Dry tongue: causes of dryness, possible problems, medical advice and treatment

Dry tongue: causes of dryness, possible problems, medical advice and treatment
Dry tongue: causes of dryness, possible problems, medical advice and treatment

Surely for many, the problem of dry mouth does not seem to be something new. Most people have experienced the feeling of a dry tongue as a child or as an adult. This article will tell you in detail about the cases in which you should not worry about the symptom of a dry tongue, about the causes and possible pathologies. In addition, it will be possible to learn about the methods and ways of treating the disease with the help of medicinal and traditional medicine.

Causes of dry tongue

Xerostomia is the medical term for the feeling of a dry tongue. It can be both temporary and a symptom of a serious illness.

white dry tongue causes
white dry tongue causes

The cause of tongue dryness is, first of all, a decrease in the level or even a complete cessation of saliva production. Ignoring this symptom is not advised and it is important to immediately contact a specialist.

One of the most common causes of dry tongue at night is snoring and mouth breathing. In this case, dryness will be observed onlyat night and in the morning. Snoring can be caused by a runny nose, allergies, or damage to the nasal septum.

Sometimes the cause of tongue dryness is the development of an infection in the body. In this case, in addition to the aforementioned symptom, there will be general weakness and a rise in temperature. It is worth paying attention to the fact that dryness is one of the main symptoms of mumps or mumps, which affects the human salivary glands.

Gastrointestinal problems (temporary or chronic) can be the cause of a white and dry tongue. In addition, a course of chemotherapy has a tremendous impact on the production of fluid in the body.

Smoking and general dehydration caused by fever, poisoning, increased sweating can also cause a dry and rough tongue.

dry tongue at night causes
dry tongue at night causes

Sometimes dryness is not the only unpleasant symptom. It is important to know that due to the drying of the oral cavity and mucous membranes, a white coating may appear on a dry tongue. The cause of this phenomenon may be dehydration, diabetes, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract or gallbladder. At the same time, women should not be afraid of the appearance of dry tongue during pregnancy - this is a completely normal reaction of the body, and to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant sensation, doctors recommend drinking more clean water.

Possible diseases

It is important to immediately understand whether a dry tongue has become a symptom of any disease. The cause of the disease most often lies in diseases of the oral cavity, infections or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicinea number of diseases are known, the list of symptoms of which includes a feeling of dryness of the tongue. For example, in diabetes mellitus or kidney disease, dry tongue is accompanied by impaired taste perception and sometimes a sharp metallic taste in the mouth.

dry tongue with white coating
dry tongue with white coating

Dehydration caused by thyroid disease, gastritis, ulcers, appendicitis or infection in the gastrointestinal tract can also serve as a reason. In violation of the gallbladder, dryness is accompanied by a feeling of bitterness in the mouth in the morning.

The presence of benign or malignant tumors in the body is also the cause of disruption of the salivary glands. If dry mouth appears along with symptoms such as sweating, lack of appetite, diarrhea, anxiety, then perhaps the reason lies in the problem of the thyroid gland. In addition to these diseases, dry tongue is sometimes observed in patients with hypotension, HIV infections, anemia, Alzheimer's disease or Sjögren's syndrome.

Specialist consultation

A number of specialists are involved in identifying the causes and eliminating the dry tongue, depending on what side symptoms were observed in the patient. Treatment can be done by a dentist, ENT, endocrinologist, etc.

First of all, when a symptom is detected, it is necessary to contact a therapist for a preliminary diagnosis and referral to the right specialist. The patient may need to consult several doctors. The ENT will have to conduct a thorough examination of the oral and nasal cavities. Whenidentifying the cause of the symptom will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Sometimes discomfort is caused by inflammation of the teeth and gums, then you need to consult a dentist. Periodontal disease, glossitis, stomatitis and even caries are considered diseases of the oral cavity that can provoke the appearance of dryness.

dry tongue at night causes and elimination
dry tongue at night causes and elimination

In some cases, a symptom that appears in the oral cavity is an indicator of a disease in a completely different part of the body. An additional reason to visit an endocrinologist may be the appearance of other symptoms along with a dry tongue, such as frequent urination, weight loss, sleep disturbance, rashes and weakness.

Diagnosis and detection

Quickly determine the cause of dry tongue is quite difficult, as this symptom may be a sign of one of the many diseases. Therefore, it will be necessary to diagnose the body completely.

Experts advise to be examined by an ENT specialist, a dentist, a gastroenterologist and an endocrinologist. Each of which will collect the necessary history, conduct an examination and either prescribe treatment or refer the patient to another specialist.

Laboratory tests that must be taken with dry tongue are biochemical blood tests, urine and stool tests. In addition, it is often necessary to conduct an ultrasound diagnosis of the abdominal cavity, an ECG, an endoscopy, and sometimes a computed tomography of the head.

Medication treatment

Based on a correct diagnosis, only a doctor can prescribeeffective individual course of medical treatment. Most often, it includes the use of antiseptic preparations on the affected areas (Metrogil Denta, Miramistin), hygienic care of the oral cavity, by frequent rinsing of the oral cavity with soda or medicinal herbs (calendula, celandine, chamomile).

In cases where the cause of dryness is an allergy, the patient is prescribed antihistamines and enterosorbents. If the sensation was caused by the development of an infection in orgasm, then a course of antibacterial drugs is needed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Methods of traditional medicine are also aimed at eliminating the resulting pathogenic environment in the oral cavity. So, to alleviate the general condition, it is advised to prepare a decoction of oak bark. To prepare it, boil 20 grams of the bark in 500 ml of water, rinse the mouth with decoction every four hours.

dry rough tongue causes
dry rough tongue causes

Has a soothing and antibacterial decoction of St. John's wort, immortelle and chamomile. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of dried flowers of each of the ingredients and dissolve in a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and rinse your mouth with it no more than three times a day.

The easiest way is to prepare a soda-saline rinse. You need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda and sea s alt in a glass of water, mix, rinse with the mixture every two hours.

Oral hygiene during treatment

It is not enough to find the causes and eliminate the dryness of the tongue, it is important to observe oral hygienecavity, both during treatment and after its termination. During treatment, it is necessary to use only purified water, to give up coffee, tea and other drinks. It is advisable to drink food with a small amount of water and refuse spicy, s alty and sweet in the diet.

dry tongue causes what disease
dry tongue causes what disease

Chewing gum and smoking should be avoided. Instead, it is recommended to make decoctions according to traditional medicine recipes and rinse the mouth for a speedy recovery. Especially useful infusions based on mint and cinnamon. Do not forget about the usual oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and tongue at least three times a day, use rinses and floss.

Dental Tips

Dentists unanimously say: in order not to think about the cause and elimination of a dry tongue at night, it is necessary to take care of oral hygiene throughout the day. That is, daily brush your teeth regularly with a toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate, use dental floss, limit yourself to alcohol, sweet and spicy foods.

dry rough tongue causes
dry rough tongue causes

In addition, it is necessary to visit the dentist at least once a year for a routine examination. Through these oral he alth checks, a serious problem can be prevented.


In conclusion, it is worth saying that the feeling of dry mouth after sleep, white plaque or peeling are all unpleasant symptoms that cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes dry mouth worries people who have had a series ofstressful situations, then it is necessary to take sedatives and increase the amount of fluid you drink. Periodically, dryness is the body's reaction to taking certain groups of drugs.

Even habitual snoring at night can be a sign of a serious pathology. If increasing the amount of water you drink, avoiding alcohol, spicy, s alty foods, and stopping smoking do not help get rid of the disease, then it is likely that the cause lies in more serious diseases. To avoid the development of complications, you must immediately contact a specialist. After the initial examination and medical examination, he will make the correct diagnosis and choose the best course of treatment.
