In the article, we will consider the Bulhorn lip plasty method, before and after photos and reviews of this procedure. Beautiful and sensual lips play an important role in shaping female beauty. This part of the body always makes a very charming face, and a smile, in turn, beautiful. But nature does not always endow women with the right features, but this is not a reason to put up with such a given. The world of cosmetology has not stood still for a long time, safe, and at the same time effective technologies for improving appearance are constantly being developed.

About the operation
An operation called Bulhorn is able to change the shape of the lips and make them more beautiful, this is a change in the upper lip. This manipulation belongs to the type of operations to change the shape of this area of the face and its common name is cheiloplasty. According to reviews, an increasing number of women are resorting to Bulhorn.
Directly this definition literally means "bull horns", since during the procedure, excision issmall piece of skin. It resembles a horn in its shape. The operation gives a high aesthetic effect, upon reaching which the patients remain satisfied and praise it in their reviews on various clinic sites and forums that are dedicated to this topic. Bullhorn, among other things, gives a rejuvenating effect.
Reviews after the Bulhorn operation will be discussed below. This technique has a name, which in English means "bull's horns". During the operation, a small patch of skin under the nose is removed, thereby pulling the upper lip higher and twisting. This gives it plumpness, visually increasing the volume. Preparation for the procedure does not have any special differences from others.
The patient must necessarily consult with various specialists, as well as pass tests and undergo the required examinations. This is done in order to avoid complications with unforeseen situations later. There are three methods in total: internal, Italian and external.
The essence of the operation is to tighten the skin above the upper lip in order to increase its size and reduce the distance between the nostrils and mouth. This gives the correct shape and makes this area of the face more attractive, according to reviews.

With Bulhorn, internal access is considered a great option, because in this case there are no traces left at all. The sutures are removed on the fourth or fifth day, but for another week the patient may experience severe swelling and bruising. True, those are easily disguised with the help of cosmetics, and a woman will be able to continue her social activities. There are also reviews on this. Photo of Bulhorn presented.
The essence of the procedure
The operation is carried out in order to reduce the total distance from the edge of the upper lip to the base of the nose. To do this, a strip of skin is removed, fixing the soft tissue to the periosteum, the edges of the incision are sutured together. That is, the essence of the operation in question is reduced to shortening the skin above the upper lip, and the red border itself is pulled up and twisted a little.
Thanks to all this, the upper lip can become visually very voluminous, but at the same time wide and seductive. To date, the following techniques are used, which may differ in the place in which the incision is made:
- The incision is made along the edge of the upper lip.
- It is made directly under the nose. With this technique, the scars remain invisible.
The doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient, chooses the most appropriate technique. In some cases, in addition to excising a section of the skin (when this is not enough), special fixing threads are used to tighten the lips.

There is also a method of the Italian type of Bulhorn, characterized by the fact that the cut is carried out not by a single continuous strip, but by two independent cuts at once. The incisions are made to the left and right directly from the space between the nostrils. Main advantageThis method is the invisibility of scars, as they will be hidden inside the nose. The disadvantage is that it will not be possible to significantly lift the upper lip.
Plastic surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia, its duration is about half an hour. In the event that a patient has a gingival smile, it is possible to perform bite correction or other plastic procedures, since it is commonly believed that a smile will be attractive only if the front row teeth are exposed only half of their length.
Dignity of the method
According to reviews, Bullhorn is a very popular method among women these days, because it has impressive advantages of its implementation:
- Causing minimal tissue trauma.
- The presence of a long period of saving the result.
- Being able to correct birth defects.
- The result is visible immediately after the procedure for removing the dressing from the patient.
- No marks or scars left.
- Get natural and natural.
The bullhorn technique is appropriate when there is asymmetry along with a clear difference between the upper and lower lips and injuries that create obvious defects.

The cost of performing this operation usually includes anesthesia along with the patient's hospital stay and preparation. Its size usually reaches sixty thousand rubles, which is considered quiteacceptable. Those who consider the cost too high should understand that such procedures are performed only by experienced and qualified surgeons, and their quality is always excellent.
The intervention itself usually takes less than an hour and the woman can go home almost immediately. Mild discomfort combined with soreness and swelling will subside within two months. And then the patient will be able to enjoy her new reflection in the mirror.
Restoration and result
So, rehabilitation usually proceeds calmly, accompanied by minor swelling, combined with bruising and some discomfort, which disappear after a while. The stitches are removed after a week. A small scar may remain for about two months, which also subsequently disappears.
Reviews of patients about rehabilitation confirm that bruises with swelling after surgery are not pronounced, they are easy to hide with decorative cosmetics, and they do not cause inconvenience. It is also worth noting that in the comments, many patients speak very well of the Bulhorn technique, because they immediately see positive results and wishes fulfilled for them.

If the surgeon works properly and the patient follows absolutely all of his recommendations, any complications are unlikely, but still possible. These include the following states:
- Presence of excessive scarring.
- Patient loss of sensation.
- Development of infection.
- Occurrence of wound dehiscence.
- The presence of dissatisfaction with the result of the patient.
- Significant accumulation of serous fluid.
Such plastic surgery is recommended for patients with the following problems:
- Presence of an overly thin upper lip.
- The presence of age-related changes (lips can become thinner and lower with age).
- When the patient has an elongated part of the skin of the upper lip.
- The appearance of injuries on the face along with asymmetry.
- The presence of individual facial features.
- Development of ptosis (that is, omission).
- When there is insufficient volume of the upper lip (in this case, plastic surgery can be combined with lipofilling, and, in addition, with hyaluronic acid injections).
Operation Bullhorn reviews are best read in advance.

Before the procedure, the doctor examines and collects the patient's tests to identify all sorts of contraindications. Plastic surgery is not performed in a number of such situations:
- This procedure is not recommended for women who are prone to the formation of hypertrophic and keloid scars.
- If the patient's upper lip is too short.
- If you have cancer.
- In case of bleeding disorders.
- Against the background of herpes on the lips at the stage of exacerbation.
- If the nose is too upturned, because of which the scar can be veryconspicuous.
- During pregnancy and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
- In case of diabetes.
Bullhorn threads
According to experts, thread technologies do not fully replace surgical treatment. Non-surgical Bulhorn is performed using an absorbable thread. For patients, such manipulation is recommended according to the indications in the standard surgical option.
Which is considered more effective - Bullhorn or injections?
The currently widely used injection technique for lip correction has a huge number of advantages, among which there is an almost instant effect along with the absence of the need for preparation for the procedure (as with Bulhorn) and a long rehabilitation period. At the same time, the ability to achieve the desired effect without scars and soreness also plays a significant role in this matter.
Why, in such a situation, many patients prefer surgical intervention? The secret of this state of affairs often lies in the consequences of injections, which are far from always amenable to medical diagnosis. The risks of getting a duck's beak, when the area simply bulges forward instead of plump and seductive lips, are so great that for many this is unacceptable (especially for women who want not only to change the shape of their mouth, but also to increase the volume of this area of the face).
Compared to a simpler and safer procedure, lipoplasty gives you the opportunity to avoid gettingduck profile due to the very principle of change itself. Intervention in the natural structure, in this case, occurs by truncation of a small strip of skin located under the base of the nose.
As a result of the work of the surgeon, the upper long lip is reduced, which makes it possible to achieve natural volume without excessive bulges. Another advantage, against which the bullhorn is currently enjoying increasing popularity, is the visual effect that gives the female face features of youth. Often, the operation is combined with injection blepharoplasty. Next, let's move on to reviewing the reviews of patients and the plastic surgeons themselves, and also find out what they write in the comments about this operation.
Reviews of doctors about Bulhorn
And what do experienced surgeons say about this procedure? Many experts leave very favorable reviews about Bulhorn plastic. Doctors note its effectiveness in age-related changes or a long upper lip in a patient.
Some doctors in reviews of Bulhorn report their preference for a hidden form, that is, which is done from the side of the oral mucosa. Such favor is directly related to the absolute absence of postoperative scars.

Doctors are also advised to make three-dimensional modeling of patient photographs before performing the procedure, which will reflect the final result. This is required in order for a person to understand the expediency of manipulation and its aesthetic effectiveness. Below are the reviewspatients about Bulhorn.
What do patients think of this procedure?
Mostly positive feedback from patients about this medical technology, as it causes minimal tissue trauma and gives a long term preservation of the results of therapy. The representatives of the weaker sex especially appreciate her. According to patients, Bulhorn gives the opportunity to correct birth defects, and the results are immediately visible immediately after removing the bandage. People who have undergone such an operation report that after it there are no marks and scars, and the lips look natural and natural.
Negative reviews about Bulhorn also occur. True, they are much less than positive ones. Some ladies claim that their mouth does not close after the operation. They consider the outcome of the procedure questionable.