This antibiotic has proven itself among patients and doctors. According to the instructions, "Flemoxin" 125 or 500 mg is prescribed for various infections of the upper respiratory tract, organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system. It has very few contraindications and side effects. Therefore, the drug is often used by children.
What it consists of

Antibiotic is sold in the form of white effervescent tablets, arranged in the amount of five pieces in convenient blisters. Each box contains four blisters. The composition of the drug contains the active substance amoxicillin. In addition, additional components are also available: magnesium stearate, cellulose, glucose, silicone dioxide.
Useful properties
This drug belongs to the antibiotics of the penicillin series and is of synthetic origin. It is excellent at fighting infections that cause respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, it can also be used to get rid of infections of the gastrointestinal tract, skin andBladder. On the Internet you can find a lot of good reviews about Flemoxin Solutab 125 mg.
Tool instructions

After the drug enters the body, two hours later, its maximum concentration will be seen in the blood plasma. The active component of this drug penetrates into all tissues of internal organs, including mother's breast milk. That is why it is not recommended to take it during lactation. About seventy percent of the drug is excreted through the kidneys and only about twenty through the liver. As a rule, "Flemoxin" does not affect the functioning of the liver. In case of kidney disease, the dosage should be reduced by about twenty or fifty percent.
How to use

It can be used by children from twelve months. The more complex the disease, the more often Flemoxin 125 should be given to children. The instruction advises to adhere to the following recommendations. To get rid of an infection of the genitourinary system, you will need three grams of this remedy per day. Pediatric dosage of the drug depends on age:
- Children from twelve months to three years are prescribed no more than five hundred milligrams per day.
- From three to ten you can use seven hundred and fifty milligrams.
- And after the age of ten, children tend to switch to the adult norm, which is 1500 milligrams a day.
As already mentioned, the daily dosage must be divided into two or threereception.
Some Features

The course of treatment according to the instructions for "Flemoxin" 125 mg is usually five days. And it is highly recommended not to interrupt it. Otherwise, the effect that the antibiotic has will be incomplete. And also you can not increase the duration of admission, as there is a risk of fungal diseases. All patients who are unable to swallow a whole tablet can dissolve it in water. This applies primarily to young children, for whom taking pills often becomes a real test. If the patient has insufficient kidney function, then they reduce the rate.
Some diseases make adjustments to the admission rules. For example, in acute otitis media, the drug should be taken at least three times a day, while in gonorrhea, a whole tablet should be taken only once a day. If the patient has been ill with a serious illness, he should take an antibiotic for another two days as a preventive measure.
Undesirable to take
During the first and last trimester of pregnancy, the use of this drug is highly undesirable. However, doctors may prescribe Flemoxin if the disease is out of control and is threatening. Women who have to take an antibiotic during lactation should stop breastfeeding. And also if the patient has sensitivity to any component in the composition of this remedy, then, according to the instructions for use of "Flemoxin" 125 mg, it should be limitedlower dosage.
Side effects

Most often, Flemoxin, like any other antibiotic, causes dysbacteriosis, which is expressed in loose stools, a feeling of seething in the intestines and gas formation. Instruction "Flemoxin" 125 for children strongly recommends paying attention to the condition of the baby's stomach. You can restore he althy microflora with the help of such a popular drug as Linex. However, many people prefer to simply consume bifidobacteria yogurt. Sometimes "Flemoxin" causes an allergic reaction in the form of redness and a rash on the surface of the skin.
Recommendations for use
Before taking this antibiotic, you should examine the condition of the kidneys and liver. If a patient has a blood disorder, doctors should be careful not to cause complications. This is very often mentioned in reviews of Flemoxin Solutab 125. The instruction advises either to reduce the dosage or switch to other means. Sometimes it is necessary to completely cancel Flemoxin and prescribe another remedy, since some infections may have a lack of sensitivity to the drug. Patients can safely drive a car and work on complex mechanisms. This drug has absolutely no effect on concentration.
How it interacts

According to the instructions, "Flemoxin" 125 and 500 mg goes well with many drugs. To increase the concentration of the active substance can drugs such as "Aspirin" andother products containing acetylsalicylic acid. And also a similar effect is observed in the case of the simultaneous administration of Probenecid, Allopurinol and Phenylbutazone. In order not to cause an allergic reaction, it is highly recommended not to combine Flemoxin with Allopurinol.
How to store
This product can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. The shelf life of the drug is five years at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees. As a rule, according to the instructions for use, Flemoxin Solutab 125 and 500 mg are kept as far away from children and pets as possible. This product is produced in the Netherlands by the pharmaceutical company Astellas Pharma Europe B. V.
Analogues of the drug

Among analogues, the following drugs are the most popular.
The antibiotic "Hykoncil" proved to be quite good. The active ingredient in this drug is amoxicillin. In addition, the tablets also contain red oxide, iron, gelatin, silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate. It is excellent at fighting many types of bacteria. As a rule, it is used for gonorrhea, inflammation of the bladder, bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition, Hikoncil has proven itself well in the treatment of acute otitis media. The drug is contraindicated for children under eighteen years of age. Side effects sometimes include a skin rash accompanied by itching.
Antibiotic "Amoxil" is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of two hundred and fifty or five hundred milligrams. It includes, in addition toThe active substance of amoxicillin contains potato starch, calcium stearate, cellulose, silicone oil and hypromellose. This remedy is shown in the treatment of infections of soft tissues, bones and joints. In addition, the drug has proven itself well in acute otitis media, pneumonia and bronchitis.
Young children are prescribed no more than five milligrams of the drug per kilogram of weight. Instructions for "Flemoxin" 125 and 500 mg for children and the drug "Amoxil" are largely identical. Use it every eight hours. The most common side effects are nausea and loose stools.
The drug "Amoxicillin" belongs to the antibiotics of the penicillin group. It is also used for skin disorders, gastrointestinal infections, acute respiratory conditions, and sexually transmitted diseases. Overdose may cause nausea and even vomiting. In addition, in some patients, the drug causes allergies in the form of redness on the surface of the skin, accompanied by itching. To avoid side effects, the creators of the instructions for the use of "Flemoxin" 125 and 500 mg and its analogue "Amoxicillin" are advised to take "Linex" or any other drugs containing bifidobacteria.
Antibiotic "Amofast" is a white effervescent tablet with a volume of five hundred milligrams. It also belongs to the drugs of the penicillin series. It is used for various infections caused by bacteria. The drug has excellent permeability and quickly has a therapeutic effect. It is not recommended for children under three years of age. Beginning withthree years of age and up to ten, take one tablet per day. The norm is usually divided into two times.
It does not affect concentration and can be used by drivers and those people who work on complex mechanisms. In this, the instructions for the Flemoxin Solutab 125 and 500 mg tablets are very similar to this drug. The shelf life of "Amofast" is five years at a temperature of about twenty degrees. The drug is manufactured by the Indian pharmaceutical company Actavis LTD.
Antibiotic "B-Mox" can be found in pharmacies only in the form of capsules. It is used for various infections of the bones, genitourinary system, lungs, middle ear, and so on. Often this antibiotic is used during dental treatment in order to prevent infection. As a rule, they use "V-Mox" in the intervals between meals. The course of treatment can last from seven to ten days. The maximum allowable dose is six thousand milligrams per day. The drug is stored for only twenty-four months at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees.
Ospamox capsules contain the active ingredient amoxicillin, as well as magnesium stearate, gelatin and iron oxide. Therefore, the instructions for use of Flemoxin Solutab 125 mg and Ospamox are very similar. It is used in the treatment of the digestive tract, upper respiratory tract and soft tissues. The dosage of the drug is seven hundred milligrams per day, subject to the division of the norm into two or even three times. The course of treatment lasts at least five days. In case of urgent need, the doctor may prescribe anda ten-day course of taking the drug. As a rule, it is not prescribed to children under twelve years of age. Side effects include nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, and loose stools. You can get rid of such symptoms by taking Linex or other drugs with bifidobacteria.
User reviews
You can find a lot of good reviews about this antibiotic. According to people who have experienced Flemoxin, it is quite effective and causes very few side effects. Some patients have used the aqueous solution to treat children. This drug has a very convenient dosage. One blister contains only five tablets. According to the instructions for "Flemoxin" 125 mg, this amount is quite enough for the course of treatment. That is, the buyer does not overpay for extra pills. Of the minuses, patients note the high price of Flemoxin.
It is considered by some to be the best antibiotic for children. In their opinion, it does not cause dysbacteriosis, which very often accompanies any antimicrobial treatment. Due to the fact that the tablet is highly soluble in water (the word "solutab" is translated as "soluble"), this tool can also be used in the form of a suspension. This option is very suitable for young children who, due to their age, are not able to swallow even a third of the tablet.
Some patients have taken Flemoxin Solutab several times already. Unfortunately, they noted some side effects that occurred during the course of treatment. Most often, they observed seething in the abdomen, loose stools andgas formation. Such symptoms are easily removed with the help of products that contain bifidobacteria. Already after the first day of treatment, there is a noticeable decrease in temperature. For example, in some patients the day before it reached forty degrees, and the next day it dropped to thirty-eight. That is, this antibiotic helps to quickly reduce the severity of the disease and thus effectively stop the inflammatory process.