Isolation of tear secretion is a natural reaction of the visual organ to the impact of negative environmental factors. Usually, when such a nuisance occurs, no treatment is required. Soon the problem disappears on its own. In some cases, the right eye waters for a long time. Why can such a picture be observed? How to eliminate an unpleasant phenomenon? We will consider the answers to these questions in the article.
Why is my right eye watery? The most common cause is an ordinary overvoltage of the visual organ. Lack of sleep can provoke the occurrence of trouble. A common factor is a long stay in front of a computer monitor, when the shell of the eye is not sufficiently moistened with tear fluid.
If the right eye waters due to fatigue, it is important to give the visual organs a good rest. Go for a walk, take a relaxing bath, take time to exercise, wash your face and sleep. People who are forced to sit at a computer for hours every day should do shortbreaks between work, avoid eating in front of the monitor. Neglecting these recommendations, you can earn chronic fatigue of the visual organs, which will cause regular tearing and visual impairment.
Nervous tension

When the right eye is watery, nervous tension can play a certain role here. Neuropsychological failures in the body often lead to an abundant separation of the secrets of local glands. Often this is observed during periods of irritability and emotional outbursts. To eliminate the trouble, it is worth avoiding various kinds of stressful situations.
Foreign body in the eye
Why is my right eye watery? The reason often lies in the ingestion of various debris, cilia, grains of sand, and other foreign bodies on the mucous membrane of the organ. Trouble can occur when the wind is blowing, as a result of rubbing the eyes with dirty hands.
If the right eye waters, what should I do? Doctors advise you to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then it is necessary to gently move the eyelid and examine the visual organ for the presence of a foreign body. If a mote is found, rub the eye in a circular motion in the direction of the nose. This will move the foreign body to the corner of the eye and remove it out. If necessary, rinse the eye under running water. Finally, put drops in the eye that will provide relief from irritation of local tissues.
Red eye syndrome

If the right eye of an adult waters, the phenomenon may be the result of the development of red eye syndrome. One of the main consequences of an ophthalmic disorder is the failure of the functions of the glands that are responsible for lacrimation. The eyeball regularly suffers from drying out. The result is redness of the whites of the eyes, irritation of local tissues and profuse lacrimation.
A person who suffers from the development of the syndrome periodically feels a burning sensation of the visual organ. An unpleasant effect, when the right eye is constantly watering, becomes a natural reaction to the impact of a negative factor.
Red eye syndrome can develop under the influence of the following phenomena:
- failures of corneal function as a result of prolonged use of hormonal medications;
- formation of chronic conjunctivitis;
- progress of vegetative-vascular diseases;
- disturbed sleep and wakefulness;
- daily stay in rooms with dry air;
- regular contact with aggressive chemicals in hazardous production;
- prolonged work at the computer monitor.
Wearing contact lenses

The reason that the right eye is watering quite often is the improper use of contact lenses and a special solution for storing ophthalmic devices. If trouble is noted on a regular basis, check if the surface of the lenses contains various kinds of damage. Followkeeping products clean. You may want to see a doctor who will fit other lenses that do not cause eye irritation.
In situations where the right eye of a child or an adult is watery, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the organ can serve as a provoking factor. The problem can make itself felt against the background of a cold, acute respiratory diseases. To avoid such consequences makes it possible to qualitatively eliminate infections that affect the tissues of the nasopharynx.
Using the wrong makeup

Often, irritation of the mucous membranes of the visual organ with the chemical components of cosmetics leads to increased tearing. It is not difficult to establish whether this is really the cause of the trouble. It is enough to stop using cosmetics for a while. Changing the overall picture for the better will tell you about the need to change one or another product.
Allergic reactions

Often, lacrimation occurs due to specific reactions of the body to external stimuli. These can serve as chemicals, pollen, certain foods, pet hair, etc. Often, watery eyes in such situations are accompanied by reddening of local tissues, the formation of a persistent sensation of itching, and frequent sneezing.
To eliminate the release of an abundance of tear secretion and stop the allergic reaction,doctors advise resorting to a medical method of solving the problem. We are talking about the use of antihistamines. Of no small importance is limiting contact with potential allergens.
Drugs against lacrimation

If the eye waters due to the development of an allergic reaction, doctors advise using the Allergodil drug. Antihistamine drops help to eliminate an unpleasant symptom by reducing the level of capillary permeability in the structure of local tissues and suppressing the body's susceptibility to the action of specific stimuli. The medication is safe for children over 4 years of age.
Another effective remedy that is prescribed by ophthalmologists for the development of lacrimation is Tobrex. Eye drops produce a pronounced disinfecting effect on local tissues. It is advisable to use the drug in situations where the trouble is provoked by the development of conjunctivitis and other bacterial infections.
If there is eye strain, the consequences of foreign bodies getting on the mucous membranes, doctors recommend using Vizin drops. The use of the medication provides the removal of puffiness and vasoconstriction. As practice shows, lacrimation stops within the first minutes after instillation of the product into the eye.