademarks, for example, “Antipolizei”. Folk remedies are also not inferior in effect. These are garlic, chewing gum, sunflower seeds, mouth rinses.

There are also several ways that can speed up the reduction of blood alcohol levels.

  1. You can clean the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You need to induce vomiting before the alcohol is absorbed into the blood. For further cleaningit is recommended to drink a cocktail of 5 drops of ammonia and ¼ glass of water.
  2. When drinking alcoholic beverages, you do not need to savor them, since the first stage of ethanol absorption occurs in the mouth, 20% in the stomach and approximately 60% is absorbed in the small intestine.
  3. The body's water balance suffers from alcohol. That is why a person who walked yesterday at a holiday will experience dry mouth the next day. It is necessary to restore the liquid level, then the ethyl alcohol will evaporate faster. S alt solutions have these qualities; cucumber pickle is recommended for use. If it is not at hand, then you should drink as much water as possible. Herbal teas and chicken broth will do. Tea with lemon also promotes the breakdown of ethanol, removing it through the kidneys.
  4. Herbal tea helps with a hangover
    Herbal tea helps with a hangover
  5. Foods high in antioxidants stimulate the activity of the liver, namely, it acts as a filter in the fight against large doses of alcohol. These are green tea, coffee, cocoa, ginger, parsley, walnuts.
  6. Coffee is rich in antioxidants
    Coffee is rich in antioxidants
  7. If a person has no problems with the cardiovascular system, then visiting a bath or sauna will help him get rid of a hangover faster. Together with sweat, harmful substances will also come out.

For some people, these methods may not be effective due to the amount of alcohol consumed. If an emergency interruption of binge is required, it is best to consult a narcologist. He will be able to realistically assess the patient's condition, prescribe droppers andtreatment.

The dangers of alcohol abuse in large quantities

Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking in large quantities, but not everyone understands what such an addiction is fraught with.

Starting at 0.2 ppm, people have a feeling of warmth in their extremities. The permissible rate for driving a car is 0.35 ppm. It has been proven that such a level of ethyl alcohol in the blood is not able to affect the reaction of an adult. As soon as the norm of the drunk becomes higher than 0.35-0.5 ppm, control over the accuracy of motor skills is lost, but the mood improves.

examination by a narcologist
examination by a narcologist

If the level of ethanol in the blood is 1.0 ppm, the drunk person has slow reactions, slurred speech, uncontrollable emotional swings. Upon reaching intoxication at 2.0 ppm, double vision appears, it is impossible to maintain a vertical position. After exceeding the bar of 4 ppm, a person experiences severe alcohol poisoning up to death (depending on the state of he alth).
