Start in sleep: causes, symptoms, myoclonic seizures, possible diseases, medical advice and preventive measures

Start in sleep: causes, symptoms, myoclonic seizures, possible diseases, medical advice and preventive measures
Start in sleep: causes, symptoms, myoclonic seizures, possible diseases, medical advice and preventive measures

He althy sleep is the key to good he alth. With it, various symptoms may appear, which may indicate a violation in he alth. The causes of startle in sleep and the measures of therapy for this condition are described in the article.

Physiological movements

Muscle activity appears when sleep moves from one stage to another. Stages have a difference in the different activity of the cells of the nervous and muscular systems. Phases do not change immediately, and muscle twitching is a conflict of phases. These movements appear during the transition from slow to fast sleep.

trembling in sleep
trembling in sleep

Everyone has noticed at least once that with an uncomfortable posture, numbness, goosebumps, and tingling appear in the limbs. The reason is a violation of blood flow. There are receptors in the body that respond to a decrease in blood flow. They send an impulse to the central nervous system, which leads to muscle contraction and a change in body position. With blood flow disorders, startling appears in bedridden patients, in these cases it is requiredkneading muscles or performing a massage.

Due to strong physical exertion and stress before going to bed, involuntary movements appear. After active work, the muscles are not able to fully relax. The impulses that the brain sends lead to twitching, relieve stress and allow you to fall asleep.

Hypnagogic wince

There are theories about the causes of startle in sleep in adults and children. Often this is due to excitation and contraction of muscle fibers. Startle appear due to:

  1. Strong emotional, psychological or physical stress throughout the day, from which the muscles are not able to relax. The brain sends an impulse to relax, as a result, the whole body shudders, so the person wakes up.
  2. Transition from one phase of sleep to another. If active activity was performed before going to bed, a person will have thoughts about unresolved tasks for some time. The brain will be active. As a result, when sleep is in the slow phase, and the activity of the brain and muscles has decreased, a startle occurs.
  3. Inadequate circulation in the legs in adults due to uncomfortable posture. With convulsions, the nervous system provokes a change in body position, which is why the legs tremble.
  4. Reactions to a strong external irritant.
wakefulness in sleep in adults
wakefulness in sleep in adults

Muscle contractions are not dangerous to humans. Doctors call them hypnagogic, they appear in many people. Occur when at the same time there is a strong excitation of nerve fibers going to a certainmuscle. May appear anywhere on the body.

Myoclonic spasms

Myoclonic jerks during sleep are special, as they may indicate chronic ailments. Set the type of abbreviations according to the characteristic symptoms:

  1. There is an uneven shuddering of the body or limb.
  2. Cramps occur during the night.
  3. Gradually, startling in sleep becomes stronger, more often.
  4. The muscle groups involved in the twitch change.

Myoclonic jerks during sleep are physiological and pathological:

  1. The first ones appear with a sharp noise or touching the sleeping person. In addition to the inconvenience, these shudders do not threaten he alth.
  2. The latter develop only under the influence of specific factors. Treatment is needed to eliminate them.

A person is able to wake up repeatedly from a start, regularly feel night attacks, and wake up tired in the morning after a long night's rest. Symptoms include:

  1. Oxygen starvation of the brain.
  2. Degenerative-dystrophic changes.
  3. Mental and nervous ailments.
  4. Epileptic impulses.

Start during sleep is often observed in the elderly, as well as after a stroke and neurosurgical operations, as well as in patients who have been taking sedatives for a long time. If the causes that lead to this condition are not established in a timely manner, and also not eliminated, then gradually this can lead tosleep disturbance and insomnia.


Sleep jerks in adults and children may be related to heart failure, iron deficiency, peripheral nervous system disease, tumors, genetics and pregnancy. It will be possible to identify the cause after performing examinations. Often this phenomenon is observed when:

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, snoring. The brain has a reaction to the cessation of oxygen supply in the form of a sharp muscle contraction, leading to awakening and restoration of normal breathing.
  2. Restless legs syndrome. This phenomenon is observed if the patient feels frequent tingling sensations that appear on the arms and in the torso. Sometimes there is a desire to urgently stretch your legs, move. These symptoms are associated with disruption of the dopaminergic system, which lead to depression, pathological aggressiveness, and impotence. In this case, you need to consult a neurologist.
  3. Nocturnal epilepsy. This is a rare occurrence. Seizures occur when the patient falls asleep.
  4. Paroxysmal dystonia. In this case, sharp spontaneous movements of the legs appear. They are observed both during sleep and upon awakening.
causes of startle in sleep
causes of startle in sleep

There are shudders in a dream in infants, and this may be due to both illness and extraneous factors. In any case, you should consult a doctor to determine the causes and prescribe therapeutic measures.


If there are symptoms of these ailments that lead to a violationsleep, you need to see a doctor. They will perform additional research to make a diagnosis. An excellent result is provided by a polysomnograph examination. This device registers muscle contractions during sleep, which allows you to make an accurate diagnosis.

wakefulness in sleep in children
wakefulness in sleep in children


When a shudder occurs before bedtime or during its period, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor. The specialist will provide recommendations on the daily routine, nutrition, lifestyle correction, taking into account the person's condition. Their observance will improve sleep, as well as get rid of night tremors.

How to get rid of?

If the cause is pathological, then you will not be able to get rid of the problem on your own. You need to see a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.

startle in sleep in adults causes
startle in sleep in adults causes

If twitching appears due to physiological or external causes, then these manifestations should be eliminated by following the following recommendations:

  1. Limit strenuous exercise. Do not overload the body with complex monotonous work. If this is not possible, then it is important to rest more, use protective equipment - supporting belts, corsets. Harmful physical activity before bedtime - they must be excluded.
  2. Be calmer and more balanced. Do not allow stress, depression. If you can’t fix the problems on your own, you need to visit a psychologist and undergo the necessary course of therapy.
  3. Ensurecomplete rest at night. Blackout curtains help. High-quality sound insulation, comfortable thermal conditions.
  4. Take multivitamin complexes. Often twitches appear due to a deficiency of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Vitamin and mineral complexes should be taken regularly, especially during an acute deficiency of useful components - in autumn, winter and spring.

Recommendations for restful sleep

Many people around the world suffer from sleep problems. But, if you follow simple tips, you will be able to improve the quality of rest and well-being:

  1. Sleep should be given 8 hours. It is important to allocate time rationally. Some things can be left in the morning than to do at night.
  2. It is important to normalize circadian rhythms. Go to bed and get up at the same time. It is best to go to bed no later than 22 hours. If it is difficult to fall asleep at this time, then it is advisable to skip daytime sleep, but get enough sleep at night.
  3. Requires moderation in everything. During the entire time of wakefulness, you should not overload yourself physically and emotionally, you need regular breaks.
  4. Requires diet correction. Eating at night is bad. You need to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. Do not eat fatty, fried, unhe althy foods. Instead, vegetables, fruits, juices are suitable. Meals should be fractional, at least 5 times a day in small portions. Avoid coffee and black tea at night.
  5. Before going to bed it is useful to perform relaxation activities. This is a walking tour, no more than half an hour, a warm shower or aromatherapy bath, massage.
  6. It is required to provide a good microclimate and bed. It is useful to sleep on a comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress and pillow, blanket and linens. The temperature in the bedroom should be within 18 degrees, it should be regularly ventilated and humidified.
shivering during sleep
shivering during sleep

These are general measures that will improve sleep and overall well-being. Specific medications must be prescribed by a doctor. If medications are prescribed to restore the condition, then they must be taken at the indicated dosages, observing the duration of the course of therapy.


If shuddering in a dream in children and adults is not a violation that has arisen due to a malfunction in the body systems, then this means that the cause is emotional, mental or physical stress. In this case, for a restful sleep, you need to relax and bring the muscles out of tone. This requires:

  • listening to soothing tunes;
  • taking a relaxing bath;
  • drinking tea with soothing herbs;
  • performing a massage.
jerking off before bed
jerking off before bed


If there was a shudder during sleep, do not be afraid and panic. It is important to relax the body, focus on the tips of the toes and imagine that they are warming up. Then move this feeling to the rest of the body. This usually helps in restful sleep.

Night shudders are not always the consequences of an illness. If the working day is properly organized, the physicalloads, eat a moderate evening meal, then they can be eliminated forever.
