Self-exit from hard drinking at home

Self-exit from hard drinking at home
Self-exit from hard drinking at home

Alcohol addiction causes a huge number of problems both for the patient himself and for his loved ones. In moments of binge drinking, alcoholics are characterized by aggressive behavior and often do terrible things that they later regret. There are also funny stories, for example, on the Alcosaur service, getting out of a binge and other actions of drinkers are described with humor (you can also find a lot of useful tips there).

At the time of binge, a person stops seeing boundaries and uncontrollably consumes strong drinks. At some point, he realizes that alcohol no longer causes the expected sensations, but the body can no longer do without another dose of alcohol-containing liquid.

Problems with alcohol
Problems with alcohol

Such conditions can last for months. In this case, some decide that getting out of binge at home on their own and with the help of doctors becomes their only hope for a normal existence. However, before embarking on drastic measures, it is worth learning a little more about this process and its features.

Alcoholism and hard drinking

You need to understand that these concepts are different. If we talk about alcoholism, then in this case we are talking aboutabout addiction to alcohol. At the same time, several stages of such a state are distinguished, based on how much a person is already addicted to strong drinks.

When we talk about binge drinking, we mean a serious condition that can be characterized by a huge number of symptoms.

Exit from binge becomes a necessity in a situation where the body can no longer exist without another portion of alcohol. In this case, some organs stop working normally. This leads to serious ailments and chronic pathologies.


To understand whether a person needs to think about getting out of binge, calling a doctor and other measures, you should pay attention to the symptoms of this phenomenon.

If a patient daily takes large doses of alcohol (often starts from the moment of awakening), gradually increases the dose, behaves aggressively and anxiously, loses interest in everything that happens around, suffers from memory lapses and muscle pain, then in this case definitely talking about drinking.

Refusal of alcohol
Refusal of alcohol

In addition, getting out of binge on your own at home can be dangerous for those who have a strong addiction. In this case, if a person stops drinking alcohol for at least a short period of time, he develops a tremor, the heart begins to beat faster, hallucinations and convulsions appear. In such a situation, it is better not to take risks. To get out of binge, calling a doctor would be the best solution.

However, if a person does not suffer from suchstrong attachment and he himself understands that he needs to stop drinking, then in this case you can do without specialized help.

How long can a drunken state last

In this case, everything depends on the stage of alcoholism. On average, drinking can last from a few days to 2-3 months or more. However, regardless of the duration of this condition, a person can develop severe intoxication. Due to too large volumes of intoxicating products, the liver ceases to cope with its functions, which can lead to the most unfortunate consequences.

At the first signs of this disease, you need to start thinking about getting out of the binge. If a person cannot make this decision on his own, his loved ones should try to help him.

Why stop drinking? Cause it's dangerous

Many alcoholics promote the theory that it is much more dangerous to stop drinking than to wait until this amazing period is over. Yes, indeed, a sharp exit from hard drinking at home can be fraught with consequences when it comes to the last stages of alcoholism. In this case, the body, accustomed to receiving a daily dose of alcohol, may not react in the best way. Therefore, in such situations, it is better to consult a doctor.

Self-exit from hard drinking at home is categorically contraindicated for those who have consumed alcohol-containing drinks in large volumes for several months. In this case, you can face very serious complications. You can get out of binge without harm to the body only ifif alcohol was consumed for about 3-4 days.

glass of beer
glass of beer

However, if a person simply continues to exist in his usual mode, then over time his organs will begin to fail, which will lead to death.

Is it possible to get out of binge on your own

This is a rather difficult question. Everything directly depends on the willpower of a person. You need to understand that in this case you will have to fight not only with your habit, but also with the acute dependence of the body. Of course, when you refuse to drink, the world looks more gray and gloomy. And what about the first hangover day after making an important decision.

According to practice, most people who practice getting out of binge at home quickly return to their favorite pastime. Only this time they start drinking even more. Therefore, everything depends on the person himself.

The principle of the method of getting out of a drunken state

First of all, a person must be mentally prepared for the difficulties that will await him. It is very important that there is harmony in the family, since there should be no reason for an alcoholic to drink. If the mother does not speak to her son because he drinks, he will not be able to interrupt his state, as he will be offended. When an alcoholic is sad, he will definitely drink, so it is important to avoid these situations.

If we talk about the key points of self-exit from binge, then you should pay attention to a few nuances:

  • Firstly, you should not stop drinking at once, it is better to reduce the dose, but do itstrictly according to the chosen scheme. No concessions and arguments from the series “today I will drink more, and tomorrow less.” In this case, nothing will work.
  • Second, every hour you need to drink a glass of water, juice or any other he althy liquid.
  • Third, you need to be prepared for unpleasant pain. In this case, you need to find a way to switch your attention. To do this, you can go for a massage or put mustard plasters, turn on your favorite movie, but just do not drink alcohol.
No more drinking
No more drinking

At the same time, you need to surround yourself with positive. If relatives walk around the apartment with gloomy faces, and sad music plays on the radio, this will not help the patient in any way.

If an alcoholic suffers from tremors and other unpleasant symptoms, then you should not "treat" with beer and other strong drinks.

Proper preparation

In order to get out of hard drinking at home on your own, you need to responsibly approach this issue. First of all, you need to decide on the time. You need to understand that this procedure takes at least 24 hours. Of course, you need to exclude visiting bars or celebrating the birthdays of comrades.

If there is no Valocordin, activated charcoal and Essentiale Forte in the house, you need to purchase these drugs, you may need them to make it easier to get out of the binge. If a drunk person has stomach problems, then Mezim may additionally be required.


Besides this, the house should havelemon, mineral water, jam, honey, brine (from cucumbers, sauerkraut or tomatoes). Apple juice and fermented milk products will also help alleviate the condition.

It is also recommended to prepare a thick lamb or beef broth in advance. You can’t drink alcohol since the evening in order to speed up the process of getting out of a drunken state. After that, the hardest part begins.

Stop drinking

Immediately after waking up, in no case should you drink a drop of alcohol-containing products. No matter how much you want to get drunk. Instead of the usual shot of vodka or a bottle of beer, you need to drink 1.5 liters of brine, mineral water or natural juice. After that, 2 activated charcoal tablets, one Essentiale Forte capsule and about 20 drops of valocordin are taken.

At this stage it is very difficult to think about food. However, you need to force yourself to drink the broth with a piece of bread. After eating, the condition will improve slightly, but not enough. In this case, you need to take a contrast shower.

The next step is to keep yourself occupied with something, but by no means with a drink. You should not overwork too much, so it is better to stop reading serious books and computer games. It is best to watch a light comedy film or a simple fairy tale. Alcohol can't leave the body quickly, so you'll have to wait.

After 4-5 hours you need to drink 2 tablets of activated charcoal and "Essentiale Forte". It is also recommended to check blood pressure, as in such conditions the heart can remind itself of itself. If BP is notis normal, then you need to drink "Valocordin".

A shot of vodka
A shot of vodka

Don't ever skip lunch. Meat broth is best for this. For dessert, you can drink tea with lemon and honey. At the same time during the day you need to drink as much fluid as possible. Alcoholic products, even if they are very light, should be completely eliminated.

In the evening, you need to take your medicine again and have a hearty dinner. However, too much to eat is also impossible, so as not to harm the liver. The next day, the procedures are repeated. If you feel normal in the morning, then you can not take drugs.

What to do if it gets worse after alcohol

If the condition only worsens, then it is worth interrupting the independent exit from the binge. A home doctor in this case will be the only right decision. The narcologist will give out more potent drugs. However, they cannot be taken on their own. Only a specialist can determine which means will help in a particular situation.

However, it should be borne in mind that when you get out of a drunken state, in any case, there will be a lot of unpleasant sensations. Especially on the first day. This period is called alcohol withdrawal, when the patient experiences severe discomfort and dreams of only one thing. However, you should not give up, you should not drink even a gram of alcohol.

After the first day, you need to force yourself to move as much as possible. This will help speed up your metabolism and get back to normal faster. In any case, deterioration in the first day is a completely normal phenomenon. However, if the patientsuffers from severe pain, it is better to call a doctor.

Getting ready for the consequences

You need to understand that with an independent exit from such a state, the patient may begin to experience depression, panic and fear. At the same time, he will feel resentment for the whole world. In order not to be in a depressed state, you can take light sedatives. For example, "Phenazepam" (1-2 tablets) is suitable. If it is not possible to purchase this drug (it is dispensed by prescription), then you can limit yourself to motherwort or valerian. However, you can buy these medicines only in the form of tablets. No alcohol tinctures.

In a hospital setting, narcologists usually prescribe Phenibut. This remedy can also be purchased with an independent exit from a drunken state. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions. This drug relieves most of the unpleasant syndromes and greatly alleviates the condition.

How does self-reliance on binge differ from professional help

If we are talking about the actions of a narcologist, then he can carry out a detoxification procedure. With self-treatment, the patient cannot accelerate the release of toxins from his body. It might just make things a little easier. After that, you just have to wait until the poisons are removed naturally. In this case, only the use of fluid in large volumes can help. Also, with home treatment, you can speed up the metabolic processes in the body with the help of a contrast shower. However, this all takes much longer. Whether it is a hospital or a visitnarcologist at home, then in this case the patient is provided with more effective assistance in the form of a dropper.

At the doctor's
At the doctor's

Self-treatment is complicated by the fact that a person must constantly monitor their well-being. This is very difficult to do when there is only one thought in the head, and the hands do not obey. A narcologist will be able to protect you from these troubles.

On the other hand, if an alcoholic will experience a huge amount of discomfort when getting rid of binge, then next time he will think several times before he finds himself in a similar situation again. If a doctor comes to the rescue and quickly improves the patient's condition, then he is unlikely to remember the lesson and very quickly take up the old again.

Regardless of whether a person gets out of a drunken state on his own or with the help of third parties, his relatives should be next to the patient. During this period, you need to support and encourage the patient. It is also important to ensure that he does not become depressed. Do not be offended if he behaves aggressively, this is due to brittleness. In this state, an alcohol addict can say a lot of things, but in fact he does not think so.
