Balm - what is it? Instructions for use, composition and reviews

Balm - what is it? Instructions for use, composition and reviews
Balm - what is it? Instructions for use, composition and reviews

Balsams are not just a type of alcoholic product. Thanks to their medicinal herbs and spices, balms are able to treat various ailments and strengthen the body as a whole. In this article, we will look at what are the components of the balm, the use and contraindications, as well as the reviews of specialists and patients.

He alth Elixir

Traditionally, balms are alcoholic beverages with a strength of 30-40%, with a characteristic and rich herbal smell and taste. The balm was called the elixir of he alth for a reason. Its healing power has been known since ancient times. They were made mainly by healers and sorcerers.

In the Russian Empire, balm, or as they were called at that time - “balsam”, was produced by pharmacists and prescribed it according to prescriptions for the treatment of prostration and stomach diseases. It was they who owned the secrets of combining various herbs in such a way that, in certain proportions, their beneficial properties were greatly enhanced.

Due to the tart specific taste, the balm is perceived more as a medicinal mixture than an alcoholic onedrink. But not only the final product can be named in this way. Sometimes some individual components are also called a balm. For example, the oil of one rare and valuable microsilon pereira tree, which grows only in South America, is sold separately in small containers and is called "Peruvian balsam". But this is rather an exception, after all, we usually understand this term as a mixture of medicinal herbs and other components.

The best balm each determines for himself individually. It depends both on the taste preferences of each individual, and on the purpose for which the drink is taken.

Useful properties of the product

Balm in a glass
Balm in a glass

The use of balms today is not a very common practice. Many prefer traditional medicine, treating this kind of drink with distrust. Due to the fact that the consumption of balms is not particularly popular, both the assortment and the volume of production are not very diverse. At the same time, the undoubted medicinal properties of such herbal drinks have long been scientifically substantiated and proven in practice.

Balm is a great natural energy booster. It helps to relieve tension in the body, harmonize the work of internal organs and tone the nervous system. This is especially true after prolonged physical exertion and mental stress. Also, thanks to the rich taste, the balm affects the taste buds, increasing salivation and stimulating the appetite.

Thanks to carefully selected ingredients, balms aresources of various vitamins and minerals, as well as organic acids and plant tannins.

Composition of the balm

The basis of balms, of course, are medicinal plants. Moreover, the use of each component is not accidental and is necessarily intended to relieve any disease or alleviate its symptoms.

Component Action Application




General tonic


For kidney disease

From edema






Digestion problems






Gallbladder problems

Improve appetite





For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Inflammation of the urinary tract

To improve appetite

Oak bark




For diarrhea

For the treatment of stomatitis and periodontal disease

In case of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose andlarynx





Treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease

Strengthening the digestive system





For bronchitis

From temperature

Star anise




For colic


With temperature and fever





Appetite Stimulates

Eases digestion

Spices for balm
Spices for balm

In addition to medicinal herbs, balms also contain various spices.

Name Destination

Improve appetite

Cough relief

Headache treatment

Facilitation of the digestion process


Temperature drop

Treatment of colds

Relief from severe cough


Restoration of the nervous system

Upper Respiratory Treatment

Increased pressure


Help with exhaustion


Restoration of intestinal microflora


Blood purification

Improve brain activity

Tones the nervous system

List of other possible components of balms:

  • Deer antlers.
  • Nuts.
  • Berries.
  • Med.
  • Essential oils.
Elixir of he alth
Elixir of he alth

Production steps

In order to get a healing drink, it is necessary to carry out a complex technological process, which takes quite a long time.

The first stage. All components are infused with alcohol from one to several months, each separately.

Second stage. The tinctures are single or double distilled.

Third stage. Repeated exposure of each component - at least a month.

The fourth stage. Blended in the strictest proportions to bring out each component of the balm.

The fifth stage. Filtration, which is carried out before getting rid of sediment and particles of raw materials.

The final stage. Pouring the finished balm into opaque or dark containers, followed by a short exposure.

Balm: instructions for use

Coffee with balm
Coffee with balm

Although the balm is considered an alcoholic drink, you can only drink it in doses. At one time, you can use no more than two tablespoons, and the maximum dose per day is only one hundred ml. Some especially rich healing balms are recommended to be takenin much smaller doses.

Regular and strictly dosed intake of balm is a good prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

For colds, a couple of teaspoons can be added to tea or coffee, and for throat diseases, dilute with warm water and rinse.

You can also use the balm for compresses to relieve pain in the joints or muscles.

One of the most popular is Bittner's balm. It is recommended to be taken for such ailments as constipation, gastritis, ulcers, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A small amount of balm taken daily before meals helps to strengthen the nervous system and normalize metabolism.


Balsam as a strong alcoholic drink, which includes many different components, is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, children, people with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, as well as those who may have allergic reactions to its components.

balm is
balm is

Use in cooking

Balsams often form the basis for various cocktails and alcoholic beverages: they are added to gin, whiskey, brandy or cognac. They are also used to prepare meat sauces, pastries, ice cream and other desserts such as tiramisu or chocolate mousses. It is better to choose the concentration of balm in a particular dish on your own, to your taste.

Recipe for pork in sauce with "Riga Balsam".

  • Peel the pork from the veins and cut into thinslices.
  • Fry in vegetable oil on both sides, s alt and pepper to taste.
  • Preparing the sauce: in a saucepan over low heat, bring orange or grapefruit juice, 50 ml of balm and a piece of butter to a boil.
  • Pour the thickened sauce into the pan with the meat so that it is completely covered with it. Stew under the lid until the pork is cooked.
  • Pork with balsamic sauce can be served with any side dish, such as mashed potatoes or stewed vegetables. Bon appetit!
Balsam Cocktail
Balsam Cocktail

Reviews from patients and specialists

Reviews of balms of various compositions are 90% positive. The fact is repeatedly noted that with those he alth problems for which this drink is purchased, he, as a rule, copes. Experts recommend that you consult before taking the balm and be sure to carefully study the instructions in order to avoid harm to your body.

Interesting to know…

It is believed that the first balm was created by the Riga pharmacist Abraham Kunze. The search for the perfect combination of herbs and spices was a long one, based on old folk recipes for herbal tinctures. The tart drink invented was later called “Kunze”. It was after some time that he became Riga's black balm. It was he who first appeared in Russia during the reign of Catherine II, who ordered the production of the drink on an industrial scale

Riga Balsam
Riga Balsam
  • Balm is a drink best served cold. Ide althe temperature of the balm used is such that an ice coating forms on the walls of the bottle, and it becomes viscous. It is better to drink it separately from food, without snacking.
  • It is a traditional practice in the West to serve the balm with other types of alcoholic beverages. This is done so that everyone has the opportunity to create a combination of taste and aroma on their own.
