Snail therapy: reviews of doctors, recommendations of patients, features of the procedure and results

Snail therapy: reviews of doctors, recommendations of patients, features of the procedure and results
Snail therapy: reviews of doctors, recommendations of patients, features of the procedure and results

Snail therapy is a massage with special Achatina snails. The beneficial properties of this procedure have been known since ancient times. In the modern world, she very quickly gained popularity among the beautiful half of humanity. On the Internet you can find a lot of good reviews about snail therapy.

Chemical composition

Where do they live
Where do they live

Snail mucus contains collagen, allantoin, elastin and chitosan. These elements help keep the skin firm and supple. They saturate the cells of the epidermis with nutrients, so that the skin remains young and he althy for a long time. In addition, the mucus contains a number of vitamins. Among them, the largest number is represented by vitamins A, E, B12 and B6. It also contains a small amount of vitamin C. It is not for nothing that snail mucus has long been used by the world's leading cosmetic companies. For example, this substance is very often present in the composition of the famous Korean cosmetics.

Useful action

Elastin is a protein thatnourishes the skin. Vitamins E, B and A have a similar property. Glycolic acid supplies the skin with the necessary moisture. Thanks to the natural antibiotics contained in the mucus, the skin is cleansed of acne and blackheads. In addition, the natural antioxidant allantoin stimulates intercellular metabolism and thus renews the epidermis. Not surprisingly, reviews of snail therapy are the most positive.

What helps

How to use
How to use

Snail therapy (the photo allows you to understand exactly how the process looks like) helps to get rid of many problems:

  • Regular treatment can smooth out acne scars. Mucus restores the composition of the epidermis and saturates it with collagen. Thanks to these actions, clean skin seems to be smoothed and slightly lifted.
  • The therapy has shown a special effect in the treatment of oily skin prone to the formation of acne and blackheads. It reduces the porosity of the skin, leaving the skin looking fresh and clear.
  • The use of snails helps prevent the appearance of age spots and get rid of existing ones. Reviews and photos before and after snail therapy speak for themselves.
  • Many patients have noticed how small wrinkles are smoothed out after this procedure. Such an action is quite understandable. Hydrated and nourished skin will naturally look younger. After completing the full course of treatment, the achieved effect persists for a long time. Reviews and photos of snail therapy can confirm this.

Regular sessions will help to removeany inflammatory process occurring on the skin of both the face and body.

How things go

How to use
How to use

As a rule, the procedure lasts no more than thirty minutes. A woman cleans her face from makeup and lies down on the table. The beautician takes out a snail and puts it on her face. The snail crawls over the skin and thus massages it. If it is too close to the eyes or lips, the beautician simply moves it in the right direction. After about 15 minutes, the snails are removed back to the aquarium, and new ones are planted on the face.

Don't be afraid of this procedure. Judging by the reviews, snail therapy is an absolutely safe and even pleasant procedure. Snails are completely odorless. A feeling of moisturizing remains on the face, which does not leave the woman for a long time.

Body massage

It can relieve stress and also improve the condition of the epidermis. The body, like the face, needs lifting procedures in order to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible. Photos before and after snail therapy speak for themselves. As a rule, all parts of the body are massaged, from the neck to the feet. According to women who have already tried the procedure, they experience the greatest pleasure when snails crawl on their backs. Beauticians include special relaxing music that will help you fully surrender to the pleasure of massage. The entire session lasts approximately twenty minutes.

Achatina snails

What helps
What helps

These giant snails are usually found in Africa. However, inIn some Asian countries, Achatina is grown on farms for food. Shellfish meat is highly nutritious and contains absolutely no cholesterol. The size of these snails is so large that in African countries they are able to completely destroy the crop on the field and even damage the plaster of the house. The length of their body reaches thirty centimeters and barely fits in the palm of a person. They have tentacles and a fairly strong shell. The color ranges from rich beige to brown-brown.

In order to breed Achatina at home, you will need a spacious aquarium with at least ten liters of volume for each mollusk. If there are several of them, then, accordingly, the volume of the aquarium increases for each individual. As a bedding on which the snails will be, use needles mixed with sand. They feed on various fruits and plants.

Procedure at home

Snail therapy at home
Snail therapy at home

First of all, the face should be cleaned with makeup milk and rinsed with water. It should be remembered that any cosmetic product has a detrimental effect on snails. Therefore, the skin should be rinsed as thoroughly as possible and several times. Before putting the snail on the face or body, it should be held in warm water, the shell should be wiped with a sponge. Then the woman notes the time and after twenty minutes removes the snail back into the aquarium. Mucus remaining on the skin can be washed off with plain water. However, many women prefer to leave it under the evening cream. Reviews of snail therapy before and after the procedurevery good.

Skin troubleshooting

How does snail therapy work
How does snail therapy work

Some women mistakenly think that snail mucus can heal hard-to-heal wounds. However, this is not quite true. In fact, despite the obvious benefits, the composition of the mucus does not contain the necessary substances that contribute to the tightening of open wounds. In addition, such a procedure can even harm. And also you can not use snails for healing or alignment of postoperative sutures. Otherwise, you can introduce an infection into the wound.

If there is a capillary network on the face, otherwise called rosacea, then the use of snails is highly undesirable. Clam mucus acts in such a way that blood circulation begins to increase, which means that red spots become more noticeable.

Reviews about snail therapy of doctors and cosmetologists

Carrying out the procedure
Carrying out the procedure

According to experts, this procedure is extremely beneficial for the skin of the face and body. After thirty days of regular use of snails, doctors noticed noticeable improvements. An important factor is that it is almost impossible to harm the mucus of snails. Cosmetologists note the disappearance of fine wrinkles over time and a decrease in the visibility of deep ones.

In addition, according to them, women were able to perfectly get rid of the post-acne symptom. The skin really smoothed out and became brighter. Bluish spots that appear in places where there used to be acne disappeared. Cosmetologists have repeatedly noticed that in the fight against age spots, snail therapybrings tangible results.

User reviews

In addition to reviews of snail therapy from professional cosmetologists, on the Internet you can also find a lot of statements from ordinary users. According to them, this procedure is extremely pleasant. Snails crawl gently and unobtrusively over the skin of the face and body, leaving a moist trace behind. In addition, women very often use their pet snails to treat burns. For example, after taking a sunbath, it is very useful to moisturize the skin with snail slime.

Five days of daily use for ten minutes is enough, and there will be no trace of a major burn. The famous physician Hippocrates, who recommended combining this substance with sour milk, spoke about the fact that snail mucus can be used to treat burns. In addition, according to ancient chronicles, aristocratic women were rejuvenated with the mucus of snails.

Many users prefer to buy snails, rather than spend money on a beauty salon, where the procedure is quite expensive. Mucus can be used to make masks that also include baked milk and wheat bran. This soft, caring mask has proven itself as a rejuvenating agent. Users also note a noticeable anti-cellulite effect that shellfish have. People who regularly use this method do not recommend flushing the mucus. It does not cause irritation and, in their opinion, is completely absorbed by the body.
