Cough is a common symptom of colds. It can be wet or dry, compulsive or productive, acute or chronic. Only a doctor can determine the nature of the cough. Depending on the origin of the symptom, the patient is prescribed certain drugs. One of the most frequently recommended is Bronchipret. Analogues of the drug and instructions for its use will be presented to your attention in the article. Before taking the medication, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of its effect on the body.

Description of Bronchipret medicine
Analogues of this medication will be presented to your review later in the article. But first you need to know about the drug itself. Drops and syrup "Bronchipret" are produced in Germany by the company "Bionorica". The composition includes natural plant components: thyme herb extract and ivy leaves in the form of a liquid extract. Additional compounds may be present depending on the form of the drug. Contains medicine and ethanol, but its quantitynegligible, so you should not worry about the negative effects of this substance. You can buy the Bronchipret drug in every pharmacy at an affordable price: no more than 300 rubles per 50 milliliters. You do not need a prescription from a doctor. On the good side, this medicine has proven itself in recent years, the demand for it is growing.
Action and indications
Drops and syrup, when used correctly, have an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Due to the components included in the composition, the agent reduces the viscosity of the resulting mucus, accelerates its evacuation. Also, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and a bronchodilator effect. The work of the medicine is due to the substances of plant origin included in it.
Assigned "Bronchipret" cough with different types of this symptom. Doctors recommend taking medicine for acute and chronic inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. These include bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, and so on.

Contraindications for use
If you have at least one contraindication, then you should not take Bronchipret syrup. Analogues in such a situation are selected by a specialist in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Substitute medicines may be herbal or chemical.
Instructions for use do not recommend the use of the medicine by people who are allergic to its components. The drug is not prescribed for children under the age of three months. Due to the fact thatthe drug contains ethanol in its composition, it should not be used for diseases of the liver and kidneys, alcoholism. Expectant mothers are not prescribed the remedy due to the lack of clinical studies on this group of patients. Do not use compound if you are driving or engaging in hazardous activities.

Herbal Substitutes
If for some reason you are unable to purchase Bronchipret medicine, you can choose an analogue among a large number of herbal medicines. In a pharmacy, you can purchase a herbal remedy, which contains ivy leaves and thyme grass. The effect of using it will be similar.
A popular substitute for the original remedy is Sinupret. "Bronchipret" is produced by the same company as this analogue. The drug "Sinupret" has a sputum thinning effect and relieves inflammation. The difference between medicines is that the analogue acts more on the upper respiratory tract. It is used for sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Herbal analogue of the drug - "Gerbion". This syrup has several types, each of which is designed for a specific type of cough.

Other analogues
For those people who are contraindicated in Bronchipret, an analogue can be selected based on another active substance. Such medicines have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect. Medicines are available in the form of syrups, drops, tablets, inhalationsolutions.
Medications "Ambroxol" and "Ambrobene" are very popular. Not less often replace "Bronchipret" with "Lazolvan". Also, as an alternative, you can choose "Bromhexine", ACC and so on. Remember that only a specialist should select a replacement, as the wrong choice of medication can only aggravate your well-being.
"Bronchipret": instructions for use (for children and adults)
The drug is prescribed for oral administration. The dose of the drug is determined by the age of the patient. You already know that "Bronchipret" instructions for use for children recommend only from three months. At this age, the child is en titled to 10 to 16 drops of the drug. After a year, a single dose of the drug will be 17 drops. You need to take the remedy three times a day. Adults are advised to take 50 drops of the medicine. Appointments are made three times a day for all patients.
You can also calculate the amount of medication by body weight. Detailed instructions are written in the annotation. After a year, children are prescribed 1 drop for each kilogram of weight and add another 10. The medication can be measured with a special glass or spoon. In this case, the doses will be as follows:
- children under 3, 3 ml;
- from year to two 6.6 ml;
- from two to six years old 9.6ml;
- 6 to 12 years old 12.9ml;
- after 12 years and adult patients recommend 16.2 ml.
The indicated daily allowances must be divided into three equal doses. The therapeutic course lasts an average of 10-14 days. If necessary, it can be repeated periodicallydoctor's recommendation.

More information and tips
- Medication "Bronchipret" with long-term use and storage may become cloudy, but this does not affect the effectiveness of medicinal substances. Shake bottle before next use.
- Do not use the drug for more than two weeks in a row. If relief has not come during this period, then you should see a doctor.
- Do not combine medication with antitussives. They delay the release of sputum and prevent its formation. This kind of therapy will only hurt you.
- Do not forget about the presence of ethanol in the drug. This component cannot be combined with some antibacterial medicines, as well as compounds that have a hepatotoxic effect.
- The drug is well combined with most other medicines, so it can be used for complex treatment.
Interesting drug opinions
Positive feedback is received by the drug "Bronchipret". Patients like it because it has a natural composition. Many consumers prefer this particular drug over another. Pleased with the price of the drug.

Those people who took the medicine talk about its unpleasant taste. It is due to the presence of ethanol in the herbal remedy. Users say that a noticeable effect is felt after 1-3 days of regular use. The cough becomes milder. The sputum is easily separated and coughed up. Unlike other medicines (for example, Lazolvan or Ambroxol), this remedy does not cause a copious release of mucus. This is very good, because the child begins to choke from sputum.
There are patients who are dissatisfied with the medication. They developed an allergic reaction during treatment. Doctors report that this is an individual feature of the body. It is worth remembering this phenomenon for the future. There are also consumers reporting that cough drops and syrup have caused them stomach pain. It appears due to irritation of the stomach with ethyl alcohol. When such effects appear, doctors recommend taking the medicine during a meal or immediately after it. Experts encourage to combine treatment with the use of large amounts of fluid. Then the effect will be stronger, as the mucous membranes will be filled with moisture. For children, the medication can be diluted with water or tea. Also, the child needs to take medicine.

It is better not to treat a cough on your own - all doctors warn about this. Productive spasm of the bronchi with the formation of sputum cannot be stopped with antitussive drugs. They will only aggravate the patient's condition. Bronchipret is indicated for the treatment of cough in adults and young children. But it should only be taken on the recommendation of a doctor.
Do not assume that the natural composition and the presence of positive reviews guarantees you complete safety. Think twice before usingcough remedy on its own. Have a good he alth, do not get sick!