Extremely high pace of life in modern megacities, disrupted biorhythms and disturbed work and rest regime, shifted values towards materialism lead to dissatisfaction with one's life, stress, and eventually to chronic fatigue syndrome. The consequence of this is a decrease in immunity, a deterioration in general well-being, the development of psychosomatic diseases, as a result of which the life situation is only aggravated. The circle is closed. In order to relieve stress, get out of depression, you first need to admit to yourself that you are in the captivity of the blues, and then try to figure out the reasons for this.
Let's look at 7 universal ways to quickly relieve stress. They are ranked in order of efficiency. So:
7. Take care of yourself! No wonder they say that in order to cheer up even the most hopelessly bad mood, it is enough to go to the hairdresser. Or at least just wash your hair. Enhance the effect of spa treatments, solarium, massage, and the whole complex of personal care, in principle.

6. Entertainment. Depending on your preferences, this may be a nightclub, learning Spanish, shopping, personal growth training, scrapbooking courses or something else. The main thing is to occupy yourself with what you are interested in. Additional bonus: you can discover new talents in yourself, acquire useful skills, make interesting acquaintances.
5. How to relieve stress through sports? There is nothing easier! In the process of playing sports, endorphins, the hormones of joy, are released into the blood. The main thing is to choose the type of activity you like: aerobics, swimming, equestrian sports or Latin American dances?
4. Another fail-safe way is sex. The mechanism is essentially similar to sports.
3. Do you know how to relieve stress with the help of other people? In no case do not cry into the vest of friends and girlfriends all night long. Helping other people is the secret of anti-stress therapy! Assess your situation objectively. And then compare it with those who are clearly worse off than you. And … go to help them: in an animal shelter, boarding school for orphans, a nursing home or a hospice. In the end, sign up to volunteer for some environmental program and go green your hometown, filled with pride that you are now a socially useful person, and not a bunch of passive biomass!

2. Change the environment. Take a week off and travel. But it’s better if it’s not grilling on the beach, but a sea cruise, a mountain hike or a sightseeing tour at worst. In a word, the best way is active rest. A change of scenery will bring you many new emotions, give you food for thought anddispel problems.
1. Attention! In the first place of our hit parade "How to relieve stress" is the most effective method that works flawlessly in 100% of cases. You just need to… Fall in love! Nothing inspires a person like being in love. A lover can not only solve some problems, but even move mountains and get a star from the sky and the whole Milky Way to boot!

But before you relieve stress, or rather start fighting it, let's look at some more basic mistakes that many of us make in difficult situations.
- Alcohol. It will certainly help you forget about your problems for a while, but tomorrow they will return, and along with a hangover and a sense of shame! Although. In fairness, we note that occasionally small doses of alcohol in the right company help to look at the world from a different angle and solve all problems using completely different approaches.
- Food. Do not eat into your bad mood, otherwise you run the risk of starting the situation even more, complicating it with the problem of excess weight. Although you can treat yourself to ice cream with chocolate as an exception, but only once!
- Passive. No matter how bad, sad and lonely you feel, do not sit at home staring out the window or, even worse, at the TV or computer screen. It won't help you.
- And the worst thing you can do in a stressful situation is feel sorry for yourself. Even Nietzsche talked about the destructive power of pity, do not let yourself wallow in this swamp.
Remember that stress isit's just your subjective reaction to the world around you, and life is still beautiful!