What to do if you want to smoke: effective ways and real advice

What to do if you want to smoke: effective ways and real advice
What to do if you want to smoke: effective ways and real advice

The main rule for those people who quit smoking is not to succumb to temptation. But what if you want to smoke? First of all, it is necessary to drive this thought that has appeared, and also not to make any compromise. First of all, correct thinking plays a special role in this case. It is on the mood of a person that it will depend on whether he can overcome a strong tobacco addiction. Thoughts should be chosen like things in a closet. If you have the idea that nothing will happen from one cigarette, then it should be immediately thrown out of your head. Psychologists, answering the question of what to do if you want to smoke, say that you should not feel sorry for yourself when this desire appeared. It is about this problem that we will talk in our article.

Switch attention

Let's take a closer look at what to do if you feel like smoking. To facilitate such breaking, you need to switch your attention. If you really want to smoke, then you need to try to discardthis thought. In such a situation, you should be distracted by other things, abstract. If you don't know what to do, if you want to smoke, then you need to sharpen your mind on some trifle, for example, on an insect that crawls along the ceiling. Try to examine it in detail, count the paws, consider the color. The more time you think about the insect, the faster your craving for nicotine will weaken.

But don't try to focus on anything in particular, otherwise you'll end up with the so-called white monkey effect. In psychology, it is customary to call a reception when the patient is told that he should think of at least something other than a white monkey. Of course, in this case, a person’s thought focuses precisely on primacy.

book reading
book reading

We continue to consider what to do if you really want to smoke. You should try to switch your attention by changing activities. Experts in this case advise jumping if you have a craving for nicotine. The fact is that physical activity improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the physical and emotional state. In addition, a month of such jumps allows you to lose weight and adjust your figure.

What to do if you want to smoke heavily? You can use running for these purposes. The greater the load, the less often you will have thoughts about cigarettes. The fact is that sports are distracting, so experts recommend doing them in case of every desire to smoke. If you do not have conditions forrunning, then at home you can squat or do push-ups.

It is important to note that the sweat that appeared during exercise helps to clear the body of nicotine and other substances that have formed there during smoking. When the body is freed from all harmful substances, getting rid of addiction will be much easier.

If you constantly want to smoke, what to do? Sports can also be replaced by doing some household chores, such as cleaning. You can dust, wash your clothes, making it easier to get through this nicotine withdrawal.


Experts who have thoroughly studied the problem of tobacco addiction recommend waiting 15 minutes if you really want to smoke. What to do in this case? How to wait? To shorten this agonizing time, you can use some tricks, such as keeping a diary.

keeping a personal diary
keeping a personal diary

At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the thicker this diary is, the better it will be for you. It is necessary to write about the need for cigarettes, in no case print it. If the hand is occupied with a pen or pencil, it will seem as if you are holding a cigarette. In your diary, you should describe the entire reaction of the body, which was provoked by the rejection of nicotine. You can also point out what helps you get through tough times and overcome cravings.

Put your hands up

I always want to smoke. What to do in this case? Most people on the planet smoke for the simple reason that they are used to doing it. many find somethinginteresting in the ritual of smoking. Such a habit dictates to pick up a cigarette, set it on fire, take a puff. The body begins to demand this manipulation.

Skilled experts recommend not depriving themselves of the favorite process, but it should be replaced with something less dangerous. For example, instead of a cigarette, you can use a lollipop. This will be especially relevant for those cases if a person has quit smoking and wants to eat. What to do in this case? How to eat sweets so that you do not want to smoke? The main thing in this case is to perform the same actions that you perform when smoking. Take the candy out of the package, simulate setting it on fire, and put the lollipop in your mouth. This ritual should be performed at least 3 times a day. This practice may be ridiculous, but the desire to smoke will pass quickly. The same result can be achieved if you use nuts in the shell, as well as unshelled seeds.


Many smokers ask the following question: "I'm quitting smoking, I'm constantly hungry. What should I do in this case?" As mentioned earlier, if there is a strong craving for food or smoking, then the appetite can be killed with seeds, sweets. You can also use simple chewing gum for these purposes. Be sure this product should taste pleasant, like the smoker. Gum occupies the mouth, and focusing on the taste will quell the cravings for nicotine. However, this method has one drawback - the smoker's hands remain free, and this suggests that the ritual of the smoking process is not completelyis being recreated. In such situations, you can use, for example, a rosary. Fingering the beads will distract your fingers and allow you to abstract from your surroundings.

colored chewing gum
colored chewing gum


If you constantly want to smoke and you want to get rid of this habit, you should reconsider your self-esteem. Experts have proven that many people get used to this bad habit for the reason that with a cigarette they look more successful, sexy and we althy.

Using herbal medicines if you quit smoking

People who have had this addiction for a long time always want to smoke. The fact is that nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes, constricts blood vessels, resulting in temporary oxygen starvation. The person feels a certain relaxation at the moment. The central nervous system without the intake of tobacco becomes excited. But if you feel like smoking, how to replace cigarettes and relax? Quite effective are soothing teas, which reduce the craving for nicotine at a time when a person loses this habit. Answering in more detail the question of how to replace cigarettes when you want to smoke, it should be noted that drinks can be prepared based on the following berries and herbs:

  • mint;
  • St. John's wort;
  • ledum;
  • melissa;
  • air;
  • hawthorn;
  • ginger root.

St. John's wort tea

Preparing a drink based on St. John's wort is very simple. You can make this teawith the following ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon dried St. John's wort;
  • 2 teaspoons of green tea;
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon balm;
  • 1 teaspoon linden flowers.

These herbs, except for tea, are poured with one glass of boiling water, after which they are infused for about 10 minutes. After this time, green tea is added to the finished mixture. The resulting drink must be insisted for another 5 minutes. After that, natural honey must be added to it to taste. The resulting tea is used 1/3 cup three times a day.

It should be noted that quite often, oregano is used during quitting smoking. This herb is able to restore the nervous system and strengthen the body as a whole.

Cup of tea
Cup of tea

Sedation gathering

To avoid nervous concussions while quitting smoking, you can use a sedative collection. To prepare it, you need to take oregano, peppermint leaves, St. John's wort and chamomile. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts, after which the mixture in the amount of one tablespoon is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. After that, the drug is filtered, honey is added to taste. The finished drink calms the nerves, allows a person who quits smoking not to break loose.


Motherwort is a rather effective sedative. To prepare an effective composition, you need to take equal amounts of cudweed, hawthorn flowers, motherwort and chamomile. Fresh or dry plants should be poured with hot boiling waterand insist 15 minutes. You need to drink this liquid in half a glass three times a day. The finished drink helps to cope with stress, as well as overcome the desire to smoke.

Another herbal tea

To overcome nicotine cravings, you can use another effective herbal preparation. To prepare it, you need to take 3 tablespoons of oregano, two tablespoons of sweet clover, the same amount of hawthorn, and one tablespoon of valerian root. Raw materials are poured with boiling water, insisted for half an hour. After that, the drink is filtered through gauze. The finished drug is consumed before meals three times a day.

quit smoking
quit smoking


Valerian is especially popular among all sedatives. The root of this plant should be mixed in equal proportions with lemon balm and motherwort. From the raw materials obtained, an excellent medicine is obtained that relieves stress. All herbs are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Ready infusion is recommended to use three times a day, one large spoon.

Breathing exercises

A special breathing method also allows you to induce relaxation, which is similar to the effect after smoking a cigarette. When the craving for smoking begins to gain momentum, you should go outside and stand in an upright position. Your back should be as straight as possible. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for about 5 seconds. While exhaling, hold the air for a second time for 2 seconds. You may experience slight dizziness after this exercise.

There is also another version of more complex gymnastics. Air is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth. After a while, the pace should be increased. Such an exercise should last in several approaches. Each phase should have 30 exhalations and inhalations. Be sure to take a break between sets. Exercise will provide you with a strong rush of blood to the brain, as well as bring relief. As a rule, after such gymnastics, you want to smoke less.

respiratory gymnastics
respiratory gymnastics

Those people who have a long history of smoking can use the following technique. Straighten your back. Stand up or sit on a chair. Position is irrelevant in this case. Inhale and exhale for 4 counts. During inhalation, first of all, it is necessary to fill the lower region of the lungs, while the stomach should be slightly protruding. In the second stage, the chest rises. During this, a wave should pass through the body. On exhalation, this flow goes back, that is, to the stomach from the chest and to the chest from the stomach. To achieve the maximum effect, the entire cycle is repeated again.

Giving dislike to tobacco

You can create a dislike for nicotine and suppress the desire to smoke another cigarette with a simple traditional medicine. To do this, tobacco products should be soaked in fresh milk. Then dry them and return them to the pack. When you want to smoke again, you need to light the cigarette and take a deep puff. As a rule, tobacco from milk becomes so bitter that you lose the desire to smoke.

In some cases, to fight off this harmfulhabit, you can ruin the flavor of tobacco products. As a rule, for this, cigarettes are placed in a jar and filled with water. If there is a desire to smoke, then you should open the jar and inhale this smell with full breasts. The thought of smoking disappears instantly.

aversion to tobacco
aversion to tobacco

In conclusion, it is worth noting that drugs have good results in suppressing the signs of nicotine withdrawal. However, for this purpose, you should visit a narcologist, because only a specialist is able to choose the most suitable effective remedy for the patient in the fight against this bad habit.
