How to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation: norm, deviations, example

How to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation: norm, deviations, example
How to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation: norm, deviations, example

Starting from the moment of puberty, every girl is faced with the so-called menstruation. It is a kind of signal that the body has matured. After the first menstruation, a girl can become pregnant. With a certain interval of time, new processes begin to take place in her body. For example, cyclic maturation of eggs. That is why it is important to know how to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation. Relevant information is useful for every girl.

How to correctly count monthly - ways
How to correctly count monthly - ways


First you need to understand what menstruation is in general. This is the name for the exfoliation of the uterine mucosa and its removal from the body in a natural way. Similar processes are accompanied by spotting.

Menstruation in a he althy woman happens with a certain frequency. After it, the maturation of the egg begins, its tearing out and travel through the fallopian tubes, as well as death in case of unfertilization.

Every woman should navigate the menstrual cycle. This will help you understand howavoid unwanted pregnancies, and when certain tests can be done. In addition, the failure of menstruation can indicate problems with the body or the presence of pregnancy. But how to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation?

Phases of the menstrual cycle
Phases of the menstrual cycle

When not to do calculations

First of all, you will have to figure out in which cases it is pointless to try to carry out calculations. The thing is that it is far from always possible to successfully cope with the task.

Girls begin menstruation at puberty. Each moment of arrival of the first critical days comes in different ways: for someone - at 9 years old, for someone - at 12, for someone - at 14.

It is during this period that you should not think about how to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation. Some time after the first menstruation, it will be established. He can "jump".

How long does the formation of the cycle take? Each organism is individual. On average, you need to wait about 6-12 months from the moment of the first menstruation. Only after that, the girl will be able to say with confidence that she has established critical days.

From what day do they count

How to calculate the cycle between periods? In a he althy girl, as a rule, the time interval between critical days will be the same. Therefore, it is not so difficult to cope with the task.

Contacting a doctor
Contacting a doctor

First of all, you need to understand from which day the cycle is counted. It is considered to be from the moment of the onset of menstruation. The cycle endsnext critical days. This is the foundation that every girl needs to remember. Otherwise, there is a considerable probability of making an error in the calculations.

What you need for calculations

How to correctly calculate the cycle between periods? Some believe that critical days come once a month, at the same time. But actually it is not. Monthly on calendar dates are shifted in one direction or another. Only the interval between two menstrual bleedings remains the same.

To properly cope with the task, you will have to prepare:

  • calendar;
  • pen or pencil;
  • notebook (recommended).

Some use special web services to calculate the monthly cycle, determine ovulation, as well as the day when the next menstruation comes. You can find such utilities on women's sites. They will be discussed later.

Cycle calculation with calendar

I wonder how to calculate the monthly cycle in women? As soon as all the components listed above are ready, you can begin to take decisive action.

How long is a woman's monthly cycle
How long is a woman's monthly cycle

To achieve the desired result, you will need to do the following:

  1. Mark the first day of your period on your calendar with a pen or pencil.
  2. Mark the first day of the next critical days.
  3. Calculate in a notebook the number of days between two periods.

The resulting figure is the menstrual cycle. Only before calculating it will have to be entered intocalendar information about the beginning of menstruation for 3-6 months. Only in this case can we hope to obtain reliable data. How to calculate the day of the menstrual cycle?

If same day

It also happens that a woman's critical days come at the same time. For example, on the 12th. What does it mean? Is it worth worrying about the state of the body?

No, this is quite normal, although not very common. Under such circumstances, you do not have to once again think about how to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation. The counting example above is not required.

The thing is that if menstruation begins on the same date, a woman's cycle is 30-31 days. This means that there is no need to use the calendar method.

How to count monthly
How to count monthly

Important: do not calculate several cycles ahead. Information may not be accurate.

About duration

It is worth paying attention to the fact that each woman's menstruation is set individually: both its intensity (abundance of bleeding and discomfort), and duration, and cyclicity. But there are also some norms for the monthly cycle. It is recommended to be guided by both girls and medical specialists.

A normal menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. On average, in women, the interval between the start of two periods is 28-30 days. This is a normal cycle.

If it is less than 21 days, it is considered that the woman's cycle is short. In this case, they mayproblems arise when conceiving a child and passing tests. It is recommended to see a doctor if there is very little difference between a girl's periods.

The period between critical days is more than 35 days. As a rule, it does not cause significant problems for a woman. It is enough just to get used to the fact that menstruation comes with a large interval.

What is not considered a deviation

How to calculate the cycle of menstruation? An example of a calendar count was presented to your attention above. This principle will help you understand when to expect the next menstruation in one case or another.

The body rarely works like clockwork. It can fail under the influence of external factors. Moreover, critical days can come with a slight delay. They are allowed to start ahead of schedule.

A normal deviation is a week from the established menstrual cycle. If your period comes 7 days earlier or later than the due time, there is no reason to panic. A larger deviation from the norm should alert. This is a good reason to visit a doctor.


Not every woman manages to understand how to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation. As already mentioned, this period is individual for everyone. Ideally, it is established during puberty, sometimes shifting in one direction or another. But it also happens that some people fail to make the appropriate calculations.

Some girls have irregular periods. The cycle under such circumstances can be from 14 to 35 days and even more. This situation isgood reason to visit a doctor. The exception is the period of the formation of the cycle in adolescent girls.

Ways to count the menstrual cycle
Ways to count the menstrual cycle

What can affect the cycle

The menstrual period is a constant value, but only ideally. In fact, it varies depending on many factors. Under certain circumstances, critical days start much earlier or later than the due time.

At the moment, the main factors influencing menstruation are:

  • stress;
  • strict diet;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • experiences;
  • emotional shock (not necessarily negative);
  • taking medication;
  • hormonal failure;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • chronic diseases;
  • physical activity;
  • overwork;
  • recent illness.

Accordingly, if a woman has recently been ill, her menstrual cycle may be disturbed. If this happened once, there is no cause for concern. Otherwise, it is better to consult a gynecologist and get an examination.

Ovulation and cycle

Thinking about how to correctly calculate the cycle of menstruation, some girls try to cope with this task with the help of ovulation. This is the moment the egg leaves the follicle, the most favorable time for conception.

Usually, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It can be determined by external manifestations (for example, by abundant secretions and an increase in sexualattraction), as well as through a special test. It is used similar to a pregnancy test.

If a woman knows exactly when she ovulates, she can simply count the number of days between her and the start of her period. The resulting number of days to "measure" forward from ovulation. The result - this is the day when the critical days should come. It remains just to calculate the difference between the extreme monthly.

About online calculators

On a variety of women's sites you can find pregnancy calendars, monthly and ovulation calculators, services for determining the date of birth and conception, and more. All this makes life much easier for a woman.

Period calendar
Period calendar

To calculate the cycle using a special calculator, you need:

  1. Go to the site with the corresponding service.
  2. Indicate the dates of the start of menstruation for several months.
  3. Click on the button responsible for starting calculations.

In some cases, services offer to specify the average number of days between two cycles. In any case, it is now clear how to use the female calculator to determine the date of menstruation.

Important: programs that help answer how to correctly calculate the day of the menstrual cycle work in a similar way.