Bronchitis is a disease that occurs when the bronchial tubes become inflamed and is accompanied by a cough. Bronchitis can occur both as a primary disease and as a complication after infectious diseases: influenza, tonsillitis, and others. The disease manifests itself in acute and chronic form. But this is not the only difference between different types of bronchitis.
Common symptoms of bronchitis
Bronchitis can differ in the type and prevalence of inflammation, localization, duration of illness. Different external causes cause different types of bronchitis, and their symptoms are also not the same. But there are common signs that are common to all types of the disease. This is weakness, severe cough, shortness of breath, sputum production, headache. The temperature does not always rise. In some cases, bronchitis may occur without fever.

Acute Bronchitis
Acute types of bronchitis are always accompanied by pronounced symptoms, it is this form that occurs with an increase in temperature. Acute bronchitis is caused by bacteria or acute viral infections. Under their influence, the mucous membrane of the bronchi is disturbed, and, as a result, thetheir conductivity. Severe hypothermia, prolonged stay in a zone of high humidity, an infectious disease: influenza, acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the nasopharynx can provoke the development of infectious bronchitis. The causative agents of the disease can be allergenic irritants, strong air dust, inhalation of chemical fumes.
Infectious and toxic - types of bronchitis that occur in an acute form, but quickly disappear with proper treatment. An inattentive attitude to malaise leads to the fact that untreated bronchitis turns into a severe catarrhal form. This condition is characterized by high fever, severe piercing cough with shortness of breath, sweating. Almost always, the catarrhal form of bronchitis translates the disease into a chronic form.

Chronic bronchitis: types
This definition is given to a disease when its symptoms appear for more than three months over several years. Exacerbations occur during periods of weather change, mainly in spring and autumn, when infections and viruses enter. The main reason for the development of the chronic form is incorrect or insufficient treatment of acute bronchitis.
Permanent living in places with constant air dustiness, pollution of its chemical harmful substances is another cause of a progressive disease, as well as a long stay in a too damp and cold climate. These factors lead to constant irritation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, which causes their irritation. Chronic types of bronchitis can be caused by geneticpredisposition. Bronchitis caused by these causes is called obstructive.
Chronic forms include smoker's bronchitis - the disease of "experienced" smokers is manifested by a prolonged morning cough.
If left untreated, chronic bronchitis can become destructive or deformed. At this stage, chronic inflammation of the epithelium leads to its layering and deformation. Characterized by a lingering cough with shortness of breath.

Types of bronchitis in children
Symptoms and causes of bronchitis in babies differ slightly from the general ones. Children are more likely than adults to be susceptible to this form of bronchitis, such as chlamydial. It is caused by the waste products of microorganisms of the genus Chlamydia. Only a laboratory blood test can reveal them. This type of bronchitis is distinguished by a dry, intensifying cough, sore throat, and suffocation. In especially severe cases, such a disease can develop into infectious pneumonia.
During an infectious disease, children's bronchial lumens are narrower than in adults and become clogged with mucus faster, and the membrane begins to process it. This is how spastic bronchitis occurs in babies, which is dangerous for emphysema of the lungs and, with insufficient treatment, threatens to develop into asthma.
At the first signs of bronchitis - dry cough, shortness of breath, blueness of the child - you should immediately see a doctor. To relieve spasm and destroy the infection, bronchodilators, antihistamines and sedatives are prescribed.

What are the types of bronchitis that are not associated with infections and colds? Sometimes you can hear the expression "heart cough". This is nothing but a congestive type of bronchitis that is caused by heart failure. Poor functioning of the heart and circulatory system leads to stagnation of fluid not only in the bronchi, but also in the alveoli and intermediate tissue. In patients with this form of bronchitis, all the signs characteristic of the disease may be present, but most often congestive bronchitis proceeds in a completely different way: dry breathing with wheezing, infrequent cough, accompanied by large clots of sputum. Swelling of lung tissue makes breathing difficult.
Since this bronchitis is associated with heart disease, it is better to treat it in a hospital under the supervision of doctors in order to stop a possible heart attack in time.
Professional bronchitis
Professional or dust - these types of bronchitis in adults are associated with specific working conditions. Miners and metallurgists are subject to them. Dust mixed with particles of chemicals settles in the lungs and bronchi of hairdressers and chemists. The disease is chronic, attacks occur several times a year. At the same time, breathing becomes heavy, accompanied by a dry, prolonged cough, the temperature may be normal. The treatment of such a disease is a long process, which becomes very problematic without eliminating the main irritants.
Bronchitis caused by external stimuli may be accompanied by a number of accompanying symptoms: itching of the skin, pain in the heart, heaviness in the chest. Pain can be felt even inlower back and abdomen. This form of the disease is called terry bronchitis.

Diagnosis of bronchitis
To know what types of bronchitis are, you need to understand why different treatments are prescribed in different cases. There is no universal cough remedy. It is impossible in any case to prescribe to oneself what helped a neighbor, since the causative agents of the disease are completely different. To determine the type of bronchitis, you need to consult a doctor and conduct a diagnosis. The first thing the doctor will do is a clinical examination: the specialist will listen to the patient's complaints and examine and listen to the chest with a stethoscope. Auscultation allows you to determine the nature of wheezing and breathing.
A complete blood count helps to identify the causative agent of the disease, and x-rays will reveal an increase in the pattern of inflamed bronchi.
Examination with a special device - a bronchoscope - is prescribed for chronic forms to determine the type of disease.

Treatment of bronchitis
Different types of bronchitis and treatment are different. Therefore, with an increasing cough, weakness, you need to consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescriptions. Basic rules in treatment:
- Acute bronchitis with fever and headache require bed rest. The body needs rest.
- The separation of sputum and mucus is facilitated by drinking plenty of water: natural juices, herbal teas, compotes, still water.
- The patient needs to provide constant access to freshair - ventilate the room more often.
- The menu should consist of light foods, based on fresh fruit, vegetable dishes.
- During this period, you should take the immunostimulants recommended by the doctor, vitamins.
- To speed up sputum production, prescribed drugs of the pharmacological industry, folk remedies and methods are used: mustard plasters, rubbing, inhalations.
- Antiviral drugs and antibiotics are prescribed only after determining the causative factor of bronchitis. Self-administration of these drugs can only aggravate the disease.
- Antipyretics are usually prescribed when the temperature rises above 38o. It is not recommended to knock down a lower temperature - this can reduce immunity. You can alleviate the condition with a vinegar compress or rubdown.

Prevention of bronchitis
Preventing disease is better than curing it. The main preventive measures are banal, but no less relevant: a he althy lifestyle, rational nutrition, activity, sports, hardening of the body. Such a habit as smoking should be forgotten forever. Smoky environments should be kept to a minimum. It is especially necessary to take care of your respiratory organs for people who have a genetic predisposition, and those whose professional activities are associated with adverse working conditions. In such cases, preventive examinations should be carried out regularly. It is useful to carry out the prevention of bronchitis in an area withhealing air. Inhalations with the use of medicinal herbs, coniferous extract also work well in this regard.