Deformations of the gallbladder in medical practice are not considered to be any disease, since they are congenital or acquired features of this organ. Nevertheless, patients with such pathologies need to carefully monitor their diet, physical and digestive stress, etc.
Causes of occurrence
Factors and causes that could precede the deformation of the gallbladder (ICD Q44.1) can be quite a lot. As a rule, they are divided into those that were formed during fetal development, and those that appeared in the process of life.

Birth defect
Congenital malformations of the gallbladder may appear as a result of any violations during the period of bearing a child. In addition, a factor in the formation of such defects may be hereditary predisposition, abuse of nicotine, alcoholic beverages, increased physical activity.
Thus, in medical science, a specific list of factors for the development of gallbladder deformities is defined, which includes:
- Inflammatory processes of a chronic type occurring in the biliary tract.
- Stones in the bile ducts or in the bladder itself.
- Regular episodes of overeating, as well as strict diets followed by bouts of binge eating, any change in eating behavior.
- Increased physical activity on the abdominal muscles.
- Loosen the aperture.
- Adhesion processes.
- Various diseases of the digestive organs.
- Bile duct dyskinesia.
- Benign or malignant tumor processes.
Gallbladder deformities can also be caused by age-related changes, since older people often experience prolapse of certain internal organs, in particular the gallbladder. Most often, such a problem develops due to hernias of the abdominal wall, as well as after some surgical interventions on internal organs.
Symptoms that occur with various deformities of the gallbladder depend, as a rule, on the rate of development of the pathological process. If such an organ defect appears abruptly, then its signs can be expressed in the form of increasing pain in the gallbladder, as well as the liver.
Signs of gallbladder deformity are important to identify in a timely manner.
At the same time, the patient develops yellowness of the mucous membranes and skin,frequent bouts of nausea, a feeling of disgust for food, and in some cases, the temperature may rise to subfebrile levels. With deep palpation in the projection of the liver, a person feels severe pain, and when examining the tongue, there is a dense yellow coating.
If the deformation of the gallbladder is formed gradually, then the signs of this pathology may appear simultaneously with a violation of the throughput function of the biliary tract, which led to a change in the shape of the organ.

When the deformity develops gradually, the following symptoms may occur:
- Faecal discoloration.
- Decrease or loss of appetite.
- The appearance of fatty elements in the feces.
- Gradual weight loss.
Patients whose gallbladder deformity develops slowly may indicate a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, pain in the form of burning pain throughout the small intestine, as well as a variety of dyspeptic disorders.
Some danger is represented by such a phenomenon as necrosis of the cervical region of the gallbladder, which occurs, as a rule, as a result of a long-term change in the shape of this organ. This pathological condition can provoke tissue death and penetration of bile fluid into the abdominal cavity, which, in turn, can cause the development of peritonitis, leading in most cases to death, especially if the patient is not provided with timely assistance.
Consider the deformationgallbladder with an inflection.
Killing the gallbladder
Given the anatomical data, the gallbladder can be divided into three parts: the body of the bladder, the cervical region and the bottom. The most common deformation of the gallbladder is its inflection between the bottom and the body. This pathological phenomenon is clinically characterized by the occurrence of nausea, increased sweating, acute pain in the right hypochondrium, and such pains are given to the costal and scapular region. It is also possible to change the complexion, weight loss. The lack of medical support in such a situation can lead to very negative consequences.
Multiple deformations of the gallbladder through kinks, when the shape of this organ is disturbed in several places at the same time, also occurs, but much less frequently. Such a pathology contributes to an increase in the size of the gallbladder, the development of a disease such as calculous cholecystitis, the formation of an adhesive process, and impaired blood flow in the liver. The patient's condition is usually severe, and it proceeds with severe symptoms of dyspepsia and is accompanied by acute pain.

Labile deformation
This type of gallbladder disorder is noted quite often. This pathology is a temporary disorder that occurs, as a rule, during excessive physical exertion, after lifting weights, and also for some other reasons. Similar violationis rarely accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms and in most cases resolves on its own after a while.
What is gallbladder neck deformity?
Cervical deformation
No less frequent occurrence is another variant of the changed form - this is the deformation of the anatomical structure of the gallbladder in the neck. This usually occurs against the background of sluggish chronic inflammation, such as cholecystitis. In this case, the pathological process extends to the outer walls of the gallbladder: in this case, adhesive formations are formed, which lead to anatomical changes in the organ. This condition contributes to disorders of the digestive processes and even changes in the composition of the bile excreted. In some cases of neck deformation, the walls of the organ are completely twisted around its axis.
In this situation, prolapse of some abdominal organs may develop, which can also be caused by excessive and prolonged physical exertion. Another reason for this kind of deformation of the bladder, many clinicians consider the elongation of the cervical region of this organ, as well as its sagging. In more rare cases, there is multiple twisting of the gallbladder in the cervical region, and this phenomenon is considered the most critical, as it inevitably leads to disruption of blood flow to the organ.
Deformation of the gallbladder wall
This phenomenon cannot be called very common, but it also occurs in cases of chronic forms of cholecystitis, and this is due, mainlyway, with sclerotic changes in the vessels of the walls of the gallbladder or with the formation of adhesive disease in the area of its bottom. This pathology can be easily diagnosed during ultrasound diagnostics, when specific parietal cavities, protrusions, and calcium deposits near the walls are visually observed, which in general is reflected in the overall clinical picture.

Let's talk about the contour deformation of the gallbladder.
Contour deformation
The so-called contour deformation of the gallbladder also belongs to the varieties of violations of the anatomy of the gallbladder. The essence of such a violation is clear from the name itself - there is a violation of the contours of this body. In its normal form, the gallbladder looks like a pear-shaped formation, which is connected to the liver with its lower part. With contour deformations, the outlines of the bubble change to some extent. This can be triggered by chronic inflammatory processes or a violation of the outflow of bile.
Usually severe deformity is accompanied by sharp pains, which most often occur after eating, stress or lifting weights. But often such a defect is discovered quite by accident and may not affect the digestion process and the general condition of the patient. However, many people over time note a violation of the motor functions of the gastrointestinal system, the formation of stones or microcrystalline sediment in the gallbladder, the occurrence of cholecystitis. The risk of developing complications is due tothe degree of the deformation itself, its nature, as well as the diet and lifestyle of the patient.
S-shaped warp
This violation is a double inflection of the bladder in the shape of the letter S. Most often, this pathology is congenital and occurs due to the influence of hereditary factors. Somewhat less commonly, an acquired S-shaped deformity can be observed, which occurs when the growth of the gallbladder begins to outstrip the formation of other organs.

Deformity in adults
In adult patients, a violation of the anatomy of the gallbladder can occur as a result of cholecystitis, as well as after Botkin's disease. It is possible that the deformity is congenital, just until the moment of detection, the patient was never informed about its presence. Symptoms in this case are as follows: nausea, vomiting, pain in the epigastric region and in the right hypochondrium, flatulence, sweating, constipation or diarrhea.
If there is stool retention, then this may be a sign of inflammation in the gallbladder or the development of calculous cholecystitis, which is characterized by the formation of stones in the organ.
How is the deformation of the gallbladder in a child?
Deformity in children
Currently, specialists often diagnose deformations of the structure of the gallbladder in childhood. Most often, such a disease is observed in adolescence, when, as a result of prolonged congestion, with the active growth of the body, an inflammatory process develops. The main factor in the development of this phenomenon canbecome dyskinesia of the bile ducts, or the formation of sandy or stone-like deposits in the bladder.
However, most often the deformation of the gallbladder in a child is congenital, otherwise its causes may be:
- Inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.
- Violation of the outflow of bile.
- Pathologies of the biliary system.

At the same time, the child complains of aching pain on the right side, loss of appetite, bitterness in the mouth, belching, bouts of nausea. Soreness can be associated with eating, overeating and exercise.
How to treat the deformation of the gallbladder, the doctor will tell.
If the deformation of this organ affects the excretion of bile, then the formation of biliary stagnation is possible. This can serve as a basis for the development of inflammatory reactions in the organ with the further formation of stones in the bladder. Stagnation can also occur due to folds in the bladder and folds. Twisting of the bladder and complete bending can provoke a prolonged circulatory disorder in the abdominal organs, and over time this process can develop into necrosis of the bladder tissues, the release of bile secretion and perforation of its walls. As a result, bile peritonitis begins, which causes significant intoxication with a violation of homeostasis.

What is the treatment for gallbladder deformity?
Therapy is as follows:
- Compliance with bed rest during the acute period.
- Drinking plenty of fluids.
- Special diet.
- Taking analgesics and antispasmodics. In the acute period, intramuscular use of drotaverine is recommended.
- Use of atropine sulfate 0.1%, and in more severe pathological conditions, "Tramadol" is used.
- Taking antibacterial medications (cephalosporins, ampicillins).
- Anti-fungal treatment.
- Using probiotics.
- In the presence of intoxication - detoxification therapy.
- The use of choleretic agents, in particular after the elimination of the acute period - Gepabene, Flamin, Nicodin.