Removal from hard drinking in the hospital and at home. Anonymous withdrawal from binge

Removal from hard drinking in the hospital and at home. Anonymous withdrawal from binge
Removal from hard drinking in the hospital and at home. Anonymous withdrawal from binge

It's hard to find people who don't know that alcoholism is a disease. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands how to deal with it. A binge, as a rule, begins with the fact that a person, having felt withdrawal in the morning, tries to improve his well-being by having a hangover. But this way he gets into a vicious circle.

Start action

Getting out of drinking
Getting out of drinking

You have to understand that a binge does not start from what a person drinks for relaxation and pleasure, but from the fact that he cannot otherwise escape from the symptoms of a hangover. He begins a real drug withdrawal with increased heart rate, tremors, increased pressure, weakness, cold sweat. Often such people become inadequate. You should not run for another bottle to such a person, it is better to figure out how to get rid of binge.

If you do not want to take the patient to a specialized medical institution, then you can call a doctor or an ambulance at home. Keep in mind that prolonged binges cause hypertensive crises, the development of acute heart failure, stroke, toxic cerebral edema, the onset of epileptic seizures, and can even lead to death.

Startwithdrawal from hard drinking is necessary in the morning, even before the moment when a person has time to hangover. Everything possible must be done to ensure that the patient does not start drinking again. But it is necessary to approach this process wisely - simply taking away the bottle will not help. After all, alcoholics are often aggressive.

The main goal of the fight

Getting out of drinking at home
Getting out of drinking at home

Before close people or relatives of a sick person, the main task arises - to prevent a person from getting drunk. It is important to do this under the supervision of a doctor. Everything possible must be done to reduce the manifestation of alcohol intoxication and reduce the body's need for alcohol. And this is only possible for a specialist. For these purposes, a narcologist can be called to the house.

You can get rid of the consequences of a multi-day binge if you follow a number of measures aimed at restoring the body and eliminating intoxication. After all, it is important to cleanse the body and remove alcohol toxins.

In addition, therapy should be aimed at supporting the functioning of the liver and heart, normalizing metabolism. In some cases, sedatives are needed. For some patients, timely anticonvulsant therapy is important.

First Aid

Understanding how you can carry out withdrawal from hard drinking at home, you need to know a few basic rules. First aid may consist of the following actions:

1. Gastric lavage. It is done with a saline solution. To prepare it, add 1 tsp per liter of water. soda and s alt.

2. Get a bowel movement. Whenif necessary, you can take laxatives or give an enema.

3. Every hour it is desirable to do a contrast shower. It is desirable to finish it with a dousing of cold water.

4. It is important to provide a person with peace, to give the opportunity to sleep and rest. The room in which he is located must be well ventilated, it is necessary to ensure a constant supply of fresh air.

But you can't stop there. There are several folk methods of cleansing the body and removing toxins, but it is better to seek help from doctors. In this case, you can agree to start the withdrawal from binge in a hospital or at home.

Necessary steps

Narcologist at home
Narcologist at home

Many mistakenly believe that a person can be helped to get rid of alcoholism if he is not allowed to drink for several days. But in fact, such a strategy practically does not help anyone. After all, it is not enough to stop the drunken state, it is necessary to support the body and try to correct the thinking of a person suffering from alcoholism.

Specialists identify several stages of recovery:

- direct withdrawal from hard drinking with the help of infusion therapy;

- a stage of body support aimed at normalizing the work of internal organs and systems;

- psychosomatic work necessary for psychological rehabilitation, normalization of his reactions, restoration of the patient's nervous system and prevention of a return to drinking.

At the same time, throughout the entire period of restoration work, it is important to ensure thatso that even minimal doses of alcohol do not enter the body. Even alcoholic tinctures of sedatives should be avoided.

Infusion therapy

To relieve intoxication, the patient must be placed on a dropper. Removal from hard drinking is carried out with the help of such medicines:

- polyionic solutions capable of restoring ionic balance;

- "Rheosorbilact" solution, prescribed for the treatment of toxic shock, improving capillary blood flow;

- glucose solution at a concentration of 5 or 10%;

- drugs that remove toxins: "Gelatinol", "Hemodez";

- vitamins (mainly of groups B and C);

- sedatives;

- drugs designed to support the cardiovascular system.

But that's not all the means of getting rid of hard drinking. Installing a dropper and selecting the composition of the necessary medications should be a medical worker who is familiar with these issues.

Other treatment regimens

Means for withdrawal from hard drinking
Means for withdrawal from hard drinking

If a person's condition allows for withdrawal from binge at home without the involvement of medical personnel, then this can be done according to the following scheme.

  1. You can remove intoxication with ammonia. For this, 1 tsp. means diluted in a glass of water and drunk in one gulp.
  2. It is important that a large amount of liquid enters the body. To do this, you can give the patient brine (cucumber, cabbage), juices (it is better to give the advantage to apple), milk, kefir, compote. The total volume of liquid canreach 3 liters.
  3. Also, to alleviate the condition, you can prepare a liter of such a drink: 1 tbsp. l. vinegar 9% is diluted in the indicated amount of boiled water, any jam is added to it.
  4. It's also good to squeeze lemon juice into mineral water, the concentration can be selected to your liking.

Such plenty of drinking helps to cope with dehydration, intoxication, helps to normalize well-being.

Additional measures

In addition, it is important to follow a diet in the early days. Any meat and bone broths, cabbage soup made from sauerkraut, tea with lemon are allowed. In season, you can eat watermelons.

It is important to take medicines too. For the cardiovascular system, you can buy "Aspirin-cardio", "Magnicor", "Asparkam", "Panangin". As a sedative, the drug "Phenibut" is suitable. To restore the body, you can drink multivitamin complexes in a double daily dose. It is important to start drinking funds for the liver: "Essentiale", "Gepabene".

In addition to taking medication, you can restore the patient's condition with the help of a contrast shower and cold douches. But keep in mind, this option is possible if a person sees the problem himself, his well-being allows him to fulfill all the instructions and he is not aggressive.

Daily Rules

In order for the withdrawal from binge to be successful, you will have to be patient. It is necessary to establish a clear daily routine. After successfully removing the main intoxication, it is important to monitor the fluid intake and medication intake of a sick person.

Derivation fromdrinking with folk remedies
Derivation fromdrinking with folk remedies

He must continue to drink at least three liters of water, juices, teas, pickles every day. If swelling occurs, you should start taking diuretics, but you should not reduce the amount of fluid. You can use drugs such as Triampur, Furosemide. It is important to continue to diet. It should include plenty of protein foods.

At least 3 times a day you should drink activated charcoal for every 10 kg of weight 1 tablet. It is able to remove toxins from the body. You need to drink it on an empty stomach. It is also necessary to establish a rule for yourself to consume vitamins on a regular basis.

Liver function can be supported by taking preparations made from milk thistle. These are such means as Karsil, Gepabene, Legalon. You can normalize the functioning of the heart with the help of Valocordin.

Folk methods

If you do not want a narcologist to come to your house, and believe that you are able to independently deal with the problem of a person who drinks heavily, then you can try alternative medicine methods.

All healers talk about the benefits of drinking plenty of water, they recommend focusing on tea with lemon. Milk, in which honey is dissolved, is also considered useful in this case. You can make a drink from 0.5 liters of kefir and a liter of ordinary drinking water. It is necessary to add s alt, sugar to it, mix well and make the patient drink as quickly as possible.

Pickle from cucumbers, cabbage, sour juice from apples accelerate the breakdown of ethanol in the body. For nausea,open vomiting, you can give the patient a decoction of wild rose or thyme. You can improve the work of the stomach with the help of infusion of peppermint and St. John's wort. They can also relieve nervous tension.

With the improvement of the condition, the elimination of hard drinking by folk remedies is continued with the help of an ordinary chicken egg. It must be beaten and drunk raw. To reduce cravings for alcohol, healers advise giving a decoction of centaury, oregano and thyme. Instead of drugs for the liver, they advise taking milk thistle seed powder. It does not need to be brewed in any way - 1 tsp. dry powder washed down with water.

Cost of treatment

Removal from hard drinking, prices
Removal from hard drinking, prices

If you decide to take a person out of hard drinking at home with the help of folk remedies, then you should not prepare for serious expenses. Every family can buy milk thistle seeds, apple juice or kefir. But if the violations are serious enough, then you can not do without the advice of specialists. Some clinics provide this service for free. But you will have to pay for droppers that help you cope with hard drinking and remove withdrawal symptoms.

During treatment in a hospital, a day will cost about 5 thousand if you are in the hospital on a permanent basis. Drip one dropper and get pills for the next 3 days will cost from 3 thousand. The same service, but with a visit to your home, - from 4 thousand. More than 7 thousand will have to be paid for a three-day course of droppers if you need a serious removal from hard drinking. Prices for 2 droppers, after which they code for six months, start at 8 thousand


Many people are interested in the possibility of getting rid of addiction without anyone knowing that you had these problems. In this case, you can ask if it is possible to conduct anonymous withdrawal from binge at the clinic of your choice.

Anonymous withdrawal from binge
Anonymous withdrawal from binge

Virtually all private centers value their clients and offer the opportunity to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and established addictions without disclosing any information about the identity of the person located there. They offer not only to remove signs of intoxication, to start work on restoring the liver and cardiovascular system, but also to carry out express coding. Also, many clinics provide a detox service. This is the deliverance of a person from breaking due to the accelerated removal of the decay products of alcohol, toxins, and the introduction of drugs aimed at restoring the work of all body systems. Treatment programs usually include the introduction of cardioprotectors, nootropics, drugs that reduce alcohol cravings.
