"4-7-8": breathing for sleep. Yoga breathing exercises

"4-7-8": breathing for sleep. Yoga breathing exercises
"4-7-8": breathing for sleep. Yoga breathing exercises

Many of us are worried about the problem of falling asleep for a long time. This is the same unpleasant feeling when you turn on the bed from one side to the other, but sleep does not come. But problems with falling asleep cause an exacerbation of diseases of the body associated with the cardiovascular system. From constant lack of sleep, you can soon notice a deterioration in the functioning of the brain and a decrease in efficiency. Lack of sleep also makes a person irritable and lethargic.

Method based on ancient Indian technology

An excellent exercise against insomnia and long falling asleep was invented by American doctor Andrew Weil. It was called "4-7-8 - breathing for sleep" or 4-7-8 breathing thick. Andrew created it on the basis of an ancient Indian technique - pranayama. Weil's technique can be called a kind of meditation.

Sleep problems
Sleep problems

It does not require any medication, special equipment or lighting. Everything will be done for you by a technique that will serve as a medicine fornervous system, naturally reducing tension throughout the body.

Proper breathing will help you cope with shocks

This technique, invented by Veil, can be used for more than just bad sleep. It is recommended to practice it with a sudden feeling of anxiety, with nervous shocks. If you happen to wake up in the middle of the night and nothing helps you fall asleep, resulting in you lying around until the morning, this technique will also come to your rescue.

Tormented by insomnia
Tormented by insomnia

The whole point of the 4-7-8 breathing technique for falling asleep is to create conditions for hyperventilation of the lungs. This is a process that we are free to control ourselves.

Consequences of oxygen starvation

It is precisely because of improper breathing that failures can occur in the body. We control this process especially poorly when we are nervous, when all thoughts are occupied with negativity and we don’t want to think about anything else. Air fills only the upper part of the lungs, and this leads to oxygen starvation. Frequent experiences and stress deplete the body and slowly destroy it. Such “shake-ups” are dangerous both for pressure and for the immune system as a whole. Nervous tension slows down the brain and disturbs sleep.

Something keeps you awake
Something keeps you awake

Vail and thousands of patients who have tried the 4-7-8 technique claim that when using it, the results are not long in coming, and sleep comes in just a minute.

The doctor does not dictate strict rules for the implementation of his technique, but as for breathing, thenhere it is necessary to observe the basic conditions to achieve the desired effect. The position of the body doesn't matter. You can do these exercises even when you are on the move.

Description of the 4-7-8 technique

So let's get started. Fix the tip of the tongue behind the teeth, in the region of the upper palate. It should remain in place the entire time you are exercising. It may seem difficult, but as you gain experience, you will get better. This situation is explained by the practices of yogis, who also fixed the tongue in the upper palate during meditation. It is believed that there are points that not only enhance the effect of the technique, but also help in the treatment of certain diseases.

Exhale well, so that the lungs are completely free of air. During this initial exercise, almost all carbon dioxide is removed from the body, and the tense muscles of the body relax.

Now count to 4. Immediately after this, you need to inhale. We fill the entire chest with air, and every molecule of our body with calm. Breathe in with some effort. A large amount of oxygen will quickly enter the body. This might make you feel a little dizzy. In this case, you can take a breath more slowly and make it a little less, gradually filling the chest with air.

How to fall asleep faster
How to fall asleep faster

Hold your breath and count to seven. Oxygen for this small amount of time is completely absorbed into the blood. This is what is so often lacking in the body of a modern person. Due to wrong"Shallow" breathing, its downed rhythm, oxygen simply does not have time to penetrate deep into the tissues.

Last step: Breathe out loudly through your open mouth while counting to eight.

If necessary, the exercise can be repeated. Weil recommends doing up to 4 sets at a time.

Slow heart rate

Why does a person fall asleep faster after doing this exercise? The fact is that the mind at the time of performing the above technique completely concentrates its attention on the respiratory process itself and the correctness of the count. In this case, the anxiety goes away, and even if you do not quite feel it, the central nervous system is completely distracted from the problems of the outside world. Holding the breath and a special slow exhalation slows the heart rate, which increases during stressful situations and has detrimental consequences for many systems.

Decreased performance
Decreased performance

At the beginning of the 4-7-8 technique, some may have trouble holding their breath or exhaling. This is normal if you have never resorted to this kind of training. You can start with a more comfortable rhythm for you, gradually increasing the time. Most importantly, do not forget three numbers: 4 seconds - the time between the first exhalation and inhalation, 7 - a pause after inhalation and 8 - exhalation. The intervals can be shorter or longer, it is not necessary to use a stopwatch. The fact is that initially during the exercise it was necessary to count the heartbeat. The pulse is slightly faster than the second hand, so timing is optional.

Versatility of exercise

A huge advantage of the technique is that no special conditions are needed for its implementation. No need to spend money on equipment and additional pharmacy drugs. And without all this, the effectiveness of the Weil technique is proved by many patients who have tried it on themselves. Exercises can be carried out even in training. This will help to relax and restore the balance of oxygen in the body.

How to learn to sleep
How to learn to sleep

"Method 4-7-8" guarantees the long-awaited relief from insomnia. At the same time, it improves overall well-being. Soon you will notice how much easier it has become to control yourself in stressful moments and overcome nervous tension. In addition, this exercise has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and appetite. It often happens that during times of excessive stress, we either knock down the diet with overeating, or, conversely, we can not eat anything for days.

Helpful side effects

With the regular implementation of the technique, the pulse and pressure normalize, which may have been very disturbing before. The technique will also relieve oxygen starvation, known for its negative effect on blood vessels and the brain.

A set of exercises can be done 2 to 4 times a day. After the body gets used to useful breathing exercises, the number of repetitions can be increased. The 4-7-8 Method is really easy to use, and Dr. Andrew Weil himself used it often to tell the world about it. It was not without reason that he took yogis as the basis for the practice. They knew perfectly well all the points on the human body and how tothey need to act in specific situations. Through pressure on the areas to which during the exercises you need to press the tongue, Indian healers even cured stuttering.

Problems falling asleep quickly
Problems falling asleep quickly

Reviews of "4-7-8" (breathing for sleep)

Many people have experienced this technique. There are many reviews of those who have worked on it. Practitioners commented that this is a great exercise for those who can't fall asleep for a long time! The "4-7-8" breathing system is not only accessible to everyone, but also very effective.

People also notice that the main advantage of the technique is its versatility. The exercise can be performed not only while lying in bed, but also in any place where it is possible to concentrate on breathing.

Those who train pay attention to the fact that regular practice helps to improve sleep. If you do the exercise from time to time, there will be no sense from it.

Do you suffer from insomnia, and falling asleep for a long time will soon drive you crazy? Do not rush to turn to good old warm milk or counting sheep. And in no case do not run to the pharmacy for sleeping pills, which can only further poison your already depleted body. Good sleep is natural, not drug-induced. If you do not know how to fall asleep, breathing "4-7-8" will not only help you solve this problem, but will also have a beneficial effect on the whole body.
