"Acyclovir" is one of the most popular drugs, which is usually used to treat genital herpes infections. However, some people also prefer to use it against various skin formations. Have you thought about whether it is possible to smear papillomas with "Acyclovir"? In this article, we will answer this question in detail, as well as talk about what patients who have already used ointment or tablets against warts say about this.
What is Aciclovir?
The human papillomavirus is practically harmless while it is in the body. However, if the immune system becomes unable to fight it, then various skin neoplasms appear on the body. You can cure warts with the help of traditional medicine or by giving preference to proven medications.funds. For example, ointments from papillomas "Acyclovir" (reviews will be presented in the following sections).
The active substance of the drug has the same name as the drug. "Acyclovir" is a natural substance that is extracted from the depths of the sea. It contains in its composition a large number of nucleosides, which are able not only to resist viruses, but also to restrain their activity. As for the additional ingredients, they completely depend on the form of release of the drug.
Forms of release of the drug "Acyclovir"

From papillomas in intimate places, the doctor will most likely prescribe a special ointment to the patient, which will be able to eliminate skin formation in a matter of days. However, if you decide to start self-medicating (which is highly discouraged), then it is better to first familiarize yourself with the main forms of release of this drug, as well as in which cases they are used:
- Pills. They are used to treat multiple papillomas on the body that appear when there is a severe infection in the body. "Acyclovir" in the form of tablets allows you to deal with the problem from the inside, preventing the spread of the virus and getting rid of the consequences of its action. If the patient undergoes a course of treatment with a drug, then the number of pathogenic microorganisms on the body will decrease several times.
- Ointment. It is used to eliminate one of the most common symptoms of papilloma expressed on the body. Ointmentapplied directly to the warts, after which the drug penetrates the skin and eliminates the viral infection in a certain place. After that, the active substance enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, preventing the appearance of papillomas in the future.
- Aciclovir solution. This form of the drug is used only as a last resort, when the disease has passed into the chronic stage. The concentration of the drug can only be determined by a medical specialist, based on the results of the tests and the amount of virus in the blood. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to use the Acyclovir solution for self-treatment, as this may result in a deterioration in well-being.
Also, do not forget that each form of the drug has a list of contraindications. If you believe the reviews, "Acyclovir" from papillomas can provoke attacks of an allergic reaction, although the manufacturer claims the opposite. Perhaps the fault is the individual intolerance of a particular substance by the body. However, the fact remains that self-treatment of warts can be very dangerous.
Pharmacological action
Now we have found out that Acyclovir helps against papillomas, as well as other infections caused by the presence of dangerous microorganisms in the human body. However, do not forget that the active substance receives its activity only if it encounters a virus. Acyclovir penetrates the viral DNA and prevents the development of infection. The resulting enzyme is excreted from the body along withurine.
It is also impossible not to note the fact that this active ingredient has a rather low bioavailability (about 20%). That is, acyclovir is able to penetrate almost unhindered through the soft tissues of the patient and enter the bloodstream. However, it is precisely because of this that it is categorically not recommended for nursing mothers and pregnant women. After all, the active substance can penetrate into breast milk.
Using wart medication
Judging by the Internet reviews, "Acyclovir" against papillomas is quite easy to use even at home. To do this, you will have to follow the instructions that are in the package along with the drug. However, the algorithm of actions will directly depend on the form in which the drug was purchased.

In the list you will find a brief instruction that will allow you to get rid of warts using this remedy:
- Ointment from papillomas "Acyclovir". Apply a small amount of the substance to the affected area in a thin layer and rub it well into the skin. The procedure is repeated every hour until the wart is completely gone. The maximum course of treatment should not exceed 10 days.
- Pills from papillomas "Acyclovir". Take 1 piece 5 times a day. In some cases, the dosage can be increased to 8 tablets, however, before this, you should consult with a specialist. The maximum duration of treatment is 10 days.
- Papilloma Powder"Acyclovir". Should be applied strictly according to the instructions or appointed by a specialist. However, before that, you will have to take tests and determine the amount of virus that is contained in the body. The course of treatment should not exceed one week.
If re-treatment is necessary, a break of at least 10 days should be taken, after which a specialist should be consulted. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will prescribe the reuse of the drug. However, if "Acyclovir" against papillomas was powerless, then stronger antibiotics are usually prescribed. Also, do not forget that frequent use of the drug reduces its effectiveness in the fight against the virus.
Contraindications and side effects
Now you know if Acyclovir helps with papillomas. However, do not forget that each drug has a certain list of contraindications (biologically active additives do not count). Therefore, before using the drug, be sure to read the instructions for the ointment or tablets in order to know for sure that the remedy will not harm you.

The list of contraindications looks something like this:
- cardiovascular diseases - the medicine can have a negative effect on the organs of the circulatory system;
- certain nervous disorders - if the active substance gets to the brain, it can provoke an increase in symptoms;
- kidney disease - acyclovir contributes to the fact that the body begins tos alts are deposited, which eventually turn into stones;
- lactation and pregnancy - although the drug is considered safe, it is still quickly absorbed into the bloodstream;
- individual intolerance to certain substances in the composition - can provoke the development of allergic reactions.
Also, we should not forget that, depending on the form of release, Acyclovir can also cause a number of side effects. Patients who take pills suffer the most. Taking the drug orally is accompanied by the following negative effects on the body:
- acute or aching pain in the kidneys - the consequences of s alt deposition;
- migraine attacks and headaches - typical for cores;
- drowsiness is a side effect of the main active ingredient;
- nausea and vomiting are signs of individual intolerance;
- diarrhea, diarrhea is a clear symptom of an overdose of the body;
- shortness of breath is an example of an allergic reaction in asthma.
If any side effects appear, you should stop taking the drug immediately, and also contact the clinic for help. Remember that in your body there may be diseases that you are not even aware of at the moment. Therefore, you should not joke with your he alth, especially if symptoms of a deterioration in well-being appear after taking the drug. This is fraught with an exacerbation of more serious ailments than the papillomavirus.
Rules for the use of the drug for a child
We thought about whether it is possible to treat with "Acyclovir"papillomas in children The manufacturer of the drug assures that the drug is allowed to be used only for those patients who are already 3 months old. However, even in this case, do not forget that the dosage should be calculated by a specialist. In addition, it is important to calculate the intervals between taking the drug so that the young organism does not receive an overdose.

In some cases (very rarely) the drug can be prescribed for a newborn baby. However, practice shows that such a need does not arise often, because the risk of side effects remains quite high. In addition, even a medical specialist will find it difficult to calculate the correct dosage of the active substance, since a huge number of tiny nuances will have to be taken into account.
Of course, some parents used the drug on their children and left comments on various forums after that. Most of them have the same phrase: "The remedy turned out to be very effective." However, in some cases, people themselves provoked the development of various complications. Therefore, do not forget that a child's body is not as strong as an adult's. Therefore, side effects from taking the drug occur much more often.
"Aciclovir" for venereal diseases
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the drug "Acyclovir" is most often prescribed by doctors in the event that it is necessary to get rid of the skin formation that has appeared on the genitals. howas a rule, a venereologist will recommend an ointment as an auxiliary drug, since along with warts a whole “bouquet” of other, more serious diseases often appears. So, if you have a papilloma on the genitals, contact a specialist immediately, as a more serious viral infection may be present in the body.

As for the application of the ointment, everything is quite simple - you just need to follow the instructions for the drug, and also take into account the recommendations of a specialist. As a rule, "Acyclovir" is applied in a thin layer not only to the wart itself, but also to the entire area within a radius of 5 centimeters from it, in order to prevent the spread of the virus throughout the body. The procedure is repeated after an hour. An overdose is unlikely to occur in the very first days after applying the ointment, so one should not be afraid of the intensity of treatment. However, most experts recommend not using the ointment for more than 10 days in a row. An exception can be made only after the permission of a medical specialist.
Reviews of doctors and patients
Many people use "Acyclovir" to treat papillomas. This fact could not but be reflected in the number of reviews left by patients on various medical forums and sites where you can buy a drug. Especially for our readers, dozens of laudatory and negative comments about this drug have been studied to make it easier for you to understand what people like and dislike.

Many patients leave their testimonials after they have cured their warts with Acyclovir. Most of them were extremely pleased with the effect of the drug, however, some people note that skin growths began to form again after a few months. Although this trend is observed, as a rule, only to those people who used the ointment exclusively. The pills helped people forget about the virus for many years.
Some patients are extremely uncomfortable with the fact that they have to get rid of warts within a week or even 10 days. Adherents of alternative medicine note that it will be much more effective to use vinegar or garlic, which will allow you to get rid of the growth in a day or two. However, I would like to remind such patients that folk remedies eliminate only the external manifestations of the virus and do not fight the root of the problem.
But the cost of the drug, perhaps, pleased almost everyone. If you believe the Internet reviews, the ointment from papillomas "Acyclovir" can be bought for only 15 rubles in almost every pharmacy. Tablets are also quite cheap: from 18 to 30 rubles (depending on the quantity). However, there is absolutely nothing surprising in low prices, because in addition to the active substance, the drug contains practically no other ingredients.
As for the feedback from medical professionals, they (for the most part) come down to the same thing: "In order to forget about warts forever, you must not only fight the virus, but also take something to strengthenimmunity. "And these words contain a simple truth. After all, a person will sooner or later become infected with the virus again. However, warts will not appear on the body until the body's protective functions cope with papilloma.
Analogues of the drug
Ointment against papillomas "Acyclovir" is far from the only remedy that helps fight skin formations and the virus. Also in pharmacies you can find more expensive analogues that contain several active substances at once. The list contains only the main ointments, which are often used as an alternative to Acyclovir.
- "Aldara". The composition of the drug contains imiquimod, a powerful antiviral substance that also activates the protective functions of the body. The ointment must be applied for 3 times a week, leaving it to soak for 6-10 hours. It is most effective to carry out this procedure before going to bed, after wrapping the area, which is abundantly smeared with ointment.
- "Viferon". As part of this drug, you can find interferon - a special protein that is designed to activate the human immune system, due to which the fight against viruses is accelerated several times. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to smear the warts 3-4 times a day for one week (but no more).
- Gel "Panavir". Another drug containing in its composition a plant extract that blocks the development of not only viruses, but also various bacteria. well andnatural ingredients can strengthen the immune system, as well as get rid of various skin formations caused by papilloma. The product is applied 2 times a day.
As for analogues to tablets, there are also a huge number of them: "Likopid", "Galavit", "Cycloferon", "Groprinosin", "Isoprinosine". However, especially for our readers, the reviews that patients leave about these funds were studied. Most of them agree that all these medicines are overpriced, since the effect of their use is the same as after taking Acyclovir.
Can the medicine be used for preventive purposes?
Some people may wonder, "If I put Acyclovir on papillomas, can I use it to prevent future warts?" It should be understood that this tool is not intended for preventive purposes, however, the effect of such an event will still be. But how sure can you be that your body will not suddenly experience a severe overdose of acyclovir in the future? In addition, do not forget that sooner or later addiction will develop to the drug.

Therefore, instead of using a remedy for prevention, it is best to follow a number of other, more adequate procedures:
- Regular examination of the body and testing. Such actions will help to find out in time thatpapilloma virus is present in the body. The sooner you start to fight it, the less likely it is that warts will begin to appear on the body.
- Increase immunity in various ways. This includes the intake of vitamin complexes, as well as the use of various products aimed at increasing the protective functions of the body: garlic, fresh fruits and vegetables, cottage cheese, nuts, and so on.
- Avoid unprotected sex. In most cases, the cause of the formation of warts on the genitals is that the patient had unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the virus. It should be understood that we can talk not only about casual relationships, but also sex with a spouse.
- Pay attention to personal hygiene. The papilloma virus can be transmitted even through a simple handshake. However, if a person follows the rules of personal hygiene, then the risk of infection will be much less. So wash your hands often and use only your personal towel.
- Use traditional medicine for prevention. Even some medical experts note that various infusions, decoctions and poultices can be very effective for preventive purposes. Therefore, find an effective folk recipe and use it.
As you can see, in order to protect your body from the virus, it is not at all necessary to drink Acyclovir tablets or smear with ointment. In some cases, there are simple ways to reduce the risk of warts. Most importantly, follow all of the above rules regularly, not just once in a while. In addition, preventionwill be useless if several growths have already formed on the body. In this case, you will have to go to the hospital for help.
We hope that the prepared article has helped you better understand how Acyclovir treats papillomas on the body and intimate places in children and adults. Of course, you can find a more expensive drug that not only fights the virus, but also boosts the human immune system. However, Acyclovir copes with its main task excellently. This is evidenced by the huge number of online reviews, as well as the fact that the drug is recommended by most medical professionals. However, do not forget that the best treatment is prevention. Follow the basic rules described in the article, and then warts will never bother you. Well, if this happens, just use Acyclovir after reading the instructions in advance and consulting with an experienced specialist.